title: DNSCat2 Powershell Implementation Detection Via Process Creation id: b11d75d6-d7c1-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003 status: experimental description: The PowerShell implementation of DNSCat2 calls nslookup to craft queries. Counting nslookup processes spawned by PowerShell will show hundreds or thousands of instances if PS DNSCat2 is active locally. author: Cian Heasley references: - https://github.com/lukebaggett/dnscat2-powershell - https://blu3-team.blogspot.com/2019/08/powershell-dns-c2-notes.html - https://ragged-lab.blogspot.com/2020/06/it-is-always-dns-powershell-edition.html date: 2020/08/08 tags: - attack.command_and_control - attack.t1071 - attack.t1071.004 - attack.t1001.003 - attack.t1041 logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection: ParentImage|endswith: '\powershell.exe' Image|endswith: '\nslookup.exe' CommandLine|endswith: '\nslookup.exe' condition: selection | count(Image) by ParentImage > 100 fields: - Image - CommandLine - ParentImage falsepositives: - Other powershell scripts that call nslookup.exe level: high