title: Greenbug Campaign Indicators id: 3711eee4-a808-4849-8a14-faf733da3612 status: experimental description: Detects tools and process executions as observed in a Greenbug campaign in May 2020 references: - https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/greenbug-espionage-telco-south-asia author: Florian Roth date: 2020/05/20 modified: 2020/08/27 tags: - attack.g0049 - attack.execution - attack.t1059.001 - attack.t1086 #an old one - attack.command_and_control - attack.t1105 - attack.defense_evasion - attack.t1036 # an old one - attack.t1036.005 logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection1: CommandLine|contains|all: - 'bitsadmin' - '/transfer' - 'CSIDL_APPDATA' selection2: CommandLine|contains: - 'CSIDL_SYSTEM_DRIVE' selection3: CommandLine|contains: - '\msf.ps1' - '8989 -e cmd.exe' - 'system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($cmd); [void]$da.fill' - '-nop -w hidden -c $k=new-object' - '[Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;IEX ' - ' -nop -w hidden -c $m=new-object net.webclient;$m' - '-noninteractive -executionpolicy bypass whoami' - '-noninteractive -executionpolicy bypass netstat -a' - 'L3NlcnZlc' # base64 encoded '/server=' selection4: Image|endswith: - '\adobe\Adobe.exe' - '\oracle\local.exe' - '\revshell.exe' - 'infopagesbackup\ncat.exe' - 'CSIDL_SYSTEM\cmd.exe' - '\programdata\oracle\java.exe' - 'CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\comms\comms.exe' - '\Programdata\VMware\Vmware.exe' condition: 1 of them falsepositives: - Unknown level: critical