<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
<!--- Describe the change, including rationale and design decisions -->
**Add support for Discord:**
This PR,
- adds discord bot
- adds discord notifier
- adds required discord configurations into comm_config.yaml
- adds discordgo module into go.mod
- adds discord configs into all yaml files
If you are fixing an existing issue, please include "Fixes #nnn" in your
PR comment; and describe briefly what the change does.
<!--- Please list dependencies added with your change also -->
### Steps For Creation and Integration:
1. Reach https://discordapp.com/developers/applications
2. Create New Application named Botkube and add a bot named **Botkube** into the Application
3. Copy the Application **CLIENT ID** and place it under _Dischord.botid_ in comm-config.yaml
4. Copy Bot **TOKEN** and place it under _Dischord.token_ in comm-config.yaml
5. Generate the URL with suitable permissions using the OAuth2 URL Generator available under OAuth2 section to the add bot to your Discord server
6. Paste the generated URL in a new tab, select the discord sever to which you want to add the bot and Authorise Bot addition.
7. Create a new channel and/or copy the **CHANNEL ID** of an existing one that you want to use and place it under _Dischord.channel_
# Settings for Discord
enabled: true
token: 'DISCORD_TOKEN' # BotKube Bot Token
botid: 'DISCORD_BOT_ID' # BotKube Application Client ID
channel: 'DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID' # Discord Channel id for receiving BotKube alerts
notiftype: short # Change notification type short/long you want to receive. notiftype is optional and Default notification type is short (if not specified)
#### Note: Follow the first 4 mins of this [Video Tutorial](https://youtu.be/8o25pRbXdFw) to understand the process visually.
### Preview:
<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
- Add support for Microsoft Teams
- Multicluster support not available yet for Teams
Integration tests will be addressed with a separate issue. Blocked by https://github.com/infracloudio/msbotbuilder-go/issues/46Fixes#60
<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
<!--- Describe the change, including rationale and design decisions -->
Allow using AWS role or EC2 Instance role to generate session tokens for AWS credentials.
If you are fixing an existing issue, please include "Fixes #nnn" in your
PR comment; and describe briefly what the change does.
<!--- Please list dependencies added with your change also -->
<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
<!--- Describe the change, including rationale and design decisions -->
adding config values for helm deployments
If you are fixing an existing issue, please include "Fixes #nnn" in your
PR comment; and describe briefly what the change does.
adding config values for helm deployments
<!--- Please list dependencies added with your change also -->
Fixes #XXX
<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
- Feature Pull Request
<!--- Describe the change, including rationale and design decisions -->
Allows user to specify if Elasticsearch is hosted on AWS
- configuration fields have been added to specify if Elasticsearch is hosted on AWS
If you are fixing an existing issue, please include "Fixes #nnn" in your
PR comment; and describe briefly what the change does.
Includes feature which would allow botkube to send Kubernetes events to Elasticsearch hosted on AWS
* Uses AWS V4 signature to sign the http request
* Uses environment variables to pick AWS configurations
Secondly creates new index per day with index name suffixed as -DD-MM-YYYY
<!--- Please list dependencies added with your change also -->