Mike McNeil 27eae209fd
Move fleetdm.com into main Fleet repo (#83)
* rename dir

* no need to install website or docs from npm

At some point, would also be nice to be able to exclude assets/ as well, and to only install a pre-built version of Fleet's frontend code

* Bring in fleetdm.com website

From https://github.com/fleetdm/fleetdm.com as of https://github.com/fleetdm/fleetdm.com/releases/tag/v0.0.21

* add procfile for heroku

Using https://github.com/timanovsky/subdir-heroku-buildpack

* avoid getting anybody's hopes up

* Create deploy-fleet-website.yml (#82)

* Create deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* update pjs with SPDX-like license expressions.  also fix repo URL

and remove package lock

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* remove dummy uri

* Dissect deploy script

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* workaround for eslintrc nesting issue

* lint fixes

* forgot the .js

* add per-commit git config

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* might as well remove that

* cleanup

* connect w/ heroku app and have it actually push

* fix bug I introduced in 578a1a01ffb8404aae869e05005e30a6ba2b2a95

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* the beauty, the glory, of javascript

* GH actions don't like "\n"

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* restore \n chars from 0d45e568f693efba7d7072085bc98d72a482d9ae

hoping I was wrong in 0d45e568f693efba7d7072085bc98d72a482d9ae but see also https://github.community/t/what-is-the-correct-character-escaping-for-workflow-command-values-e-g-echo-xxxx/118465/5

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* Update deploy-fleet-website.yml

* rename script to prevent duplicate building

* Configure the real website

* clean up

* a test of the deploy workflow

* add handbook to npmignore

* I guess you could call this fixing a typo

* point workflow at master branch

* now clearly bogus: this completely unused version string
2020-12-02 14:48:03 -06:00

200 lines
5.9 KiB

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