Thomas Patzke 849a5a520d Conditional field mapping resolve_fieldname now functional
Before this method just had some placeholder function that wasn't really
implementing the intended functionality of the conditional field
mapping. Now aggregations get also conditional field mapping
2019-10-09 23:57:41 +02:00

173 lines
7.4 KiB

# Output backends for sigmac
# Copyright 2016-2018 Thomas Patzke, Florian Roth, Roey
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import re
import sigma
from .base import SingleTextQueryBackend
from .mixins import MultiRuleOutputMixin
class SplunkBackend(SingleTextQueryBackend):
"""Converts Sigma rule into Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL)."""
identifier = "splunk"
active = True
index_field = "index"
# \ -> \\
# \* -> \*
# \\* -> \\*
reEscape = re.compile('("|(?<!\\\\)\\\\(?![*?\\\\]))')
reClear = None
andToken = " "
orToken = " OR "
notToken = "NOT "
subExpression = "(%s)"
listExpression = "(%s)"
listSeparator = " "
valueExpression = "\"%s\""
nullExpression = "NOT %s=\"*\""
notNullExpression = "%s=\"*\""
mapExpression = "%s=%s"
mapListsSpecialHandling = True
mapListValueExpression = "%s IN %s"
def generateMapItemListNode(self, key, value):
if not set([type(val) for val in value]).issubset({str, int}):
raise TypeError("List values must be strings or numbers")
return "(" + (" OR ".join(['%s=%s' % (key, self.generateValueNode(item)) for item in value])) + ")"
def generateAggregation(self, agg):
if agg == None:
return ""
if agg.aggfunc == sigma.parser.condition.SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_NEAR:
raise NotImplementedError("The 'near' aggregation operator is not yet implemented for this backend")
if agg.groupfield == None:
if agg.aggfunc_notrans == 'count':
if agg.aggfield == None :
return " | eventstats count as val | search val %s %s" % (agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
agg.aggfunc_notrans = 'dc'
return " | eventstats %s(%s) as val | search val %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
if agg.aggfunc_notrans == 'count':
if agg.aggfield == None :
return " | eventstats count as val by %s| search val %s %s" % (agg.groupfield, agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
agg.aggfunc_notrans = 'dc'
return " | eventstats %s(%s) as val by %s | search val %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.groupfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
def generate(self, sigmaparser):
"""Method is called for each sigma rule and receives the parsed rule (SigmaParser)"""
columns = list()
for field in sigmaparser.parsedyaml["fields"]:
mapped = sigmaparser.config.get_fieldmapping(field).resolve_fieldname(field, sigmaparser)
if type(mapped) == str:
elif type(mapped) == list:
raise TypeError("Field mapping must return string or list")
fields = ",".join(str(x) for x in columns)
fields = " | table " + fields
except KeyError: # no 'fields' attribute
mapped = None
for parsed in sigmaparser.condparsed:
query = self.generateQuery(parsed)
before = self.generateBefore(parsed)
after = self.generateAfter(parsed)
result = ""
if before is not None:
result = before
if query is not None:
result += query
if after is not None:
result += after
if mapped is not None:
result += fields
return result
class SplunkXMLBackend(SingleTextQueryBackend, MultiRuleOutputMixin):
"""Converts Sigma rule into XML used for Splunk Dashboard Panels"""
identifier = "splunkxml"
active = True
index_field = "index"
panel_pre = "<row><panel><title>"
panel_inf = "</title><table><search><query>"
panel_suf = "</query><earliest>$field1.earliest$</earliest><latest>$field1.latest$</latest><sampleRatio>1</sampleRatio>" \
"</search><option name=\"count\">20</option><option name=\"dataOverlayMode\">none</option><option name=\"" \
"drilldown\">row</option><option name=\"percentagesRow\">false</option><option name=\"refresh.display\">" \
"progressbar</option><option name=\"rowNumbers\">false</option><option name=\"totalsRow\">false</option>" \
"<option name=\"wrap\">true</option></table></panel></row>"
dash_pre = "<form><label>MyDashboard</label><fieldset submitButton=\"false\"><input type=\"time\" token=\"field1\">" \
dash_suf = "</form>"
queries = dash_pre
reEscape = re.compile('("|(?<!\\\\)\\\\(?![*?\\\\]))')
reClear = SplunkBackend.reClear
andToken = SplunkBackend.andToken
orToken = SplunkBackend.orToken
notToken = SplunkBackend.notToken
subExpression = SplunkBackend.subExpression
listExpression = SplunkBackend.listExpression
listSeparator = SplunkBackend.listSeparator
valueExpression = SplunkBackend.valueExpression
nullExpression = SplunkBackend.nullExpression
notNullExpression = SplunkBackend.notNullExpression
mapExpression = SplunkBackend.mapExpression
mapListsSpecialHandling = SplunkBackend.mapListsSpecialHandling
mapListValueExpression = SplunkBackend.mapListValueExpression
def generateMapItemListNode(self, key, value):
return "(" + (" OR ".join(['%s=%s' % (key, self.generateValueNode(item)) for item in value])) + ")"
def generateAggregation(self, agg):
if agg == None:
return ""
if agg.aggfunc == sigma.parser.condition.SigmaAggregationParser.AGGFUNC_NEAR:
return ""
if agg.groupfield == None:
return " | stats %s(%s) as val | search val %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
return " | stats %s(%s) as val by %s | search val %s %s" % (agg.aggfunc_notrans, agg.aggfield or "", agg.groupfield or "", agg.cond_op, agg.condition)
def generate(self, sigmaparser):
"""Method is called for each sigma rule and receives the parsed rule (SigmaParser)"""
for parsed in sigmaparser.condparsed:
query = self.generateQuery(parsed)
if query is not None:
self.queries += self.panel_pre
self.queries += self.getRuleName(sigmaparser)
self.queries += self.panel_inf
query = query.replace("<", "&lt;")
query = query.replace(">", "&gt;")
self.queries += query
self.queries += self.panel_suf
def finalize(self):
self.queries += self.dash_suf
return self.queries