title: Download from Suspicious Dyndns Hosts id: 195c1119-ef07-4909-bb12-e66f5e07bf3c status: experimental description: Detects download of certain file types from hosts with dynamic DNS names (selected list) author: Florian Roth date: 2017/11/08 modified: 2020/09/03 references: - https://www.alienvault.com/blogs/security-essentials/dynamic-dns-security-and-potential-threats logsource: category: proxy detection: selection: c-uri-extension: - 'exe' - 'vbs' - 'bat' - 'rar' - 'ps1' - 'doc' - 'docm' - 'xls' - 'xlsm' - 'pptm' - 'rtf' - 'hta' - 'dll' - 'ws' - 'wsf' - 'sct' - 'zip' # If you want to add more extensions - see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/ r-dns|endswith: - '.hopto.org' - '.no-ip.org' - '.no-ip.info' - '.no-ip.biz' - '.no-ip.com' - '.noip.com' - '.ddns.name' - '.myftp.org' - '.myftp.biz' - '.serveblog.net' - '.servebeer.com' - '.servemp3.com' - '.serveftp.com' - '.servequake.com' - '.servehalflife.com' - '.servehttp.com' - '.servegame.com' - '.servepics.com' - '.myvnc.com' - '.ignorelist.com' - '.jkub.com' - '.dlinkddns.com' - '.jumpingcrab.com' - '.ddns.info' - '.mooo.com' - '.dns-dns.com' - '.strangled.net' - '.adultdns.net' - '.craftx.biz' - '.ddns01.com' - '.dns53.biz' - '.dnsapi.info' - '.dnsd.info' - '.dnsdynamic.com' - '.dnsdynamic.net' - '.dnsget.org' - '.fe100.net' - '.flashserv.net' - '.ftp21.net' - '.http01.com' - '.http80.info' - '.https443.com' - '.imap01.com' - '.kadm5.com' - '.mysq1.net' - '.ns360.info' - '.ntdll.net' - '.ole32.com' - '.proxy8080.com' - '.sql01.com' - '.ssh01.com' - '.ssh22.net' - '.tempors.com' - '.tftpd.net' - '.ttl60.com' - '.ttl60.org' - '.user32.com' - '.voip01.com' - '.wow64.net' - '.x64.me' - '.xns01.com' - '.dyndns.org' - '.dyndns.info' - '.dyndns.tv' - '.dyndns-at-home.com' - '.dnsomatic.com' - '.zapto.org' - '.webhop.net' - '.25u.com' - '.slyip.net' condition: selection fields: - cs-ip - c-uri falsepositives: - Software downloads level: medium tags: - attack.defense_evasion - attack.command_and_control - attack.t1105 - attack.t1568