action: global title: NetNTLM Downgrade Attack id: d67572a0-e2ec-45d6-b8db-c100d14b8ef2 description: Detects post exploitation using NetNTLM downgrade attacks references: - author: Florian Roth date: 2018/03/20 tags: - attack.credential_access - attack.t1212 detection: condition: 1 of them falsepositives: - Unknown level: critical --- logsource: product: windows service: sysmon detection: selection1: EventID: 13 TargetObject: - '*SYSTEM\\*ControlSet*\Control\Lsa\lmcompatibilitylevel' - '*SYSTEM\\*ControlSet*\Control\Lsa*\NtlmMinClientSec' - '*SYSTEM\\*ControlSet*\Control\Lsa*\RestrictSendingNTLMTraffic' --- # Windows Security Eventlog: Process Creation with Full Command Line logsource: product: windows service: security definition: 'Requirements: Audit Policy : Object Access > Audit Registry (Success)' detection: selection2: EventID: 4657 ObjectName: '\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\\*ControlSet*\Control\Lsa*' ObjectValueName: - 'LmCompatibilityLevel' - 'NtlmMinClientSec' - 'RestrictSendingNTLMTraffic'