title: Hiding Files with Attrib.exe id: 4281cb20-2994-4580-aa63-c8b86d019934 status: experimental description: Detects usage of attrib.exe to hide files from users. author: Sami Ruohonen date: 2019/01/16 modified: 2020/08/27 logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection: Image|endswith: '\attrib.exe' CommandLine|contains: ' +h ' ini: CommandLine|contains: '\desktop.ini ' intel: ParentImage|endswith: '\cmd.exe' CommandLine: +R +H +S +A \\*.cui ParentCommandLine: C:\WINDOWS\system32\\*.bat condition: selection and not (ini or intel) fields: - CommandLine - ParentCommandLine - User tags: - attack.defense_evasion - attack.t1564.001 - attack.t1158 # an old one falsepositives: - igfxCUIService.exe hiding *.cui files via .bat script (attrib.exe a child of cmd.exe and igfxCUIService.exe is the parent of the cmd.exe) - msiexec.exe hiding desktop.ini level: low