title: Suspicious Kerberos RC4 Ticket Encryption id: 496a0e47-0a33-4dca-b009-9e6ca3591f39 status: experimental references: - https://adsecurity.org/?p=3458 - https://www.trimarcsecurity.com/single-post/TrimarcResearch/Detecting-Kerberoasting-Activity tags: - attack.credential_access - attack.t1208 # an old one - attack.t1558.003 description: Detects service ticket requests using RC4 encryption type author: Florian Roth date: 2017/02/06 logsource: product: windows service: security detection: selection: EventID: 4769 TicketOptions: '0x40810000' TicketEncryptionType: '0x17' reduction: - ServiceName: '$*' condition: selection and not reduction falsepositives: - Service accounts used on legacy systems (e.g. NetApp) - Windows Domains with DFL 2003 and legacy systems level: medium