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synced 2024-11-06 17:45:23 +00:00
332 lines
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332 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import yaml, sys, re
import requests
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json
def read_rule_file(path):
"""Open the file and load it to the variable. Return text"""
with open(path) as f:
rule_text = f.read()
#rule_text = f.read().replace('\n', '')
return rule_text
def read_yaml_file(path):
"""Open the yaml file and load it to the variable. Return created list"""
with open(path) as f:
yaml_fields = yaml.load_all(f.read())
buff_results = [x for x in yaml_fields]
if len(buff_results) > 1:
result = buff_results[0]
result['additions'] = buff_results[1:]
result = buff_results[0]
return result
def check_if_file_has_segments(filename):
"""Returns True or False"""
hasSegments = False
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
if re.match(r'^\-\-\-', line):
hasSegments = True
return hasSegments
def parse_segmented_yaml(filename):
"""Returns the list of parsed yaml segments
Segments divided by the line "---"
results = []
with open(filename) as f:
_ = ""
for line in f:
if re.match(r'^\-\-\-', line):
if len(_) > 0:
_ = ""
_ += line
_ += '\n'
return results
def get_page_id(apipath, auth, space, title):
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
url = apipath + "content"
space_page_url = url + '?spaceKey=' + space + '&title=' + title + '&expand=space'
response = requests.request(
return response.json()[u'results'][0][u'id']
def push_to_confluence(data, apipath, auth):
apipath = apipath if apipath[-1] == '/' else apipath+'/'
url = apipath + "content"
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
alldata = True
for i in ["title", "spacekey", "parentid", "confluencecontent"]:
if i not in data.keys():
alldata = False
if not alldata:
raise Exception("Not all data were provided in order to push the content to confluence")
payload = json.dumps( {
"title": "%s" % data["title"], # req
"type": "page", # req
"space": { # req
"key": "%s" % data["spacekey"]
"status": "current",
"ancestors": [
"id": "%s" % data["parentid"] # parent id
"body": { # req
"storage": {
"value": "%s" % data["confluencecontent"],
"representation": "storage"
} )
response = requests.request(
resp = json.loads(response.text)
if "data" in resp.keys():
if bool(resp["data"]["successful"]):
return "Page created"
cid = get_page_id(apipath, auth, data["spacekey"], data["title"])
response = requests.request(
url + "/%s?expand=body.storage" % str(cid),
resp = json.loads(response.text)
current_content = resp["body"]["storage"]["value"]
if current_content == data["confluencecontent"]:
return "No update required"
response = requests.request(
url + "/%s/version" % str(cid),
resp = json.loads(response.text)
i = 0
for item in resp["results"]:
if int(item["number"]) > i:
i = int(item["number"])
i += 1 #update by one
payload = json.dumps( {
"title": "%s" % data["title"], # req
"type": "page", # req
"space": { # req
"key": "%s" % data["spacekey"]
"status": "current",
"ancestors": [
"id": "%s" % data["parentid"] # parent id
"body": { # req
"storage": {
"value": "%s" % data["confluencecontent"],
"representation": "storage"
"version": {"number": "%s" % str(i)}
} )
response = requests.request(
url + "/%s" % str(cid),
return "Page updated"
elif "status" in resp.keys():
if resp["status"] == "current":
return "Page created"
return "Something unexpected happened.."
def load_yamls(path):
yamls = [join(path, f) for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) if f.endswith('.yaml') or f.endswith('.yml')]
result = []
for yaml in yamls:
except ScannerError:
raise ScannerError('yaml is bad! %s' % yaml)
return result
def map_sigma_logsource_fields_to_real_world_names(logsource_dict):
"""Get sigma logsource dict and rename key/values into our model, so we could use it for Data Needed calculation"""
proper_logsource_dict = logsource_dict
sigma_to_real_world_mapping = {
'sysmon': 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational',
'security': 'Security',
'system': 'System',
'product': 'platform',
'windows': 'Windows',
'service': 'channel'
# @yugoslavskiy: I am not sure about this list(proper_logsource_dict.items()) loop. but it works -.-
# I was trying to avoid error "dictionary changed size during iteration"
# which was triggered because of iteration over something that we are changing
for old_key, old_value in list(proper_logsource_dict.items()):
for new_key, new_value in sigma_to_real_world_mapping.items():
if old_key == new_key:
# here we do mapping of keys and values
new_key_name = sigma_to_real_world_mapping[new_key]
new_value_name = sigma_to_real_world_mapping[old_value]
proper_logsource_dict[new_key_name] = proper_logsource_dict.pop(old_key)
proper_logsource_dict.update([(sigma_to_real_world_mapping[new_key], new_value_name)])
return proper_logsource_dict
def calculate_dn_for_dr(dict_of_dn_files, dict_of_logsource_fields_from_dr, dr_logsource_dict):
dn_list = dict_of_dn_files
dr_dn = dict_of_logsource_fields_from_dr
logsource = dr_logsource_dict
list_of_DN_matched_by_fields = []
list_of_DN_matched_by_fields_and_logsource = []
list_of_DN_matched_by_fields_and_logsource_and_eventid = []
for dn in dn_list:
list_of_DR_fields = [*dr_dn] # will create a list of keys from Detection Rule fields dictionary
list_of_DN_fields = dn['fields']
amount_of_fileds_in_DR = len(list_of_DR_fields)
amount_of_intersections_betw_DR_and_DN_fields = len(set(list_of_DR_fields).intersection(list_of_DN_fields))
if amount_of_intersections_betw_DR_and_DN_fields == amount_of_fileds_in_DR:
for dn in dn_list:
for matched_dn in list_of_DN_matched_by_fields:
if dn['title'] == matched_dn:
proper_logsource = map_sigma_logsource_fields_to_real_world_names(logsource)
amount_of_fields_in_logsource = len([*proper_logsource])
y = dn
x = proper_logsource
# превозмогая трудности!
shared_items = {k: x[k] for k in x if k in y and x[k] == y[k]}
if len(shared_items) == amount_of_fields_in_logsource:
# and only in the last step we check EventID
if 'EventID' in dr_dn:
eventID = dr_dn['EventID']
for dn in dn_list:
if dn['title'] in list_of_DN_matched_by_fields_and_logsource:
if dn['title'].endswith(str(eventID)):
return list_of_DN_matched_by_fields_and_logsource_and_eventid
return list_of_DN_matched_by_fields_and_logsource
def main_dn_calculatoin_func(dr_file_path):
"""you need to execute this function to calculate DN for DR file"""
dn_list = load_yamls('../dataneeded')
#detectionrule = read_yaml_file("../detectionrules/sigma_win_susp_run_locations.yml")
detectionrule = read_yaml_file(dr_file_path)
no_extra_logsources = bool
#For every DataNeeded file we do that - for every DN_ID in detectionrule check if its in DataNeeded Title
#if there is no "additions" (extra log sources), make entire alert an
#"addition" (to process it in the same way)
if detectionrule.get('additions') is None:
detectionrule['additions'] = [detectionrule]
no_extra_logsources = True
logsource = {}
if no_extra_logsources is True:
final_list = []
# we work only with one logsource. let's add it to our dict
product = detectionrule['logsource']['product']
service = detectionrule['logsource']['service']
logsource.update([('product', product), ('service', service)])
# then we need to collect all eventIDs and calculate Data Needed PER SELECTION
for _field in detectionrule['detection']:
# if it is selection field
if "selection" in str(_field):
dr_dn = detectionrule['detection'][_field]
final_list.append(calculate_dn_for_dr(dn_list, dr_dn, logsource))
return final_list
# if there are multiple logsources, let's work with them separately.
# first grab general field from first yaml document (usually, commandline)
common_fields = []
final_list = []
for fields in detectionrule['detection']['selection']:
# then let's calculate Data Needed per different logsources
for addition in detectionrule['additions']:
product = addition['logsource']['product']
service = addition['logsource']['service']
logsource.update([('product', product), ('service', service)])
# then we need to collect all eventIDs and calculate Data Needed PER SELECTION
for _field in addition['detection']:
# if it is selection field
if "selection" in str(_field):
dr_dn = addition['detection'][_field]
for field in common_fields:
dr_dn.update([(field, 'placeholder')])
result_of_dn_caclulation = calculate_dn_for_dr(dn_list, dr_dn, logsource)
for dn in result_of_dn_caclulation:
if dn not in final_list:
return final_list