title: Suspicious PowerShell Parent Process id: 754ed792-634f-40ae-b3bc-e0448d33f695 description: Detects a suspicious parents of powershell.exe status: experimental references: - https://speakerdeck.com/heirhabarov/hunting-for-powershell-abuse?slide=26 author: Teymur Kheirkhabarov, Harish Segar (rule) date: 2020/03/20 tags: - attack.execution - attack.t1059.001 - attack.t1086 # an old one logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection_image1: - ParentImage|endswith: - '\mshta.exe' - '\rundll32.exe' - '\regsvr32.exe' - '\services.exe' - '\winword.exe' - '\wmiprvse.exe' - '\powerpnt.exe' - '\excel.exe' - '\msaccess.exe' - '\mspub.exe' - '\visio.exe' - '\outlook.exe' - '\amigo.exe' - '\chrome.exe' - '\firefox.exe' - '\iexplore.exe' - '\microsoftedgecp.exe' - '\microsoftedge.exe' - '\browser.exe' - '\vivaldi.exe' - '\safari.exe' - '\sqlagent.exe' - '\sqlserver.exe' - '\sqlservr.exe' - '\w3wp.exe' - '\httpd.exe' - '\nginx.exe' - '\php-cgi.exe' - '\jbosssvc.exe' - "MicrosoftEdgeSH.exe" - ParentImage|contains: "tomcat" selection_powershell: - CommandLine|contains: - "powershell" - "pwsh" - Description: "Windows PowerShell" - Product: "PowerShell Core 6" condition: all of them falsepositives: - Other scripts level: medium