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synced 2024-11-09 02:26:48 +00:00
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53 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Import given Sigma rules to MISP
import argparse
import pathlib
import urllib3
from pymisp import PyMISP
def create_new_event():
return misp.new_event(info=args.info)["Event"]["id"]
class MISPImportArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
description="Import Sigma rules into MISP events",
epilog="Parameters can be read from a file by a @filename parameter. The file should contain one parameter per line. Dashes may be omitted.",
def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, line : str):
return ("--" + line.lstrip("--")).split()
argparser = MISPImportArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument("--url", "-u", default="https://localhost", help="URL of MISP instance")
argparser.add_argument("--key", "-k", required=True, help="API key")
argparser.add_argument("--insecure", "-I", action="store_false", help="Disable TLS certifcate validation.")
argparser.add_argument("--event", "-e", type=int, help="Add Sigma rule to event with this ID. If not set, create new event.")
argparser.add_argument("--same-event", "-s", action="store_true", help="Import all Sigma rules to the same event, if no event is set.")
argparser.add_argument("--info", "-i", default="Sigma import", help="Event Information field for newly created MISP event.")
argparser.add_argument("--recursive", "-r", action="store_true", help="Recursive traversal of directory")
argparser.add_argument("sigma", nargs="+", help="Sigma rule file that should be imported")
args = argparser.parse_args()
if args.recursive:
paths = [ p for pathname in args.sigma for p in pathlib.Path(pathname).glob("**/*") if p.is_file() ]
paths = [ pathlib.Path(sigma) for sigma in args.sigma ]
misp = PyMISP(args.url, args.key, args.insecure)
if args.event:
eventid = misp.get(args.event)["Event"]["id"]
first = True
for sigma in paths:
if not args.event and (first or not args.same_event):
eventid = create_new_event()
print("Importing Sigma rule {} into MISP event {}...".format(sigma, eventid, end=""))
f = sigma.open("rt")
misp.add_named_attribute(eventid, "sigma", f.read())
first = False