Tomas Touceda f8b7a83cc6
Process stored CPEs and store found CVEs (#1533)


* Make path optional and fix tests

* Add first generate

* Move to nvd package

* remove replace

* Re-add replace

* It's path, not file name

* Change how db path is set and use etag

* Fix typos

* Make db generation faster

* Remove quotes

* Doesn't like comments

* Samitize etag and save to file

* Refactor some things and improve writing of etagenv

* Compress file and truncate amount of items for faster testing

* Remove quotes

* Try to improve performance

* Ignore truncate error if not exists

* Minor cleanup and make sqlite have cpe prefix

* Simplify code and test sync

* Add VCR for sync test

* Check for nvdRelease nil

* Add test for the actual translation

* Address review comments

* Rename generate command because we'll have a cve one too

* Move to its own dir

* Add first cve db generation

* WIP but with final strategy, preparring to merge main

* Fix merge conflicts


* wip

* Insert CVEs to the db

* Remove unused code

* Use wg instead of counting

* Call cancelFunc to avoid ctx leak

* Fix logs for better readability

* Point code to fleetdm instead of my repo
2021-08-04 18:01:39 -03:00

79 lines
3.3 KiB

module github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4
go 1.16
require (
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