title: CVE-2020-0688 Exploitation via Eventlog id: d6266bf5-935e-4661-b477-78772735a7cb status: experimental description: Detects the exploitation of Microsoft Exchange vulnerability as described in CVE-2020-0688 references: - https://www.trustedsec.com/blog/detecting-cve-20200688-remote-code-execution-vulnerability-on-microsoft-exchange-server/ author: Florian Roth date: 2020/02/29 tags: - attack.initial_access - attack.t1190 logsource: product: windows service: application detection: selection1: EventID: 4 Source: MSExchange Control Panel Level: Error selection2: - '*&__VIEWSTATE=*' condition: selection1 and selection2 falsepositives: - Unknown level: high