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# Output backends for sigmac
# Copyright 2016-2018 Thomas Patzke, Florian Roth, juju4
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import sigma
from sigma.parser.condition import ConditionOR
from .base import SingleTextQueryBackend
# Sumo specifics
# https://help.sumologic.com/05Search/Search-Query-Language
# want _index or _sourceCategory for performance
# try to get most string match on first line for performance
# further sorting can be done with extra parsing
# No regex match, must use 'parse regex' https://help.sumologic.com/05Search/Search-Query-Language/01-Parse-Operators/02-Parse-Variable-Patterns-Using-Regex
# For some strings like Windows ProcessCmdline or LogonProcess, it might be good to force case lower and upper as Windows is inconsistent in logs
class SumoLogicBackend(SingleTextQueryBackend):
"""Converts Sigma rule into SumoLogic query"""
identifier = "sumologic"
active = True
config_required = False
default_config = ["sysmon", "sumologic"]
index_field = "_index"
reClear = None
andToken = " AND "
orToken = " OR "
notToken = "!"
subExpression = "(%s)"
listExpression = "(%s)"
listSeparator = ", "
valueExpression = "\"%s\""
nullExpression = "isEmpty(%s)"
notNullExpression = "!isEmpty(%s)"
mapExpression = "%s=%s"
mapListsSpecialHandling = True
mapListValueExpression = "%s IN %s"
interval = None
logname = None
def generateAggregation(self, agg):
# lnx_shell_priv_esc_prep.yml
# print("DEBUG generateAggregation(): %s, %s, %s, %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield, agg.groupfield, agg.cond_op))
if agg.groupfield == 'host':
agg.groupfield = 'hostname'
if agg.aggfunc_notrans == 'count() by':
agg.aggfunc_notrans = 'count by'
if agg.aggfunc == sigma.parser.condition.SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_NEAR:
raise NotImplementedError("The 'near' aggregation operator is not yet implemented for this backend")
# ex:
# (QUERY) | timeslice 5m
# | count_distinct(process) _timeslice,hostname
# | where _count_distinct > 5
# return " | timeslice %s | count_distinct(%s) %s | where _count_distinct > 0" % (self.interval, agg.aggfunc_notrans or "", agg.aggfield or "", agg.groupfield or "")
# return " | timeslice %s | count_distinct(%s) %s | where _count_distinct %s %s" % (self.interval, agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.groupfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
if not agg.groupfield:
# return " | %s(%s) | when _count %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
return " | %s %s | where _count %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
elif agg.groupfield:
return " | %s by %s | where _count %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.groupfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
return " | %s(%s) by %s | where _count %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.groupfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
def generateBefore(self, parsed):
# not required but makes query faster, especially if no FER or _index/_sourceCategory
if self.logname:
return "%s " % self.logname
return ""
def generate(self, sigmaparser):
self.product = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['logsource']['product'] # OS or Software
except KeyError:
self.product = None
self.service = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['logsource']['service'] # Channel
except KeyError:
self.service = None
self.category = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['logsource']['category'] # Channel
except KeyError:
self.category = None
# FIXME! don't get backend config mapping
self.indices = sigmaparser.get_logsource().index
if len(self.indices) == 0:
self.indices = None
self.interval = sigmaparser.parsedyaml['detection']['timeframe']
for parsed in sigmaparser.condparsed:
query = self.generateQuery(parsed)
# FIXME! exclude if expression is regexp but anyway, not directly supported.
# Not doing if aggregation ('| count') or key ('=')
if not (query.startswith('"') and query.endswith('"')) and not (query.startswith('(') and query.endswith(')')) and not ('|' in query) and not ('=' in query):
query = '"%s"' % query
before = self.generateBefore(parsed)
after = self.generateAfter(parsed)
result = ""
if before is not None:
result = before
if query is not None:
result += query
if after is not None:
result += after
# adding parenthesis here in case 2 rules are aggregated together - ex: win_possible_applocker_bypass
# but does not work if count, where or other piped statements...
if '|' in result:
return result
return "(" + result + ")"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# TODO/FIXME! depending on deployment configuration, existing FER must be populate here (or backend config?)
# aFL = ["EventID"]
aFL = ["_index", "_sourceCategory", "_view", "EventID", "sourcename", "CommandLine", "NewProcessName", "Image", "ParentImage", "ParentCommandLine", "ParentProcessName"]
for item in self.sigmaconfig.fieldmappings.values():
if item.target_type is list:
self.allowedFieldsList = list(set(aFL))
# Skip logsource value from sigma document for separate path.
# def generateCleanValueNodeLogsource(self, value):
# return self.valueExpression % (self.cleanValue(str(value)))
# Clearing values from special characters.
# Sumologic: only removing '*' (in quotes, is litteral. without, is wildcard) and '"'
def CleanNode(self, node):
search_ptrn = re.compile(r"[*\"\\]")
replace_ptrn = re.compile(r"[*\"\\]")
match = search_ptrn.search(str(node))
new_node = list()
if match:
replaced_str = replace_ptrn.sub('*', node)
node = [x for x in replaced_str.split('*') if x]
node = new_node
return node
# Clearing values from special characters.
def generateMapItemNode(self, node):
key, value = node
if key in self.allowedFieldsList:
if not self.mapListsSpecialHandling and type(value) in (
str, int, list) or self.mapListsSpecialHandling and type(value) in (str, int):
if key in ("LogName", "source"):
self.logname = value
# need cleanValue if sigma entry with single quote
return self.mapExpression % (key, self.cleanValue(value, key))
elif type(value) is list:
return self.generateMapItemListNode(key, value)
elif value is None:
return self.nullExpression % (key, )
raise TypeError("Backend does not support map values of type " + str(type(value)))
if not self.mapListsSpecialHandling and type(value) in (
str, int, list) or self.mapListsSpecialHandling and type(value) in (str, int):
if type(value) is str:
new_value = list()
value = self.CleanNode(value)
if type(value) == list:
new_value.append(self.andToken.join([self.valueExpression % val for val in value]))
if len(new_value) == 1:
if self.generateANDNode(new_value):
return "(" + self.generateANDNode(new_value) + ")"
# if after cleaning node, it is empty but there is AND statement... make it true.
return "true"
return "(" + self.generateORNode(new_value) + ")"
return self.generateValueNode(value)
elif type(value) is list:
new_value = list()
for item in value:
item = self.CleanNode(item)
if type(item) is list and len(item) == 1:
new_value.append(self.valueExpression % item[0])
elif type(item) is list:
new_value.append(self.andToken.join([self.valueExpression % val for val in item]))
return self.generateORNode(new_value)
elif value is None:
return self.nullExpression % (key, )
raise TypeError("Backend does not support map values of type " + str(type(value)))
# from mixins.py
# input in simple quotes are not passing through this function. ex: rules/windows/sysmon/sysmon_vul_java_remote_debugging.yml, rules/apt/apt_sofacy_zebrocy.yml
# => OK only if field entry with list, not string
# => generateNode: call cleanValue
def cleanValue(self, val, key=''):
# in sumologic, if key, can use wildcard outside of double quotes. if inside, it's litteral
if key:
val = re.sub(r'\"', '\\"', str(val))
val = re.sub(r'(.+)\*(.+)', '"\g<1>"*"\g<2>"', val, 0)
val = re.sub(r'^\*', '*"', val)
val = re.sub(r'\*$', '"*', val)
# if unbalanced wildcard?
if val.startswith('*"') and not (val.endswith('"*') or val.endswith('"')):
val = val + '"'
if val.endswith('"*') and not (val.startswith('*"') or val.startswith('"')):
val = '"' + val
# double escape if end quote
if val.endswith('\\"*') and not val.endswith('\\\\"*'):
val = re.sub(r'\\"\*$', '\\\\\\"*', val)
# if not key and not (val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"')) and not (val.startswith('(') and val.endswith(')')) and not ('|' in val) and val:
# apt_babyshark.yml
if not (val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"')) and not (val.startswith('(') and val.endswith(')')) and not ('|' in val) and not ('*' in val) and val and not '_index' in key and not '_sourceCategory' in key and not '_view' in key:
val = '"%s"' % val
return val
# for keywords values with space
def generateValueNode(self, node, key=''):
cV = self.cleanValue(str(node), key)
if type(node) is int:
return cV
if 'AND' in node and cV:
return "(" + cV + ")"
return cV
def generateMapItemListNode(self, key, value):
itemslist = list()
for item in value:
if key in self.allowedFieldsList:
itemslist.append('%s = %s' % (key, self.generateValueNode(item, key)))
itemslist.append('%s' % (self.generateValueNode(item)))
return "(" + " OR ".join(itemslist) + ")"
# generateORNode algorithm for ArcSightBackend & SumoLogicBackend class.
def generateORNode(self, node):
if type(node) == ConditionOR and all(isinstance(item, str) for item in node):
new_value = list()
for value in node:
value = self.CleanNode(value)
if type(value) is list:
new_value.append(self.andToken.join([self.valueExpression % val for val in value]))
return "(" + self.orToken.join([self.generateNode(val) for val in new_value]) + ")"
return "(" + self.orToken.join([self.generateNode(val) for val in node]) + ")"