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# ⛔ This file indicates REQUIRED reviewers for changes to certain file paths in this repo.
# > How? This "requiredness" is provided natively by GitHub. If a team is specified, then
# > the logic behaves slightly differently. See GitHub's latest documentation on CODEOWNERS
# > for more information.
# ⚠️ For file paths not listed, the DRI is indicated elsewhere (website/config/custom.js).
# (In either case, the DRI is automatically requested for review when changes are proposed.)
# ✅ Some paths also have multiple individuals who are allowed to make changes without review,
# even though they are not the DRI. These are called "maintainers".
# For more information on how this works, see:
# - What is a DRI and how is this configured? https://fleetdm.com/handbook/company/why-this-way#why-direct-responsibility
# - Historical context: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/12786
# Golang files and other files related to the core product backend.
# (1 or more Golang-literate engineers is required to review changes.)
# FUTURE: Look for a way to not have this notify every single person in this "github team".
*.go @fleetdm/go
go.sum @fleetdm/go
go.mod @fleetdm/go
/server/ @fleetdm/go
/cmd/ @fleetdm/go
# React files and other files related to the core product frontend.
# (1 or more React-literate engineers is required to review changes.)
# FUTURE: Look for a way to not have this notify every single person in this "github team".
/frontend/ @fleetdm/frontend
# Key handbook pages w/ required reviewers
# (Especially useful for paths that tend to end up in PRs with lots of other reviewers)
/handbook/company/development-groups.md @mikermcneil
/handbook/company/why-this-way.md @mikermcneil
/handbook/company/README.md @mikermcneil
/handbook/business-operations/README.md @mikermcneil
/docs/ @rachaelshaw
/schema/ @rachaelshaw #« Data tables (osquery/fleetd schema) documentation
CHANGELOG.md @lukeheath
# ℹ️ But wait, there's more!
# See the comments up top to learn where else DRIs and maintainers are configured.