title: Capture Credentials with Rpcping.exe id: 93671f99-04eb-4ab4-a161-70d446a84003 description: Detects using Rpcping.exe to send a RPC test connection to the target server (-s) and force the NTLM hash to be sent in the process. status: experimental references: - https://lolbas-project.github.io/lolbas/Binaries/Rpcping/ - https://twitter.com/vysecurity/status/974806438316072960 - https://twitter.com/vysecurity/status/873181705024266241 - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/hh875578(v=ws.11) author: Julia Fomina, oscd.community date: 2020/10/09 tags: - attack.credential_access - attack.t1003 logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: use_rpcping: Image|endswith: '\rpcping.exe' remote_server: CommandLine|contains: - '-s' - '/s' ntlm_auth: - CommandLine|contains|all: - '-u' - 'NTLM' - CommandLine|contains|all: - '/u' - 'NTLM' - CommandLine|contains|all: - '-t' - 'ncacn_np' - CommandLine|contains|all: - '/t' - 'ncacn_np' condition: use_rpcping and remote_server and ntlm_auth level: medium falsepositives: - Unlikely