title: SVCHOST Credential Dump id: 174afcfa-6e40-4ae9-af64-496546389294 description: Detects when a process, such as mimikatz, accesses the memory of svchost to dump credentials date: 2021/04/30 author: Florent Labouyrie logsource: product: windows category: process_access tags: - attack.t1548 detection: selection_process: TargetImage|endswith: '\svchost.exe' selection_memory: GrantedAccess: '0x143a' filter_trusted_process_access: SourceImage|endswith: - '*\services.exe' - '*\msiexec.exe' condition: selection_process and selection_memory and not filter_trusted_process_access falsepositives: - Non identified legit exectubale level: critical