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synced 2024-11-07 01:15:22 +00:00
Load queries before starting simulated hosts -- This is a much quicker step and allows the user to see the queries in the interface while they wait for hosts to start.
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466 lines
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package main
import (
const (
downloadUrl = "https://github.com/fleetdm/osquery-in-a-box/archive/master.zip"
standardQueryLibraryUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fleetdm/fleet/main/docs/1-Using-Fleet/standard-query-library/standard-query-library.yml"
licenseKeyFlagName = "license-key"
func previewCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "preview",
Usage: "Start a preview deployment of the Fleet server",
Description: `Start a preview deployment of the Fleet server using Docker and docker-compose. Docker tools must be available in the environment.
Use the stop and reset subcommands to manage the server and dependencies once started.`,
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: licenseKeyFlagName,
Usage: "License key to enable Fleet Basic (optional)",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if err := checkDocker(); err != nil {
return err
// Download files every time to ensure the user gets the most up to date versions
previewDir := previewDirectory()
fmt.Printf("Downloading dependencies into %s...\n", previewDir)
if err := downloadFiles(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error downloading dependencies")
if err := os.Chdir(previewDir); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := os.Stat("docker-compose.yml"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "docker-compose file not found in preview directory")
// Make sure the logs directory is writable, otherwise the Fleet
// server errors on startup. This can be a problem when running on
// Linux with a non-root user inside the container.
if err := os.Chmod(filepath.Join(previewDir, "logs"), 0777); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "make logs writable")
fmt.Println("Pulling Docker dependencies...")
out, err := exec.Command("docker-compose", "pull").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose")
fmt.Println("Starting Docker containers...")
cmd := exec.Command("docker-compose", "up", "-d", "--remove-orphans", "mysql01", "redis01", "fleet01")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "FLEET_LICENSE_KEY="+c.String(licenseKeyFlagName))
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose")
fmt.Println("Waiting for server to start up...")
if err := waitStartup(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "wait for server startup")
// Start fleet02 (UI server) after fleet01 (agent/fleetctl server)
// has finished starting up so that there is no conflict with
// running database migrations.
cmd = exec.Command("docker-compose", "up", "-d", "--remove-orphans", "fleet02")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "FLEET_LICENSE_KEY="+c.String(licenseKeyFlagName))
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose")
fmt.Println("Initializing server...")
const (
address = "https://localhost:8412"
email = "admin@example.com"
password = "admin123#"
fleetClient, err := service.NewClient(address, true, "", "")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error creating Fleet API client handler")
token, err := fleetClient.Setup(email, "Admin", password, "Fleet Preview")
if err != nil {
switch errors.Cause(err).(type) {
case service.SetupAlreadyErr:
// Ignore this error
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error setting up Fleet")
configPath, context := c.String("config"), "default"
contextConfig := Context{
Address: address,
Email: email,
Token: token,
TLSSkipVerify: true,
config, err := readConfig(configPath)
if err != nil {
// No existing config
config.Contexts = map[string]Context{
"default": contextConfig,
} else {
fmt.Println("Configured fleetctl in the 'preview' context to avoid overwriting existing config.")
context = "preview"
config.Contexts["preview"] = contextConfig
c.Set("context", context)
if err := writeConfig(configPath, config); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error writing fleetctl configuration")
fmt.Println("Fleet UI is now available at http://localhost:1337.")
fmt.Println("Email:", email)
fmt.Println("Password:", password)
// Create client and get enroll secret
client, err := unauthenticatedClientFromCLI(c)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error making fleetctl client")
token, err = client.Login(email, password)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fleetctl login failed")
if err := setConfigValue(configPath, context, "token", token); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error setting token for the current context")
fmt.Println("Loading standard query library...")
buf, err := downloadStandardQueryLibrary()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to download standard query library")
specGroup, err := specGroupFromBytes(buf)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse standard query library")
err = client.ApplyQueries(specGroup.Queries)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to apply standard query library")
secrets, err := client.GetEnrollSecretSpec()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error retrieving enroll secret")
if len(secrets.Secrets) != 1 {
return errors.New("Expected 1 active enroll secret")
fmt.Println("Starting simulated hosts...")
cmd = exec.Command("docker-compose", "up", "-d", "--remove-orphans")
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(previewDir, "osquery")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose")
fmt.Println("Preview environment complete. Enjoy using Fleet!")
return nil
func previewDirectory() string {
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
homeDir = "~"
return filepath.Join(homeDir, ".fleet", "preview")
func downloadFiles() error {
resp, err := http.Get(downloadUrl)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return errors.Errorf("download got status %d", resp.StatusCode)
zipContents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "read download contents")
zipReader, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(zipContents), int64(len(zipContents)))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "open download contents for unzip")
// zip.NewReader does not need to be closed (and cannot be)
if err := unzip(zipReader); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unzip download contents")
return nil
func downloadStandardQueryLibrary() ([]byte, error) {
resp, err := http.Get(standardQueryLibraryUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, errors.Errorf("status: %d", resp.StatusCode)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "read response body")
return buf, nil
// Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/24792688/491710
func unzip(r *zip.Reader) error {
previewDir := previewDirectory()
// Closure to address file descriptors issue with all the deferred .Close()
// methods
extractAndWriteFile := func(f *zip.File) error {
rc, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rc.Close()
path := f.Name
path = strings.Replace(path, "osquery-in-a-box-master", previewDir, 1)
// We don't need to check for directory traversal as we are already
// trusting the validity of this ZIP file.
if f.FileInfo().IsDir() {
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, f.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), f.Mode()); err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, f.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(f, rc)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
for _, f := range r.File {
err := extractAndWriteFile(f)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func waitStartup() error {
retryStrategy := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
retryStrategy.MaxInterval = 1 * time.Second
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
if err := backoff.Retry(
func() error {
resp, err := client.Get("https://localhost:8412/healthz")
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return errors.Errorf("got status code %d", resp.StatusCode)
return nil
); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "checking server health")
return nil
func checkDocker() error {
// Check installed
if _, err := exec.LookPath("docker"); err != nil {
return errors.New("Docker is required for the fleetctl preview experience.\n\nPlease install Docker (https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/).")
if _, err := exec.LookPath("docker-compose"); err != nil {
return errors.New("Docker Compose is required for the fleetctl preview experience.\n\nPlease install Docker Compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).")
// Check running
if err := exec.Command("docker", "info").Run(); err != nil {
return errors.New("Please start Docker daemon before running fleetctl preview.")
return nil
func previewStopCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "stop",
Usage: "Stop the Fleet preview server and dependencies",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if err := checkDocker(); err != nil {
return err
previewDir := previewDirectory()
if err := os.Chdir(previewDir); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := os.Stat("docker-compose.yml"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "docker-compose file not found in preview directory")
out, err := exec.Command("docker-compose", "stop").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose stop for Fleet server and dependencies")
cmd := exec.Command("docker-compose", "stop")
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(previewDir, "osquery")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
// Note that these must be set even though they are unused while
// stopping because docker-compose will error otherwise.
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose stop for simulated hosts")
fmt.Println("Fleet preview server and dependencies stopped. Start again with fleetctl preview.")
return nil
func previewResetCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "reset",
Usage: "Reset the Fleet preview server and dependencies",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if err := checkDocker(); err != nil {
return err
previewDir := previewDirectory()
if err := os.Chdir(previewDir); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := os.Stat("docker-compose.yml"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "docker-compose file not found in preview directory")
out, err := exec.Command("docker-compose", "rm", "-sf").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose rm -sf for Fleet server and dependencies.")
cmd := exec.Command("docker-compose", "rm", "-sf")
cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(previewDir, "osquery")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
// Note that these must be set even though they are unused while
// stopping because docker-compose will error otherwise.
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to run docker-compose rm -sf for simulated hosts.")
fmt.Println("Fleet preview server and dependencies reset. Start again with fleetctl preview.")
return nil