title: Malicious Service Installations description: Detects known malicious service installs that only appear in cases of lateral movement, credential dumping and other suspicious activity author: Florian Roth tags: - attack.persistence - attack.privilege_escalation - attack.t1050 - car.2013-09-005 logsource: product: windows service: system detection: selection: EventID: 7045 malsvc_wce: ServiceName: - 'WCESERVICE' - 'WCE SERVICE' malsvc_paexec: ServiceFileName: '*\PAExec*' malsvc_winexe: ServiceFileName: 'winexesvc.exe*' malsvc_pwdumpx: ServiceFileName: '*\DumpSvc.exe' malsvc_wannacry: ServiceName: 'mssecsvc2.0' malsvc_persistence: ServiceFileName: '* net user *' malsvc_others: ServiceName: - 'pwdump*' - 'gsecdump*' - 'cachedump*' condition: selection and 1 of malsvc_* falsepositives: - Penetration testing level: critical