title: Empire UserAgent URI Combo id: b923f7d6-ac89-4a50-a71a-89fb846b4aa8 status: experimental description: Detects user agent and URI paths used by empire agents references: - https://github.com/BC-SECURITY/Empire author: Florian Roth date: 2020/07/13 logsource: category: proxy detection: selection: c-useragent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko' cs-uri-query: - '/admin/get.php' - '/news.php' - '/login/process.php' cs-method: 'POST' condition: selection fields: - c-uri - c-ip falsepositives: - Valid requests with this exact user agent to server scripts of the defined names level: high