2020-05-30 01:57:06 +02:00

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# Output backends for sigmac
# Copyright 2019 Jayden Zheng
# Copyright 2020 Jonas Hagg
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import re
import sigma
from sigma.backends.base import SingleTextQueryBackend
from sigma.parser.condition import SigmaAggregationParser, NodeSubexpression, ConditionAND, ConditionOR, ConditionNOT
from sigma.parser.exceptions import SigmaParseError
class SQLBackend(SingleTextQueryBackend):
"""Converts Sigma rule into SQL query"""
identifier = "sql"
active = True
andToken = " AND " # Token used for linking expressions with logical AND
orToken = " OR " # Same for OR
notToken = "NOT " # Same for NOT
subExpression = "(%s)" # Syntax for subexpressions, usually parenthesis around it. %s is inner expression
listExpression = "(%s)" # Syntax for lists, %s are list items separated with listSeparator
listSeparator = ", " # Character for separation of list items
valueExpression = "\"%s\"" # Expression of values, %s represents value
nullExpression = "-%s=*" # Expression of queries for null values or non-existing fields. %s is field name
notNullExpression = "%s=*" # Expression of queries for not null values. %s is field name
mapExpression = "%s = %s" # Syntax for field/value conditions. First %s is fieldname, second is value
mapMulti = "%s IN %s" # Syntax for field/value conditions. First %s is fieldname, second is value
mapWildcard = "%s LIKE %s ESCAPE \'\\\'"# Syntax for swapping wildcard conditions: Adding \ as escape character
mapSource = "%s=%s" # Syntax for sourcetype
mapListsSpecialHandling = False # Same handling for map items with list values as for normal values (strings, integers) if True, generateMapItemListNode method is called with node
mapListValueExpression = "%s OR %s" # Syntax for field/value condititons where map value is a list
mapLength = "(%s %s)"
def __init__(self, sigmaconfig, table):
self.table = table
def generateANDNode(self, node):
generated = [ self.generateNode(val) for val in node ]
filtered = [ g for g in generated if g is not None ]
if filtered:
return self.andToken.join(filtered)
return None
def generateORNode(self, node):
generated = [ self.generateNode(val) for val in node ]
filtered = [ g for g in generated if g is not None ]
if filtered:
return self.orToken.join(filtered)
return None
def generateNOTNode(self, node):
generated = self.generateNode(node.item)
if generated is not None:
return self.notToken + generated
return None
def generateSubexpressionNode(self, node):
generated = self.generateNode(node.items)
if generated:
return self.subExpression % generated
return None
def generateListNode(self, node):
if not set([type(value) for value in node]).issubset({str, int}):
raise TypeError("List values must be strings or numbers")
return self.listExpression % (self.listSeparator.join([self.generateNode(value) for value in node]))
def generateMapItemNode(self, node):
fieldname, value = node
transformed_fieldname = self.fieldNameMapping(fieldname, value)
has_wildcard ="((\\(\*|\?|\\))|\*|\?|_|%)", self.generateNode(value))
if "," in self.generateNode(value) and not has_wildcard:
return self.mapMulti % (transformed_fieldname, self.generateNode(value))
elif "LENGTH" in transformed_fieldname:
return self.mapLength % (transformed_fieldname, value)
elif type(value) == list:
return self.generateMapItemListNode(transformed_fieldname, value)
elif self.mapListsSpecialHandling == False and type(value) in (str, int, list) or self.mapListsSpecialHandling == True and type(value) in (str, int):
if has_wildcard:
return self.mapWildcard % (transformed_fieldname, self.generateNode(value))
return self.mapExpression % (transformed_fieldname, self.generateNode(value))
elif "sourcetype" in transformed_fieldname:
return self.mapSource % (transformed_fieldname, self.generateNode(value))
elif has_wildcard:
return self.mapWildcard % (transformed_fieldname, self.generateNode(value))
raise TypeError("Backend does not support map values of type " + str(type(value)))
def generateMapItemListNode(self, key, value):
return "(" + (" OR ".join([self.mapWildcard % (key, self.generateValueNode(item)) for item in value])) + ")"
def generateValueNode(self, node):
return self.valueExpression % (self.cleanValue(str(node)))
def generateNULLValueNode(self, node):
return self.nullExpression % (node.item)
def generateNotNULLValueNode(self, node):
return self.notNullExpression % (node.item)
def fieldNameMapping(self, fieldname, value):
Alter field names depending on the value(s). Backends may use this method to perform a final transformation of the field name
in addition to the field mapping defined in the conversion configuration. The field name passed to this method was already
transformed from the original name given in the Sigma rule.
return fieldname
def cleanValue(self, val):
if not isinstance(val, str):
return str(val)
#Single backlashes which are not in front of * or ? are doulbed
val = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)\\(?!(\\|\*|\?))", r"\\\\", val)
#Replace _ with \_ because _ is a sql wildcard
val = re.sub(r'_', r'\_', val)
#Replace % with \% because % is a sql wildcard
val = re.sub(r'%', r'\%', val)
#Replace * with %, if even number of backslashes (or zero) in front of *
val = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)(\\\\)*(?!\\)\*", r"\1%", val)
#Replace ? with _, if even number of backsashes (or zero) in front of ?
val = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)(\\\\)*(?!\\)\?", r"\1_", val)
return val
def generateAggregation(self, agg, where_clausel):
if not agg:
return self.table, where_clausel
if (agg.aggfunc == SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_COUNT or
agg.aggfunc == SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_MAX or
agg.aggfunc == SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_MIN or
agg.aggfunc == SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_SUM or
agg.aggfunc == SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_AVG):
if agg.groupfield:
group_by = " GROUP BY {0}".format(self.fieldNameMapping(agg.groupfield, None))
group_by = ""
if agg.aggfield:
select = "{}({}) AS agg".format(agg.aggfunc_notrans, self.fieldNameMapping(agg.aggfield, None))
if agg.aggfunc == SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_COUNT:
select = "{}(*) AS agg".format(agg.aggfunc_notrans)
raise SigmaParseError("For {} aggregation a fieldname needs to be specified".format(agg.aggfunc_notrans))
temp_table = "(SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {}{})".format(select, self.table, where_clausel, group_by)
agg_condition = "agg {} {}".format(agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
return temp_table, agg_condition
raise NotImplementedError("{} aggregation not implemented in SQL Backend".format(agg.aggfunc_notrans))
def generateQuery(self, parsed):
if self._recursiveFtsSearch(parsed.parsedSearch):
raise NotImplementedError("FullTextSearch not implemented for SQL Backend.")
result = self.generateNode(parsed.parsedSearch)
if parsed.parsedAgg:
#Handle aggregation
fro, whe = self.generateAggregation(parsed.parsedAgg, result)
return "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}".format(fro, whe)
return "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}".format(self.table, result)
def _recursiveFtsSearch(self, subexpression):
#True: found subexpression, where no fieldname is requested -> full text search
#False: no subexpression found, where a full text search is needed
def _evaluateCondition(condition):
#Helper function to evaulate condtions
if type(condition) not in [ConditionAND, ConditionOR, ConditionNOT]:
raise NotImplementedError("Error in recursive Search logic")
results = []
for elem in condition.items:
if isinstance(elem, NodeSubexpression):
if isinstance(elem, ConditionNOT):
if isinstance(elem, tuple):
if type(elem) in (str, int, list):
return True
return any(results)
if type(subexpression) in [str, int, list]:
return True
elif type(subexpression) in [tuple]:
return False
if not isinstance(subexpression, NodeSubexpression):
raise NotImplementedError("Error in recursive Search logic")
if isinstance(subexpression.items, NodeSubexpression):
return self._recursiveFtsSearch(subexpression.items)
elif type(subexpression.items) in [ConditionAND, ConditionOR, ConditionNOT]:
return _evaluateCondition(subexpression.items)