title: Suspicious Access to Sensitive File Extensions id: 91c945bc-2ad1-4799-a591-4d00198a1215 description: Detects known sensitive file extensions accessed on a network share author: Samir Bousseaden date: 2019/04/03 modified: 2020/08/23 tags: - attack.collection - attack.t1039 logsource: product: windows service: security detection: selection: EventID: - 5145 RelativeTargetName: - '*.pst' - '*.ost' - '*.msg' - '*.nst' - '*.oab' - '*.edb' - '*.nsf' - '*.bak' - '*.dmp' - '*.kirbi' - '*\groups.xml' - '*.rdp' condition: selection fields: - ComputerName - SubjectDomainName - SubjectUserName - RelativeTargetName falsepositives: - Help Desk operator doing backup or re-imaging end user machine or pentest or backup software - Users working with these data types or exchanging message files level: medium