title: Diskshadow.exe execution id: 0c2f8629-7129-4a8a-9897-7e0768f13ff2 status: experimental description: Detects using Diskshadow.exe to dump NTDS.dit or execute arbitrary code references: - https://bohops.com/2018/03/26/diskshadow-the-return-of-vss-evasion-persistence-and-active-directory-database-extraction/ tags: - attack.credential access - attack.execution - attack.t1003 author: Ivan Dyachkov, oscd.community date: 2020/10/07 logsource: category: process_creation product: windows definition: 'Requirements: Sysmon ProcessCreation logging must be activated and Windows audit msut Include command line in process creation events' detection: selection: Image: 'c:\windows\system32\diskshadow.exe' CommandLine|contains: - '/s' - 'exec' condition: selection fields: - CommandLine falsepositives: - False postitve can be if administrators use diskshadow tool in their infrastructure as a main backup tool with scripts. level: high