title: Relevant Anti-Virus Event id: 78bc5783-81d9-4d73-ac97-59f6db4f72a8 description: This detection method points out highly relevant Antivirus events author: Florian Roth date: 2017/02/19 logsource: product: windows service: application detection: keywords: Message: - "*HTool*" - "*Hacktool*" - "*ASP/Backdoor*" - "*JSP/Backdoor*" - "*PHP/Backdoor*" - "*Backdoor.ASP*" - "*Backdoor.JSP*" - "*Backdoor.PHP*" - "*Webshell*" - "*Portscan*" - "*Mimikatz*" - "*WinCred*" - "*PlugX*" - "*Korplug*" - "*Pwdump*" - "*Chopper*" - "*WmiExec*" - "*Xscan*" - "*Clearlog*" - "*ASPXSpy*" filters: Message: - "*Keygen*" - "*Crack*" condition: keywords and not 1 of filters falsepositives: - Some software piracy tools (key generators, cracks) are classified as hack tools level: high