title: Silence.EDA Detection id: 3ceb2083-a27f-449a-be33-14ec1b7cc973 status: experimental description: Detects Silence empireDNSagent author: Alina Stepchenkova, Group-IB, oscd.community date: 2019/11/01 modified: 2020/09/01 logsource: product: windows service: powershell detection: empire: ScriptBlockText|contains|all: # better to randomise the order - 'System.Diagnostics.Process' - 'Stop-Computer' - 'Restart-Computer' - 'Exception in execution' - '$cmdargs' - 'Close-Dnscat2Tunnel' dnscat: ScriptBlockText|contains|all: # better to randomise the order - 'set type=$LookupType`nserver' - '$Command | nslookup 2>&1 | Out-String' - 'New-RandomDNSField' - '[Convert]::ToString($SYNOptions, 16)' - '$Session.Dead = $True' - '$Session["Driver"] -eq' condition: empire and dnscat falsepositives: - Unknown level: critical tags: - attack.execution - attack.t1059.001 - attack.t1086 # an old one - attack.command_and_control - attack.t1071.004 - attack.t1071 # an old one - attack.t1572 - attack.impact - attack.t1529 - attack.g0091 - attack.s0363