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synced 2024-11-06 17:05:18 +00:00
Closes: #11989 Changes: - Changed the Bootstrap 4 class that is added to every table in content built from Markdown so our tables are responsive at all widths (`table-responsive-xl` » `table-responsive`)
158 lines
6.2 KiB
158 lines
6.2 KiB
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'To HTML',
description: 'Compile a Markdown string into an HTML string.',
'Expects GitHub-flavored Markdown syntax. Uses [`marked`](https://github.com/chjj/marked)@v0.3.5. '+
'Inspired by https://github.com/mikermcneil/machinepack-markdown/tree/5d8cee127e8ce45c702ec9bbb2b4f9bc4b7fafac',
moreInfoUrl: 'https://help.github.com/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax/',
sideEffects: 'cacheable',
inputs: {
mdString: {
description: 'Markdown string to convert',
example: '# hello world\n it\'s me, some markdown string \n\n ```js\n//but maybe i have code snippets too...\n```',
required: true
allowHtml: {
friendlyName: 'Allow HTML?',
description: 'Whether or not to allow HTML tags in the Markdown input. Defaults to `true`.',
extendedDescription: 'If `false`, any input that contains HTML tags will trigger the `unsafeMarkdown` exit.',
example: true,
defaultsTo: true
addIdsToHeadings: {
friendlyName: 'Add IDs to headings?',
description: 'Whether or not to add an ID attribute to rendered heading tags like <h1>',
extendedDescription: 'This is not part of the Markdown specification (see http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus), but it is the default behavior for the `marked` module. Defaults to `true`.',
example: true,
defaultsTo: true
exits: {
success: {
outputFriendlyName: 'HTML',
outputExample: '<h1 id="hello-world">hello world</h1>\n<p> it's me, some markdown string </p>\n<pre><code class="lang-js">//but maybe i have code snippets too...</code></pre>\n'
unsafeMarkdown: {
friendlyName: 'Unsafe Markdown detected',
description: 'The provided input contained unsafe content (like HTML tags).'
fn: function(inputs, exits) {
const { marked } = require('marked');
// For full list of options, see:
// • https://github.com/chjj/marked
var markedOpts = {
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pedantic: false,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false,
let customRenderer = new marked.Renderer();
if (inputs.addIdsToHeadings === true) {
var headingsRenderedOnThisPage = [];
customRenderer.heading = function (text, level) {
// If the heading has underscores and no spaces (e.g. osquery_async_host_collect_log_stats_interval) we'll add optional linebreaks before each underscore
var textWithLineBreaks;
if(text.match(/\S(\w+\_\S)+(\w\S)+/g) && !text.match(/\s/g)){
textWithLineBreaks = text.replace(/(\_)/g, '​_');
var headingID = _.kebabCase(_.unescape(text.toLowerCase()).replace(/[\’\']/g, ''));
if(!_.contains(headingsRenderedOnThisPage, headingID)){
} else {
headingID = sails.helpers.strings.ensureUniq(headingID, headingsRenderedOnThisPage);
return '<h'+level+' class="markdown-heading" id="'+headingID+'">'+(textWithLineBreaks ? textWithLineBreaks : text)+'<a href="#'+headingID+'" class="markdown-link"></a></h'+level+'>\n';
} else {
customRenderer.heading = function (text, level) {
return '<h'+level+'>'+text+'</h'+level+'>';
// Creating a custom codeblock renderer function to render mermaid code blocks (```mermaid```) without the added <pre> tags.
customRenderer.code = function(code) {
if(code.match(/\<!-- __LANG=\%mermaid\%__ --\>/g)) {
return '<code>'+_.escape(code)+'\n</code>';
} else {
return '<pre><code>'+_.escape(code)+'\n</code></pre>';
// Creating a custom blockquote renderer function to render blockquotes as tip blockquotes.
customRenderer.blockquote = function(blockquoteHtml) {
return `<blockquote purpose="tip"><img src="/images/icon-info-16x16@2x.png" alt="An icon indicating that this section has important information"><div class="d-block">\n${blockquoteHtml}\n</div></blockquote>`;
// Custom renderer function to enable checkboxes in Markdown lists.
customRenderer.listitem = function(innerHtml, hasCheckbox, isChecked) {
if(!hasCheckbox){ // « If a list item does not have a checkbox, we'll render it normally.
return `<li>${innerHtml}</li>`;
} else if(isChecked) {// If this checkbox was checked in Markdown (- [x]), we'll add a disabled checked checkbox, and hide the original checkbox with CSS
return `<li purpose="checklist-item"><input disabled type="checkbox" checked><span purpose="task">${innerHtml}</span></li>`;
} else {// If the checkbox was not checked, we'll add a non-checked disabled checkbox, and hide the original checkbox with CSS.
return `<li purpose="checklist-item"><input disabled type="checkbox"><span purpose="task">${innerHtml}</span></li>`;
// Creating a custom table renderer to add Bootstrap's responsive table styles to markdown tables.
customRenderer.table = function(headerHtml, bodyHtml) {
return `<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table">\n<thead>\n${headerHtml}\n</thead>\n<tbody>${bodyHtml}\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>`;
markedOpts.renderer = customRenderer;
// Now actually compile the markdown to HTML.
marked(inputs.mdString, markedOpts, function afterwards (err, htmlString) {
if (err) { return exits.error(err); }
// If we're not allowing HTML, compile the input again with the `sanitize` option on.
if (inputs.allowHtml === false) {
markedOpts.sanitize = true;
marked(inputs.mdString, markedOpts, function sanitized (err, sanitizedHtmlString) {
if (err) { return exits.error(err); }
// Now compare the unsanitized and the sanitized output, and if they're not the same,
// leave through the `unsafeMarkdown` exit since it means that HTML tags were detected.
if (htmlString !== sanitizedHtmlString) {
return exits.unsafeMarkdown();
return exits.success(htmlString);
else {
return exits.success(htmlString);