title: Cmdkey Cached Credentials Recon id: 07f8bdc2-c9b3-472a-9817-5a670b872f53 status: experimental description: Detects usage of cmdkey to look for cached credentials references: - https://www.peew.pw/blog/2017/11/26/exploring-cmdkey-an-edge-case-for-privilege-escalation - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754243(v=ws.11).aspx author: jmallette date: 2019/01/16 tags: - attack.credential_access - attack.t1003.005 - attack.t1003 # an old one logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection: Image: '*\cmdkey.exe' CommandLine: '* /list *' condition: selection fields: - CommandLine - ParentCommandLine - User falsepositives: - Legitimate administrative tasks. level: low