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synced 2024-11-08 18:23:52 +00:00
WDATP was renamed to MDATP (Microsoft Defendre ATP). MDATP also had schema changes recently: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-hunting-data-schema-changes/ba-p/1043914 The updates reflect these changes
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# Output backends for sigmac
# Copyright 2018 Thomas Patzke
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
from .base import SingleTextQueryBackend
from .exceptions import NotSupportedError
class WindowsDefenderATPBackend(SingleTextQueryBackend):
"""Converts Sigma rule into Microsoft Defender ATP Hunting Queries."""
identifier = "mdatp"
active = True
config_required = False
# \ -> \\
# \* -> \*
# \\* -> \\*
reEscape = re.compile('("|(?<!\\\\)\\\\(?![*?\\\\]))')
reClear = None
andToken = " and "
orToken = " or "
notToken = "not "
subExpression = "(%s)"
listExpression = "(%s)"
listSeparator = ", "
valueExpression = "\"%s\""
nullExpression = "isnull(%s)"
notNullExpression = "isnotnull(%s)"
mapExpression = "%s == %s"
mapListsSpecialHandling = True
mapListValueExpression = "%s in %s"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize field mappings"""
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fieldMappings = { # mapping between Sigma and ATP field names
# Supported values:
# (field name mapping, value mapping): distinct mappings for field name and value, may be a string (direct mapping) or function maps name/value to ATP target value
# (mapping function,): receives field name and value as parameter, return list of 2 element tuples (destination field name and value)
# (replacement, ): Replaces field occurrence with static string
"AccountName" : (self.id_mapping, self.default_value_mapping),
"CommandLine" : ("ProcessCommandLine", self.default_value_mapping),
"DeviceName" : (self.id_mapping, self.default_value_mapping),
"DestinationHostname" : ("RemoteUrl", self.default_value_mapping),
"DestinationIp" : ("RemoteIP", self.default_value_mapping),
"DestinationIsIpv6" : ("RemoteIP has \":\"", ),
"DestinationPort" : ("RemotePort", self.default_value_mapping),
"Details" : ("RegistryValueData", self.default_value_mapping),
"EventType" : ("ActionType", self.default_value_mapping),
"Image" : ("FolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"ImageLoaded" : ("FolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"LogonType" : (self.id_mapping, self.logontype_mapping),
"NewProcessName" : ("FolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"ObjectValueName" : ("RegistryValueName", self.default_value_mapping),
"ParentImage" : ("InitiatingProcessFolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"SourceImage" : ("InitiatingProcessFolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"TargetFilename" : ("FolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"TargetImage" : ("FolderPath", self.default_value_mapping),
"TargetObject" : ("RegistryKey", self.default_value_mapping),
"User" : (self.decompose_user, ),
def id_mapping(self, src):
"""Identity mapping, source == target field name"""
return src
def default_value_mapping(self, val):
op = "=="
if type(val) == str:
if "*" in val[1:-1]: # value contains * inside string - use regex match
op = "matches regex"
val = re.sub('([".^$]|\\\\(?![*?]))', '\\\\\g<1>', val)
val = re.sub('\\*', '.*', val)
val = re.sub('\\?', '.', val)
else: # value possibly only starts and/or ends with *, use prefix/postfix match
if val.endswith("*") and val.startswith("*"):
op = "contains"
val = self.cleanValue(val[1:-1])
elif val.endswith("*"):
op = "startswith"
val = self.cleanValue(val[:-1])
elif val.startswith("*"):
op = "endswith"
val = self.cleanValue(val[1:])
return "%s \"%s\"" % (op, val)
def logontype_mapping(self, src):
"""Value mapping for logon events to reduced ATP LogonType set"""
logontype_mapping = {
2: "Interactive",
3: "Network",
4: "Batch",
5: "Service",
7: "Interactive", # unsure
8: "Network",
9: "Interactive", # unsure
10: "Remote interactive (RDP) logons", # really the value?
11: "Interactive"
return logontype_mapping[int(src)]
except KeyError:
raise NotSupportedError("Logon type %d unknown and can't be mapped" % src)
def decompose_user(self, src_field, src_value):
"""Decompose domain\\user User field of Sysmon events into ATP InitiatingProcessAccountDomain and InititatingProcessAccountName."""
reUser = re.compile("^(.*?)\\\\(.*)$")
m = reUser.match(src_value)
if m:
domain, user = m.groups()
return (("InitiatingProcessAccountDomain", domain), ("InititatingProcessAccountName", user))
else: # assume only user name is given if backslash is missing
return (("InititatingProcessAccountName", src_value),)
def generate(self, sigmaparser):
self.table = None
self.category = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['logsource'].setdefault('category', None)
self.product = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['logsource'].setdefault('product', None)
self.service = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['logsource'].setdefault('service', None)
except KeyError:
self.category = None
self.product = None
self.service = None
if (self.category, self.product, self.service) == ("process_creation", "windows", None):
self.table = "DeviceProcessEvents"
elif (self.category, self.product, self.service) == (None, "windows", "powershell"):
self.table = "DeviceEvents"
self.orToken = ", "
return super().generate(sigmaparser)
def generateBefore(self, parsed):
if self.table is None:
raise NotSupportedError("No MDATP table could be determined from Sigma rule")
if self.table == "DeviceEvents" and self.service == "powershell":
return "%s | where tostring(extractjson('$.Command', AdditionalFields)) in~ " % self.table
return "%s | where " % self.table
def generateMapItemNode(self, node):
ATP queries refer to event tables instead of Windows logging event identifiers. This method catches conditions that refer to this field
and creates an appropriate table reference.
key, value = node
if type(value) == list: # handle map items with values list like multiple OR-chained conditions
return self.generateORNode(
[(key, v) for v in value]
elif key == "EventID": # EventIDs are not reflected in condition but in table selection
if self.product == "windows":
if self.service == "sysmon" and value == 1 \
or self.service == "security" and value == 4688: # Process Execution
self.table = "DeviceProcessEvents"
return None
elif self.service == "sysmon" and value == 3: # Network Connection
self.table = "DeviceNetworkEvents"
return None
elif self.service == "sysmon" and value == 7: # Image Load
self.table = "DeviceImageLoadEvents"
return None
elif self.service == "sysmon" and value == 8: # Create Remote Thread
self.table = "DeviceEvents"
return "ActionType == \"CreateRemoteThreadApiCall\""
elif self.service == "sysmon" and value == 11: # File Creation
self.table = "DeviceFileEvents"
return None
elif self.service == "sysmon" and value == 13 \
or self.service == "security" and value == 4657: # Set Registry Value
self.table = "DeviceRegistryEvents"
return "ActionType == \"RegistryValueSet\""
elif self.service == "security" and value == 4624:
self.table = "DeviceLogonEvents"
return None
elif type(value) in (str, int): # default value processing
mapping = self.fieldMappings[key]
except KeyError:
raise NotSupportedError("No mapping defined for field '%s'" % key)
if len(mapping) == 1:
mapping = mapping[0]
if type(mapping) == str:
return mapping
elif callable(mapping):
conds = mapping(key, value)
return self.generateSubexpressionNode(
[cond for cond in mapping(key, value)]
elif len(mapping) == 2:
result = list()
for mapitem, val in zip(mapping, node): # iterate mapping and mapping source value synchronously over key and value
if type(mapitem) == str:
elif callable(mapitem):
return "{} {}".format(*result)
raise TypeError("Backend does not support map values of type " + str(type(value)))
return super().generateMapItemNode(node)