
361 lines
11 KiB

package service
import (
hostctx "github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/contexts/host"
microsoft_mdm "github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/mdm/microsoft"
type setOrbitNodeKeyer interface {
setOrbitNodeKey(nodeKey string)
type orbitError struct {
message string
// EnrollOrbitRequest is the request Orbit instances use to enroll to Fleet.
type EnrollOrbitRequest struct {
// EnrollSecret is the secret to authenticate the enroll request.
EnrollSecret string `json:"enroll_secret"`
// HardwareUUID is the device's hardware UUID.
HardwareUUID string `json:"hardware_uuid"`
// HardwareSerial is the device's serial number.
HardwareSerial string `json:"hardware_serial"`
// Hostname is the device's hostname.
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
// Platform is the device's platform as defined by osquery.
Platform string `json:"platform"`
type EnrollOrbitResponse struct {
OrbitNodeKey string `json:"orbit_node_key,omitempty"`
Err error `json:"error,omitempty"`
type orbitGetConfigRequest struct {
OrbitNodeKey string `json:"orbit_node_key"`
func (r *orbitGetConfigRequest) setOrbitNodeKey(nodeKey string) {
r.OrbitNodeKey = nodeKey
func (r *orbitGetConfigRequest) orbitHostNodeKey() string {
return r.OrbitNodeKey
type orbitGetConfigResponse struct {
Err error `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (r orbitGetConfigResponse) error() error { return r.Err }
func (e orbitError) Error() string {
return e.message
func (r EnrollOrbitResponse) error() error { return r.Err }
// hijackRender so we can add a header with the server capabilities in the
// response, allowing Orbit to know what features are available without the
// need to enroll.
func (r EnrollOrbitResponse) hijackRender(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) {
writeCapabilitiesHeader(w, fleet.ServerOrbitCapabilities)
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(r); err != nil {
encodeError(ctx, newOsqueryError(fmt.Sprintf("orbit enroll failed: %s", err)), w)
func enrollOrbitEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request interface{}, svc fleet.Service) (errorer, error) {
req := request.(*EnrollOrbitRequest)
nodeKey, err := svc.EnrollOrbit(ctx, fleet.OrbitHostInfo{
HardwareUUID: req.HardwareUUID,
HardwareSerial: req.HardwareSerial,
Hostname: req.Hostname,
Platform: req.Platform,
}, req.EnrollSecret)
if err != nil {
return EnrollOrbitResponse{Err: err}, nil
return EnrollOrbitResponse{OrbitNodeKey: nodeKey}, nil
func (svc *Service) AuthenticateOrbitHost(ctx context.Context, orbitNodeKey string) (*fleet.Host, bool, error) {
if orbitNodeKey == "" {
return nil, false, ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, fleet.NewAuthRequiredError("authentication error: missing orbit node key"))
host, err := svc.ds.LoadHostByOrbitNodeKey(ctx, orbitNodeKey)
switch {
case err == nil:
// OK
case fleet.IsNotFound(err):
return nil, false, ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, fleet.NewAuthRequiredError("authentication error: invalid orbit node key"))
return nil, false, ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "authentication error orbit")
return host, svc.debugEnabledForHost(ctx, host.ID), nil
// EnrollOrbit enrolls an Orbit instance to Fleet and returns the orbit node key.
func (svc *Service) EnrollOrbit(ctx context.Context, hostInfo fleet.OrbitHostInfo, enrollSecret string) (string, error) {
// this is not a user-authenticated endpoint
"hardware_uuid", hostInfo.HardwareUUID,
"hardware_serial", hostInfo.HardwareSerial,
"hostname", hostInfo.Hostname,
"platform", hostInfo.Platform,
secret, err := svc.ds.VerifyEnrollSecret(ctx, enrollSecret)
if err != nil {
if fleet.IsNotFound(err) {
// OK - This can happen if the following sequence of events take place:
// 1. User deletes global/team enroll secret.
// 2. User deletes the host in Fleet.
// 3. Orbit tries to re-enroll using old secret.
return "", fleet.NewAuthFailedError("invalid secret")
return "", orbitError{message: err.Error()}
orbitNodeKey, err := server.GenerateRandomText(svc.config.Osquery.NodeKeySize)
if err != nil {
return "", orbitError{message: "failed to generate orbit node key: " + err.Error()}
appConfig, err := svc.ds.AppConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", orbitError{message: "app config load failed: " + err.Error()}
_, err = svc.ds.EnrollOrbit(ctx, appConfig.MDM.EnabledAndConfigured, hostInfo, orbitNodeKey, secret.TeamID)
if err != nil {
return "", orbitError{message: "failed to enroll " + err.Error()}
return orbitNodeKey, nil
func getOrbitConfigEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request interface{}, svc fleet.Service) (errorer, error) {
cfg, err := svc.GetOrbitConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return orbitGetConfigResponse{Err: err}, nil
return orbitGetConfigResponse{OrbitConfig: cfg}, nil
func (svc *Service) GetOrbitConfig(ctx context.Context) (fleet.OrbitConfig, error) {
// this is not a user-authenticated endpoint
var notifs fleet.OrbitConfigNotifications
host, ok := hostctx.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, orbitError{message: "internal error: missing host from request context"}
appConfig, err := svc.ds.AppConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
// set the host's orbit notifications for macOS MDM
if appConfig.MDM.EnabledAndConfigured && host.IsOsqueryEnrolled() {
// TODO(mna): all those notifications implied a macos hosts, but none of
// the checks enforce that (only indirectly in some cases, like
// IsDEPAssignedToFleet), should we add such a platform check?
if host.NeedsDEPEnrollment() {
notifs.RenewEnrollmentProfile = true
if appConfig.MDM.MacOSMigration.Enable &&
host.IsEligibleForDEPMigration() {
notifs.NeedsMDMMigration = true
if host.DiskEncryptionResetRequested != nil && *host.DiskEncryptionResetRequested {
notifs.RotateDiskEncryptionKey = true
// Since this is an user initiated action, we disable
// the flag when we deliver the notification to Orbit
if err := svc.ds.SetDiskEncryptionResetStatus(ctx, host.ID, false); err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
// set the host's orbit notifications for Windows MDM
if appConfig.MDM.WindowsEnabledAndConfigured {
if host.IsEligibleForWindowsMDMEnrollment() {
discoURL, err := microsoft_mdm.ResolveWindowsMDMDiscovery(appConfig.ServerSettings.ServerURL)
if err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
notifs.WindowsMDMDiscoveryEndpoint = discoURL
notifs.NeedsProgrammaticWindowsMDMEnrollment = true
if config.IsMDMFeatureFlagEnabled() && !appConfig.MDM.WindowsEnabledAndConfigured {
if host.IsEligibleForWindowsMDMUnenrollment() {
notifs.NeedsProgrammaticWindowsMDMUnenrollment = true
// team ID is not nil, get team specific flags and options
if host.TeamID != nil {
teamAgentOptions, err := svc.ds.TeamAgentOptions(ctx, *host.TeamID)
if err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
var opts fleet.AgentOptions
if teamAgentOptions != nil && len(*teamAgentOptions) > 0 {
if err := json.Unmarshal(*teamAgentOptions, &opts); err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
mdmConfig, err := svc.ds.TeamMDMConfig(ctx, *host.TeamID)
if err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
var nudgeConfig *fleet.NudgeConfig
if appConfig.MDM.EnabledAndConfigured &&
mdmConfig != nil &&
mdmConfig.MacOSUpdates.EnabledForHost(host) {
nudgeConfig, err = fleet.NewNudgeConfig(mdmConfig.MacOSUpdates)
if err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
return fleet.OrbitConfig{
Flags: opts.CommandLineStartUpFlags,
Extensions: opts.Extensions,
Notifications: notifs,
NudgeConfig: nudgeConfig,
}, nil
// team ID is nil, get global flags and options
var opts fleet.AgentOptions
if appConfig.AgentOptions != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal(*appConfig.AgentOptions, &opts); err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
var nudgeConfig *fleet.NudgeConfig
if appConfig.MDM.EnabledAndConfigured &&
appConfig.MDM.MacOSUpdates.EnabledForHost(host) {
nudgeConfig, err = fleet.NewNudgeConfig(appConfig.MDM.MacOSUpdates)
if err != nil {
return fleet.OrbitConfig{Notifications: notifs}, err
return fleet.OrbitConfig{
Flags: opts.CommandLineStartUpFlags,
Extensions: opts.Extensions,
Notifications: notifs,
NudgeConfig: nudgeConfig,
}, nil
// Ping orbit endpoint
type orbitPingRequest struct{}
type orbitPingResponse struct{}
func (r orbitPingResponse) hijackRender(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) {
writeCapabilitiesHeader(w, fleet.ServerOrbitCapabilities)
func (r orbitPingResponse) error() error { return nil }
// NOTE: we're intentionally not reading the capabilities header in this
// endpoint as is unauthenticated and we don't want to trust whatever comes in
// there.
func orbitPingEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request interface{}, svc fleet.Service) (errorer, error) {
return orbitPingResponse{}, nil
// SetOrUpdateDeviceToken endpoint
type setOrUpdateDeviceTokenRequest struct {
OrbitNodeKey string `json:"orbit_node_key"`
DeviceAuthToken string `json:"device_auth_token"`
func (r *setOrUpdateDeviceTokenRequest) setOrbitNodeKey(nodeKey string) {
r.OrbitNodeKey = nodeKey
func (r *setOrUpdateDeviceTokenRequest) orbitHostNodeKey() string {
return r.OrbitNodeKey
type setOrUpdateDeviceTokenResponse struct {
Err error `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (r setOrUpdateDeviceTokenResponse) error() error { return r.Err }
func setOrUpdateDeviceTokenEndpoint(ctx context.Context, request interface{}, svc fleet.Service) (errorer, error) {
req := request.(*setOrUpdateDeviceTokenRequest)
if err := svc.SetOrUpdateDeviceAuthToken(ctx, req.DeviceAuthToken); err != nil {
return setOrUpdateDeviceTokenResponse{Err: err}, nil
return setOrUpdateDeviceTokenResponse{}, nil
func (svc *Service) SetOrUpdateDeviceAuthToken(ctx context.Context, deviceAuthToken string) error {
// this is not a user-authenticated endpoint
host, ok := hostctx.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return newOsqueryError("internal error: missing host from request context")
if err := svc.ds.SetOrUpdateDeviceAuthToken(ctx, host.ID, deviceAuthToken); err != nil {
return newOsqueryError(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: failed to set or update device auth token: %e", err))
return nil