Gabe Hernandez a6c8987200
Feature - add search and sort to host table (#341)
* start adding global search filter

* update polyfill setup to use async await for react-table

* update browerslist to sensible defaults

* get global search functionality woring

* more progress on the data table

* get label network calls working in hostdatatable

* get pagination functionality into the HostDataTable

* get search query making network call

* get ordering making query

* make actual  sort order network calls

* disable cpu column sorting

* seperate get table data from get labels

* fix issues with input resetting and got search query working

* get sort working

* ignore vs code editor settings

* improve loading spinner to move inside the table

* improve styling

* add sorting arrows

* remove unused sorting arrow component

* add host query params to labels endpoint

* fix style for query textarea on label hosts

* got new pagination working

* set server data as source of truth for table global filter

* cleanup logs

* clean up pagination styles

* fix up paginationa and no host styles

* add result count to table

* remove logs

* tweak header styles

* fix to sort order

* simplify default sort direction

* keep sort order of server api responses and use in host table

* clean up logs

* Add styles for header cell and pagination

* fix tests for ManageHostPage

* fix tests for HostContainer

* fix lower level action reducer and thunk tests

* fix tests for hosts client

* fix up some host count styling

* added back no hosts start message

* fix linting errors

* remove unused old pagination code

* add back scrollToTop utility on pagination

* remove unused code in managehostpage test

Co-authored-by: Noah Talerman <noahtal@umich.edu>
2021-02-25 12:05:08 +00:00

208 lines
6.1 KiB

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