2022-12-05 16:50:49 -06:00

290 lines
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// Package errorstore implements a Handler type that can be used to store
// deduplicated instances of errors in an ephemeral storage, and provides a
// Retrieve method to retrieve the list of errors with the option of clearing
// them at the same time. It provides a foundation to facilitate
// troubleshooting and building tooling for support while trying to keep the
// impact of storage to a minimum (ephemeral data, deduplication, flush on
// read).
package errorstore
import (
kitlog "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
redigo "github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis"
// Handler defines an error handler. Call Handler.Store to handle an error, and
// Handler.Retrieve to retrieve all stored errors and optionally clear them
// from the store. It is safe to call those methods concurrently.
type Handler struct {
pool fleet.RedisPool
logger kitlog.Logger
ttl time.Duration
running int32 // accessed atomically
errCh chan error
// for tests
syncStore bool // if true, store error synchronously
testOnStore func(error) // if set, called each time an error is stored
testOnStart func() // if set, called once the handler is running
// NewHandler creates an error handler using the provided pool and logger,
// storing unique instances of errors in Redis using the pool. It stops storing
// errors when ctx is cancelled. Errors are kept for the duration of ttl.
func NewHandler(ctx context.Context, pool fleet.RedisPool, logger kitlog.Logger, ttl time.Duration) *Handler {
eh := &Handler{
pool: pool,
logger: logger,
ttl: ttl,
if ttl >= 0 {
runHandler(ctx, eh)
return eh
func newTestHandler(ctx context.Context, pool fleet.RedisPool, logger kitlog.Logger, ttl time.Duration, onStart func(), onStore func(error)) *Handler {
eh := &Handler{
pool: pool,
logger: logger,
ttl: ttl,
syncStore: true,
testOnStart: onStart,
testOnStore: onStore,
if ttl >= 0 {
runHandler(ctx, eh)
return eh
func runHandler(ctx context.Context, eh *Handler) {
ch := make(chan error, 1)
eh.errCh = ch
go eh.handleErrors(ctx)
// Retrieve retrieves all stored errors from Redis and returns them as a slice
// of JSON-encoded strings.
// If flush is `true`, performs a destructive read - the errors are removed
// from Redis on return.
func (h *Handler) Retrieve(flush bool) ([]*ctxerr.StoredError, error) {
// scanning only the error:*:json keys as json and count are both tagged keys
// and should hash to the same Redis slot
errorKeys, err := redis.ScanKeys(h.pool, "error:*:json", 100)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keysBySlot := redis.SplitKeysBySlot(h.pool, errorKeys...)
var rawErrs []interface{}
for _, qkeys := range keysBySlot {
if len(qkeys) > 0 {
gotErrors, err := h.collectBatchErrors(qkeys, flush)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rawErrs = append(rawErrs, gotErrors...)
errorList := make([]*ctxerr.StoredError, 0, len(rawErrs))
if err := redigo.ScanSlice(rawErrs, &errorList); err != nil {
return nil, err
return errorList, nil
func (h *Handler) collectBatchErrors(errorKeys []string, flush bool) ([]interface{}, error) {
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(h.pool, h.pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
var args redigo.Args
for _, ek := range errorKeys {
// note: the order in which the keys are requested must match the order in
// which the struct fields are declared (due to how redigo.ScanSlice works)
args = args.Add(strings.Replace(ek, ":json", ":count", 1))
args = args.Add(ek)
errorList, err := redigo.Values(conn.Do("MGET", args...))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if flush {
if _, err := conn.Do("DEL", args...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return errorList, nil
func sha256b64(s string) string {
src := sha256.Sum256([]byte(s))
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(src[:])
func hashError(err error) string {
cause := ctxerr.Cause(err)
ferr := ctxerr.FleetCause(err)
var sb strings.Builder
// hash the cause type and message (it might not be a FleetError)
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%T\n%s\n", cause, cause.Error())
// hash the stack trace of the root FleetError in the chain
if ferr != nil {
fmt.Fprint(&sb, strings.Join(ferr.Stack(), "\n"))
return sha256b64(sb.String())
func hashAndMarshalError(externalErr error) (errHash string, errAsJson string, err error) {
bytes, err := ctxerr.MarshalJSON(externalErr)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return hashError(externalErr), string(bytes), nil
func (h *Handler) handleErrors(ctx context.Context) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&h.running, 1)
defer func() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&h.running, 0)
if h.testOnStart != nil {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case err := <-h.errCh:
h.storeError(ctx, err)
func (h *Handler) storeError(ctx context.Context, err error) {
errorHash, errorJson, err := hashAndMarshalError(err)
if err != nil {
level.Error(h.logger).Log("err", err, "msg", "hashErr failed")
if h.testOnStore != nil {
// not using a connection that follows redirections here
// in order to do pipeline commands
conn := h.pool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
jsonKey := fmt.Sprintf("error:{%s}:json", errorHash)
countKey := fmt.Sprintf("error:{%s}:count", errorHash)
conn.Send("SET", jsonKey, errorJson) //nolint:errcheck
conn.Send("INCR", countKey) //nolint:errcheck
if h.ttl > 0 {
secs := int(h.ttl.Seconds())
if secs <= 0 {
secs = 1 // EXPIRE fails if ttl is <= 0
conn.Send("EXPIRE", jsonKey, secs) //nolint:errcheck
conn.Send("EXPIRE", countKey, secs) //nolint:errcheck
if _, err := conn.Do(""); err != nil {
level.Error(h.logger).Log("err", err, "msg", "redis SET failed")
if h.testOnStore != nil {
if h.testOnStore != nil {
// Store handles the provided error by storing it into Redis if the handler is
// still running.
// It waits for a predefined period of time to try to store the error but does
// so in a goroutine so the call returns immediately.
func (h *Handler) Store(err error) {
exec := func() {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&h.running) == 0 {
timer := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case h.errCh <- err:
case <-timer.C:
if h.syncStore {
} else {
go exec()
// ServeHTTP implements an http.Handler that retrieves the errors stored
// by the Handler and returns them in the response as JSON.
func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var flush bool
opts := r.URL.Query()
if opts.Has("flush") {
var err error
flush, err = strconv.ParseBool(opts.Get("flush"))
if err != nil {
errors, err := h.Retrieve(flush)
if err != nil {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(errors)
if err != nil {
w.Write(bytes) //nolint:errcheck