title: First Time Seen Remote Named Pipe id: 52d8b0c6-53d6-439a-9e41-52ad442ad9ad description: This detection excludes known namped pipes accessible remotely and notify on newly observed ones, may help to detect lateral movement and remote exec using named pipes author: Samir Bousseaden date: 2019/04/03 references: - https://twitter.com/menasec1/status/1104489274387451904 tags: - attack.lateral_movement - attack.t1077 # an old one - attack.t1021.002 logsource: product: windows service: security definition: 'The advanced audit policy setting "Object Access > Audit Detailed File Share" must be configured for Success/Failure' detection: selection1: EventID: 5145 ShareName: \\*\IPC$ selection2: EventID: 5145 ShareName: \\*\IPC$ RelativeTargetName: - 'atsvc' - 'samr' - 'lsarpc' - 'winreg' - 'netlogon' - 'srvsvc' - 'protected_storage' - 'wkssvc' - 'browser' - 'netdfs' - 'svcctl' - 'spoolss' - 'ntsvcs' - 'LSM_API_service' - 'HydraLsPipe' - 'TermSrv_API_service' - 'MsFteWds' condition: selection1 and not selection2 falsepositives: - update the excluded named pipe to filter out any newly observed legit named pipe level: high