Eric cd046bf2fc
Website: Update default filters for query library, remove tag capitalization (#5523)
* update tag formatting + query library default filters

* make all tags lower case
2022-05-03 19:39:56 -05:00

462 lines
34 KiB

module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Build static content',
description: 'Generate HTML partials from source files in fleetdm/fleet repo (e.g. docs in markdown, or queries in YAML), and configure metadata about the generated files so it is available in `sails.config.builtStaticContent`.',
inputs: {
dry: { type: 'boolean', description: 'Whether to make this a dry run. (.sailsrc file will not be overwritten. HTML files will not be generated.)' },
fn: async function ({ dry }) {
let path = require('path');
let YAML = require('yaml');
// FUTURE: If we ever need to gather source files from other places or branches, etc, see git history of this file circa 2021-05-19 for an example of a different strategy we might use to do that.
let topLvlRepoPath = path.resolve(sails.config.appPath, '../');
// The data we're compiling will get built into this dictionary and then written on top of the .sailsrc file.
let builtStaticContent = {};
await sails.helpers.flow.simultaneously([
async()=>{// Parse query library from YAML and prepare to bake them into the Sails app's configuration.
let RELATIVE_PATH_TO_QUERY_LIBRARY_YML_IN_FLEET_REPO = 'docs/01-Using-Fleet/standard-query-library/standard-query-library.yml';
let yaml = await sails.helpers.fs.read(path.join(topLvlRepoPath, RELATIVE_PATH_TO_QUERY_LIBRARY_YML_IN_FLEET_REPO)).intercept('doesNotExist', (err)=>new Error(`Could not find standard query library YAML file at "${RELATIVE_PATH_TO_QUERY_LIBRARY_YML_IN_FLEET_REPO}". Was it accidentally moved? Raw error: `+err.message));
let queriesWithProblematicResolutions = [];
let queriesWithProblematicContributors = [];
let queriesWithProblematicTags = [];
let queries = YAML.parseAllDocuments(yaml).map((yamlDocument)=>{
let query = yamlDocument.toJSON().spec;
query.kind = yamlDocument.toJSON().kind;
query.slug = _.kebabCase(query.name);// « unique slug to use for routing to this query's detail page
if ((query.resolution !== undefined && !_.isString(query.resolution)) || (query.kind !== 'policy' && _.isString(query.resolution))) {
// console.log(typeof query.resolution);
} else if (query.resolution === undefined) {
query.resolution = 'N/A';// « We set this to a string here so that the data type is always string. We use N/A so folks can see there's no remediation and contribute if desired.
if (query.tags) {
if(!_.isString(query.tags)) {
} else {
// Splitting tags into an array to format them.
let tagsToFormat = query.tags.split(',');
let formattedTags = [];
for (let tag of tagsToFormat) {
if(tag !== '') {// « Ignoring any blank tags caused by trailing commas in the YAML.
// Removing any extra whitespace from tags and changing them to be in lower case.
// Removing any duplicate tags.
query.tags = _.uniq(formattedTags);
} else {
query.tags = []; // « if there are no tags, we set query.tags to an empty array so it is always the same data type.
// GitHub usernames may only contain alphanumeric characters or single hyphens, and cannot begin or end with a hyphen.
if (!query.contributors || (query.contributors !== undefined && !_.isString(query.contributors)) || query.contributors.split(',').some((contributor) => contributor.match('^[^A-za-z0-9].*|[^A-Za-z0-9-]|.*[^A-za-z0-9]$'))) {
return query;
// Report any errors that were detected along the way in one fell swoop to avoid endless resubmitting of PRs.
if (queriesWithProblematicResolutions.length >= 1) {
throw new Error('Failed parsing YAML for query library: The "resolution" of a query should either be absent (undefined) or a single string (not a list of strings). And "resolution" should only be present when a query\'s kind is "policy". But one or more queries have an invalid "resolution": ' + _.pluck(queriesWithProblematicResolutions, 'slug').sort());
if (queriesWithProblematicTags.length >= 1) {
throw new Error('Failed parsing YAML for query library: The "tags" of a query should either be absent (undefined) or a single string (not a list of strings). "tags" should be be be seperated by a comma. But one or more queries have invalid "tags": ' + _.pluck(queriesWithProblematicTags, 'slug').sort());
// Assert uniqueness of slugs.
if (queries.length !== _.uniq(_.pluck(queries, 'slug')).length) {
throw new Error('Failed parsing YAML for query library: Queries as currently named would result in colliding (duplicate) slugs. To resolve, rename the queries whose names are too similar. Note the duplicates: ' + _.pluck(queries, 'slug').sort());
// Report any errors that were detected along the way in one fell swoop to avoid endless resubmitting of PRs.
if (queriesWithProblematicContributors.length >= 1) {
throw new Error('Failed parsing YAML for query library: The "contributors" of a query should be a single string of valid GitHub user names (e.g. "zwass", or "zwass,noahtalerman,mikermcneil"). But one or more queries have an invalid "contributors" value: ' + _.pluck(queriesWithProblematicContributors, 'slug').sort());
// Get a distinct list of all GitHub usernames from all of our queries.
// Map all queries to build a list of unique contributor names then build a dictionary of user profile information from the GitHub Users API
const githubUsernames = queries.reduce((list, query) => {
if (!queriesWithProblematicContributors.find((element) => element.slug === query.slug)) {
list = _.union(list, query.contributors.split(','));
return list;
}, []);
// Talk to GitHub and get additional information about each contributor.
let githubDataByUsername = {};
await sails.helpers.flow.simultaneouslyForEach(githubUsernames, async(username)=>{
githubDataByUsername[username] = await sails.helpers.http.get.with({
url: 'https://api.github.com/users/' + encodeURIComponent(username),
headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Fleet-Standard-Query-Library', Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' }
// Now expand queries with relevant profile data for the contributors.
for (let query of queries) {
let usernames = query.contributors.split(',');
let contributorProfiles = [];
for (let username of usernames) {
name: githubDataByUsername[username].name,
handle: githubDataByUsername[username].login,
avatarUrl: githubDataByUsername[username].avatar_url,
htmlUrl: githubDataByUsername[username].html_url,
query.contributors = contributorProfiles;
// Attach to what will become configuration for the Sails app.
builtStaticContent.queries = queries;
builtStaticContent.queryLibraryYmlRepoPath = RELATIVE_PATH_TO_QUERY_LIBRARY_YML_IN_FLEET_REPO;
async()=>{// Parse markdown pages, compile & generate HTML files, and prepare to bake directory trees into the Sails app's configuration.
let APP_PATH_TO_COMPILED_PAGE_PARTIALS = 'views/partials/built-from-markdown';
// Delete existing HTML output from previous runs, if any.
await sails.helpers.fs.rmrf(path.resolve(sails.config.appPath, APP_PATH_TO_COMPILED_PAGE_PARTIALS));
builtStaticContent.markdownPages = [];// « dir tree representation that will be injected into Sails app's configuration
'docs/': { urlPrefix: '/docs', },
'handbook/': { urlPrefix: '/handbook', },
'articles/': { urlPrefix: '/articles', }
let rootRelativeUrlPathsSeen = [];
for (let sectionRepoPath of Object.keys(SECTION_INFOS_BY_SECTION_REPO_PATHS)) {// FUTURE: run this in parallel
let thinTree = await sails.helpers.fs.ls.with({
dir: path.join(topLvlRepoPath, sectionRepoPath),
depth: 100,
includeDirs: false,
includeSymlinks: false,
for (let pageSourcePath of thinTree) {// FUTURE: run this in parallel
// Crunch some paths (used for determining the URL, etc below.)
// > Inspired by https://github.com/uncletammy/doc-templater/blob/2969726b598b39aa78648c5379e4d9503b65685e/lib/compile-markdown-tree-from-remote-git-repo.js#L308-L313
// > And https://github.com/uncletammy/doc-templater/blob/2969726b598b39aa78648c5379e4d9503b65685e/lib/compile-markdown-tree-from-remote-git-repo.js#L107-L132
let pageRelSourcePath = path.relative(path.join(topLvlRepoPath, sectionRepoPath), path.resolve(pageSourcePath));
let pageUnextensionedLowercasedRelPath = (
.replace(/(^|\/)([^/]+)\.[^/]*$/, '$1$2')
.split(/\//).map((fileOrFolderName) => fileOrFolderName.toLowerCase()).join('/')
let RX_README_FILENAME = /\/?readme\.?m?d?$/i;// « for matching `readme` or `readme.md` (case-insensitive) at the end of a file path
// Determine this page's default (fallback) display title.
// (README pages use their folder name as their fallback title.)
let fallbackPageTitle;
if (pageSourcePath.match(RX_README_FILENAME)) {
// console.log(pageRelSourcePath.split(/\//).slice(-2)[0], path.basename(pageRelSourcePath), pageRelSourcePath);
fallbackPageTitle = sails.helpers.strings.toSentenceCase(pageRelSourcePath.split(/\//).slice(-2)[0]);
} else {
fallbackPageTitle = sails.helpers.strings.toSentenceCase(path.basename(pageSourcePath, path.extname(pageSourcePath)));
// Determine URL for this page
let rootRelativeUrlPath = (
'/' + (
.split(/\//).map((fileOrFolderName) => encodeURIComponent(fileOrFolderName.replace(/^[0-9]+[\-]+/,''))).join('/')// « Get URL-friendly by encoding characters and stripping off ordering prefixes (like the "1-" in "1-Using-Fleet") for all folder and file names in the path.
).replace(RX_README_FILENAME, '')// « Interpret README files as special and map it to the URL representing its containing folder.
// Assert uniqueness of URL paths.
if (rootRelativeUrlPathsSeen.includes(rootRelativeUrlPath)) {
throw new Error('Failed compiling markdown content: Files as currently named would result in colliding (duplicate) URLs for the website. To resolve, rename the pages whose names are too similar. Duplicate detected: ' + rootRelativeUrlPath);
if (path.extname(pageSourcePath) !== '.md') {// If this file doesn't end in `.md`: skip it (we won't create a page for it)
// > Inspired by https://github.com/uncletammy/doc-templater/blob/2969726b598b39aa78648c5379e4d9503b65685e/lib/compile-markdown-tree-from-remote-git-repo.js#L275-L276
sails.log.verbose(`Skipping ${pageSourcePath}`);
} else {// Otherwise, this is markdown, so: Compile to HTML, parse docpage metadata, and build+track it as a page
sails.log.verbose(`Building page ${rootRelativeUrlPath} (from ${pageSourcePath})`);
// Compile markdown to HTML.
// > This includes build-time enablement of:
// > • syntax highlighting
// > • data type bubbles
// > • transforming relative markdown links to their fleetdm.com equivalents
// >
// > For more info about how these additional features work, see: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/706#issuecomment-884622252
// >
// > • What about images referenced in markdown files? :: They need to be referenced using an absolute URL src-- e.g. ![](https://fleetdm.com/images/foo.png) See also https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/706#issuecomment-884641081 for reasoning.
// > • What about GitHub-style emojis like `:white_check_mark:`? :: Use actual unicode emojis instead. Need to revisit this? Visit https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/1380/commits/19a6e5ffc70bf41569293db44100e976f3e2bda7 for more info.
let mdString = await sails.helpers.fs.read(pageSourcePath);
mdString = mdString.replace(/(```)([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)(\s*\n)/g, '$1\n' + '<!-- __LANG=%' + '$2' + '%__ -->' + '$3'); // « Based on the github-flavored markdown's language annotation, (e.g. ```js```) add a temporary marker to code blocks that can be parsed post-md-compilation when this is HTML. Note: This is an HTML comment because it is easy to over-match and "accidentally" add it underneath each code block as well (being an HTML comment ensures it doesn't show up or break anything). For more information, see https://github.com/uncletammy/doc-templater/blob/2969726b598b39aa78648c5379e4d9503b65685e/lib/compile-markdown-tree-from-remote-git-repo.js#L198-L202
let htmlString = await sails.helpers.strings.toHtml(mdString);
htmlString = (// « Add the appropriate class to the `<code>` based on the temporary "LANG" markers that were just added above
.replace(// Interpret `js` as `javascript`
// $1 $2 $3 $4
/(<code)([^>]*)(>\s*)(\&lt;!-- __LANG=\%js\%__ --\&gt;)\s*/gm,
'$1 class="javascript"$2$3'
.replace(// Interpret `sh` and `bash` as `bash`
// $1 $2 $3 $4
/(<code)([^>]*)(>\s*)(\&lt;!-- __LANG=\%(bash|sh)\%__ --\&gt;)\s*/gm,
'$1 class="bash"$2$3'
.replace(// When unspecified, default to `text`
// $1 $2 $3 $4
/(<code)([^>]*)(>\s*)(\&lt;!-- __LANG=\%\%__ --\&gt;)\s*/gm,
'$1 class="nohighlight"$2$3'
.replace(// Nab the rest, leaving the code language as-is.
// $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
/(<code)([^>]*)(>\s*)(\&lt;!-- __LANG=\%)([^%]+)(\%__ --\&gt;)\s*/gm,
'$1 class="$5"$2$3'
.replace(// Finally, remove any "LANG" markers that have been added inside of a nested code block
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/\(\(([^())]*)\)\)/g, '<bubble type="$1" class="colors"><span is="bubble-heart"></span></bubble>');// « Replace ((bubble))s with HTML. For more background, see https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/706#issuecomment-884622252
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/(href="(\.\/[^"]+|\.\.\/[^"]+)")/g, (hrefString)=>{// « Modify path-relative links like `./…` and `../…` to make them absolute. (See https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/706#issuecomment-884641081 for more background)
let oldRelPath = hrefString.match(/href="(\.\/[^"]+|\.\.\/[^"]+)"/)[1];
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Note: This approach won't work as far as linking between handbook and docs
// FUTURE: improve it so that it does. This may involve pulling out URL determination as a separate, first step, then looking up the appropriate URL.
// Currently this is a kinda duplicative hack, that just determines the appropriate URL in a similar way to all the code above...
// -mikermcneil 2021-07-27
// ```
let referencedPageSourcePath = path.resolve(path.join(topLvlRepoPath, sectionRepoPath, pageRelSourcePath), '../', oldRelPath);
let possibleReferencedUrlHash = oldRelPath.match(/(\.md#)([^/]*$)/) ? oldRelPath.match(/(\.md#)([^/]*$)/)[2] : false;
let referencedPageNewUrl = 'https://fleetdm.com/' + (
(path.relative(topLvlRepoPath, referencedPageSourcePath).replace(/(^|\/)([^/]+)\.[^/]*$/, '$1$2').split(/\//).map((fileOrFolderName) => fileOrFolderName.toLowerCase()).join('/'))
.split(/\//).map((fileOrFolderName) => encodeURIComponent(fileOrFolderName.replace(/^[0-9]+[\-]+/,''))).join('/')
).replace(RX_README_FILENAME, '');
if(possibleReferencedUrlHash) {
referencedPageNewUrl = referencedPageNewUrl + '#' + encodeURIComponent(possibleReferencedUrlHash);
// console.log(pageRelSourcePath, '»» '+hrefString+' »»»» href="'+referencedPageNewUrl+'"');
// ```
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
return `href="${referencedPageNewUrl}"`;
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/(href="https?:\/\/([^"]+)")/g, (hrefString)=>{// « Modify links that are potentially external
// Check if this is an external link (like https://google.com) but that is ALSO not a link
// to some page on the destination site where this will be hosted, like `(*.)?fleetdm.com`.
// If external, add target="_blank" so the link will open in a new tab.
// Note: links to blog.fleetdm.com will be treated as an external link.
let isExternal = ! hrefString.match(/^href=\"https?:\/\/([^\.|blog]+\.)*fleetdm\.com/g);// « FUTURE: make this smarter with sails.config.baseUrl + _.escapeRegExp()
// Check if this link is to fleetdm.com or www.fleetdm.com.
let isBaseUrl = hrefString.match(/^(href="https?:\/\/)([^\.]+\.)*fleetdm\.com"$/g);
if (isExternal) {
return hrefString.replace(/(href="https?:\/\/([^"]+)")/g, '$1 target="_blank"');
} else {
// Otherwise, change the link to be web root relative.
// (e.g. 'href="http://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts"'' becomes simply 'href="/documentation/concepts"'')
// > Note: See the Git version history of "compile-markdown-content.js" in the sailsjs.com website repo for examples of ways this can work across versioned subdomains.
if (isBaseUrl) {
return hrefString.replace(/href="https?:\/\//, '').replace(/([^\.]+\.)*fleetdm\.com/, 'href="/');
} else {
return hrefString.replace(/href="https?:\/\//, '').replace(/^fleetdm\.com/, 'href="');
// Extract metadata from markdown.
// > • Parsing meta tags (consider renaming them to just <meta>- or by now there's probably a more standard way of embedding semantics in markdown files; prefer to use that): https://github.com/uncletammy/doc-templater/blob/2969726b598b39aa78648c5379e4d9503b65685e/lib/compile-markdown-tree-from-remote-git-repo.js#L180-L183
// > See also https://github.com/mikermcneil/machinepack-markdown/blob/5d8cee127e8ce45c702ec9bbb2b4f9bc4b7fafac/machines/parse-docmeta-tags.js#L42-L47
// >
// > e.g. referring to stuff like:
// > ```
// > <meta name="foo" value="bar">
// > <meta name="title" value="Sth with punctuATION and weird CAPS ... but never this long, please">
// > ```
let embeddedMetadata = {};
for (let tag of (mdString.match(/<meta[^>]*>/igm)||[])) {
let name = tag.match(/name="([^">]+)"/i)[1];
let value = tag.match(/value="([^">]+)"/i)[1];
embeddedMetadata[name] = value;
if (Object.keys(embeddedMetadata).length >= 1) {
sails.log.silly(`Parsed ${Object.keys(embeddedMetadata).length} <meta> tags:`, embeddedMetadata);
// Get last modified timestamp using git, and represent it as a JS timestamp.
// > Inspired by https://github.com/uncletammy/doc-templater/blob/2969726b598b39aa78648c5379e4d9503b65685e/lib/compile-markdown-tree-from-remote-git-repo.js#L265-L273
let lastModifiedAt = (new Date((await sails.helpers.process.executeCommand.with({
command: `git log -1 --format="%ai" '${path.relative(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}'`,
dir: topLvlRepoPath,
// Determine display title (human-readable title) to use for this page.
let pageTitle;
if (embeddedMetadata.title) {// Attempt to use custom title, if one was provided.
if (embeddedMetadata.title.length > 40) {
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: Invalid custom title (<meta name="title" value="${embeddedMetadata.title}">) embedded in "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, sectionRepoPath)}". To resolve, try changing the title to a different, valid value, then rebuild.`);
pageTitle = embeddedMetadata.title;
} else {// Otherwise use the automatically-determined fallback title.
pageTitle = fallbackPageTitle;
// If the page has a pageOrderInSection meta tag, we'll use that to sort pages in their bottom level sections.
let pageOrderInSection;
if(sectionRepoPath === 'docs/') {
// Set a flag to determine if the page is a readme (e.g. /docs/Using-Fleet/configuration-files/readme.md) or a FAQ page.
// READMEs in subfolders and FAQ pages don't have pageOrderInSection values, they are always sorted at the end of sections.
let isPageAReadmeOrFAQ = (_.last(pageUnextensionedLowercasedRelPath.split(/\//)) === 'faq' || _.last(pageUnextensionedLowercasedRelPath.split(/\//)) === 'readme');
if(embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection) {
if(isPageAReadmeOrFAQ) {
// Throwing an error if a FAQ or README page has a pageOrderInSection meta tag
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: A FAQ or README page has a pageOrderInSection meta tag (<meta name="pageOrderInSection" value="${embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection}">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, remove this meta tag from the markdown file.`);
// Checking if the meta tag's value is a number higher than 0
if (embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection <= 0 || _.isNaN(parseInt(embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection)) ) {
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: Invalid page rank (<meta name="pageOrderInSection" value="${embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection}">) embedded in "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, sectionRepoPath)}". To resolve, try changing the rank to a number higher than 0, then rebuild.`);
} else {
pageOrderInSection = parseInt(embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection);
} else if(!embeddedMetadata.pageOrderInSection && !isPageAReadmeOrFAQ){
// If the page is not a Readme or a FAQ, we'll throw an error if its missing a pageOrderInSection meta tag.
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: A Non FAQ or README Documentation page is missing a pageOrderInSection meta tag (<meta name="pageOrderInSection" value="">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with a number higher than 0.`);
// Checking the metadata on /articles pages, and adding the category to the each article's URL.
if(sectionRepoPath === 'articles/') {
if(!embeddedMetadata.authorGitHubUsername) {
// Throwing an error if the article doesn't have a authorGitHubUsername meta tag
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page is missing a authorGitHubUsername meta tag (<meta name="authorGitHubUsername" value="">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with the authors GitHub username.`);
if(!embeddedMetadata.authorFullName) {
// Throwing an error if the article doesn't have a authorFullName meta tag
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page is missing a authorFullName meta tag (<meta name="authorFullName" value="">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with the authors GitHub username.`);
if(!embeddedMetadata.articleTitle) {
// Throwing an error if the article doesn't have a articleTitle meta tag
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page is missing a articleTitle meta tag (<meta name="articleTitle" value="">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with the title of the article.`);
if(embeddedMetadata.publishedOn) {
// Throwing an error if an article page's publishedOn meta value is an invalid ISO date string
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page has an invalid publishedOn value (<meta name="publishedOn" value="${embeddedMetadata.publishedOn}">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with the ISO formatted date the article was published on`);
} else {
// Throwing an error if the article is missing a 'publishedOn' meta tag
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page is missing a publishedOn meta tag (<meta name="publishedOn" value="2022-04-19">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with the ISO formatted date the article was published on`);
if(embeddedMetadata.category) {
// Throwing an error if the article has an invalid category.
embeddedMetadata.category = embeddedMetadata.category.toLowerCase();
let validArticleCategories = ['product', 'security', 'engineering', 'success stories', 'announcements', 'guides', 'releases' ];
if(!validArticleCategories.includes(embeddedMetadata.category)) {
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page has an invalid category meta tag (<meta name="category" value="${embeddedMetadata.category}">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, change the meta tag to a valid category, one of: ${validArticleCategories}`);
} else {
// throwing an error if the article is missing a category meta tag
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page is missing a category meta tag (<meta name="category" value="guides">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, add a meta tag with the category of the article`);
if(embeddedMetadata.articleImageUrl) {
// Checking the value of `articleImageUrl` meta tags, and throwing an error if it is not a link to an image.
let isValidImageUrl = embeddedMetadata.articleImageUrl.match(/^https?:\/\/(.+)(\.png|\.jpg|\.jpeg)$/g);
if(!isValidImageUrl) {
throw new Error(`Failed compiling markdown content: An article page has an invalid a articleImageUrl meta tag (<meta name="articleImageUrl" value="${embeddedMetadata.articleImageUrl}">) at "${path.join(topLvlRepoPath, pageSourcePath)}". To resolve, change the value of the meta tag to be a URL`);
// For article pages, we'll attach the category to the `rootRelativeUrlPath`.
// If the article is categorized as 'product' we'll replace the category with 'use-cases', or if it is categorized as 'success story' we'll replace it with 'device-management'
rootRelativeUrlPath = (
'/' +
(embeddedMetadata.category === 'product' ? 'use-cases' : embeddedMetadata.category === 'success stories' ? 'device-management' : embeddedMetadata.category === 'security' ? 'securing' : embeddedMetadata.category) + '/' +
(pageUnextensionedLowercasedRelPath.split(/\//).map((fileOrFolderName) => encodeURIComponent(fileOrFolderName.replace(/^[0-9]+[\-]+/,''))).join('/'))
// Determine unique HTML id
// > • This will become the filename of the resulting HTML.
let htmlId = (
sails.helpers.strings.random.with({len:10})// if two files in different folders happen to have the same filename, there is a 1/16^10 chance of a collision (this is small enough- worst case, the build fails at the uniqueness check and we rerun it.)
// Generate HTML file
let htmlOutputPath = path.resolve(sails.config.appPath, path.join(APP_PATH_TO_COMPILED_PAGE_PARTIALS, htmlId+'.ejs'));
if (dry) {
sails.log('Dry run: Would have generated file:', htmlOutputPath);
} else {
await sails.helpers.fs.write(htmlOutputPath, htmlString);
// Determine the path of the file in the fleet repo so we can link to
// the file on github from fleetdm.com (e.g. Using-Fleet/fleetctl-CLI.md)
let sectionRelativeRepoPath = path.relative(path.join(topLvlRepoPath, sectionRepoPath), path.resolve(pageSourcePath));
// Append to what will become configuration for the Sails app.
url: rootRelativeUrlPath,
title: pageTitle,
lastModifiedAt: lastModifiedAt,
htmlId: htmlId,
pageOrderInSectionPath: pageOrderInSection,
sectionRelativeRepoPath: sectionRelativeRepoPath,
meta: _.omit(embeddedMetadata, ['title', 'pageOrderInSection'])
}//∞ </each source file>
}//∞ </each section repo path>
// Attach partials dir path in what will become configuration for the Sails app.
// (This is for easier access later, without defining this constant in more than one place.)
builtStaticContent.compiledPagePartialsAppPath = APP_PATH_TO_COMPILED_PAGE_PARTIALS;
// ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗███████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██╗██╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██████╗
// ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║██║ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╗
// ██████╔╝█████╗ ██████╔╝██║ ███████║██║ █████╗ ███████╗███████║██║██║ ███████╗██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝
// ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██╔══██║██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║██╔══██║██║██║ ╚════██║██╔══██╗██║ ██╗
// ██║ ██║███████╗██║ ███████╗██║ ██║╚██████╗███████╗ ██╗███████║██║ ██║██║███████╗███████║██║ ██║╚██████╗╚═╝
// ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝
// Replace .sailsrc file.
// > This takes the compiled menu file from doc-templater and injects it into the .sailsrc file so it
// > can be accessed for the purposes of config using `sails.config.builtStaticContent`.
if (dry) {
sails.log('Dry run: Would have folded the following onto .sailsrc as "builtStaticContent":', builtStaticContent);
} else {
let sailsrcPath = path.resolve(sails.config.appPath, '.sailsrc');
let oldSailsrcJson = await sails.helpers.fs.readJson(sailsrcPath);
await sails.helpers.fs.writeJson.with({
force: true,
destination: sailsrcPath,
json: {
builtStaticContent: builtStaticContent,