title: Suspicious eventlog clear or configuration using wevtutil description: Detects clearing or configuration of eventlogs uwing wevtutil. Might be used by ransomwares during the attack (seen by NotPetya and others) author: Ecco date: 2019/09/26 tags: - attack.execution - attack.t1070 - car.2016-04-002 level: high logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection_binary_1: Image: '*\wevtutil.exe' selection_binary_2: OriginalFileName: 'wevtutil.exe' selection_clear_1: CommandLine: '* cl *' selection_clear_2: CommandLine: '* clear-log *' selection_disable_1: CommandLine: '* sl *' selection_disable_2: CommandLine: '* set-log *' condition: (1 of selection_binary_*) and (1 of selection_clear_* or 1 of selection_disable_*) falsepositives: - Admin activity - Scripts and administrative tools used in the monitored environment