REBAR := $(shell which rebar3 2>/dev/null || which ./rebar3) SUBMODULES = build_utils SUBTARGETS = $(patsubst %,%/.git,$(SUBMODULES)) UTILS_PATH := build_utils TEMPLATES_PATH := . # Name of the service SERVICE_NAME := bender # Service image default tag SERVICE_IMAGE_TAG ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) # The tag for service image to be pushed with SERVICE_IMAGE_PUSH_TAG ?= $(SERVICE_IMAGE_TAG) # Base image for the service BASE_IMAGE_NAME := service-erlang BASE_IMAGE_TAG := da0ab769f01b650b389d18fc85e7418e727cbe96 # Build image tag to be used BUILD_IMAGE_TAG := 442c2c274c1d8e484e5213089906a4271641d95e CALL_ANYWHERE := all submodules rebar-update compile xref lint dialyze start devrel release clean distclean check CALL_W_CONTAINER := $(CALL_ANYWHERE) test all: compile -include $(UTILS_PATH)/make_lib/ -include $(UTILS_PATH)/make_lib/ .PHONY: $(CALL_W_CONTAINER) # CALL_ANYWHERE $(SUBTARGETS): %/.git: % git submodule update --init $< touch $@ submodules: $(SUBTARGETS) rebar-update: $(REBAR) update compile: submodules rebar-update $(REBAR) compile xref: submodules $(REBAR) xref lint: elvis rock dialyze: $(REBAR) dialyzer check: xref lint dialyze start: submodules $(REBAR) run devrel: submodules $(REBAR) release release: distclean $(REBAR) as prod release clean: $(REBAR) clean distclean: $(REBAR) clean rm -rf _build # CALL_W_CONTAINER test: submodules $(REBAR) ct