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synced 2024-11-06 17:05:18 +00:00
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210 lines
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package async
import (
kitlog "github.com/go-kit/kit/log"
redigo "github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis"
const collectorLockKey = "locks:async_collector:{%s}"
type Task struct {
datastore fleet.Datastore
pool fleet.RedisPool
clock clock.Clock
taskConfigs map[config.AsyncTaskName]config.AsyncProcessingConfig
seenHostSet seenHostSet
// NewTask configures and returns a Task.
func NewTask(ds fleet.Datastore, pool fleet.RedisPool, clck clock.Clock, conf config.OsqueryConfig) *Task {
taskCfgs := make(map[config.AsyncTaskName]config.AsyncProcessingConfig)
taskCfgs[config.AsyncTaskLabelMembership] = conf.AsyncConfigForTask(config.AsyncTaskLabelMembership)
taskCfgs[config.AsyncTaskPolicyMembership] = conf.AsyncConfigForTask(config.AsyncTaskPolicyMembership)
taskCfgs[config.AsyncTaskHostLastSeen] = conf.AsyncConfigForTask(config.AsyncTaskHostLastSeen)
taskCfgs[config.AsyncTaskScheduledQueryStats] = conf.AsyncConfigForTask(config.AsyncTaskScheduledQueryStats)
return &Task{
datastore: ds,
pool: pool,
clock: clck,
taskConfigs: taskCfgs,
// Collect runs the various collectors as distinct background goroutines if
// async processing is enabled. Each collector will stop processing when ctx
// is done.
func (t *Task) StartCollectors(ctx context.Context, logger kitlog.Logger) {
collectorErrHandler := func(name string, err error) {
level.Error(logger).Log("err", fmt.Sprintf("%s collector", name), "details", err)
ctxerr.Handle(ctx, err)
handlers := map[config.AsyncTaskName]collectorHandlerFunc{
config.AsyncTaskLabelMembership: t.collectLabelQueryExecutions,
config.AsyncTaskPolicyMembership: t.collectPolicyQueryExecutions,
config.AsyncTaskHostLastSeen: t.collectHostsLastSeen,
config.AsyncTaskScheduledQueryStats: t.collectScheduledQueryStats,
for task, cfg := range t.taskConfigs {
if !cfg.Enabled {
level.Debug(logger).Log("task", "async disabled, not starting collector", "name", task)
cfg := cfg // shadow as local var to avoid capturing the iteration var
coll := &collector{
name: "collect_" + string(task),
pool: t.pool,
ds: t.datastore,
execInterval: cfg.CollectInterval,
jitterPct: cfg.CollectMaxJitterPercent,
lockTimeout: cfg.CollectLockTimeout,
handler: handlers[task],
errHandler: collectorErrHandler,
go coll.Start(ctx)
level.Debug(logger).Log("task", "async enabled, starting collectors", "name", task, "interval", cfg.CollectInterval, "jitter", cfg.CollectMaxJitterPercent)
if cfg.CollectLogStatsInterval > 0 {
go func() {
tick := time.Tick(cfg.CollectLogStatsInterval)
for {
select {
case <-tick:
stats := coll.ReadStats()
level.Debug(logger).Log("stats", fmt.Sprintf("%#v", stats), "name", coll.name)
case <-ctx.Done():
func storePurgeActiveHostID(pool fleet.RedisPool, zsetKey string, hid uint, reportedAt, purgeOlder time.Time) (int, error) {
// KEYS[1]: the zsetKey
// ARGV[1]: the host ID to add
// ARGV[2]: the added host's reported-at timestamp
// ARGV[3]: purge any entry with score older than this (purgeOlder timestamp)
// returns how many hosts were removed
script := redigo.NewScript(1, `
redis.call('ZADD', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[1])
return redis.call('ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[3])
conn := pool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
if err := redis.BindConn(pool, conn, zsetKey); err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("bind redis connection: %w", err)
count, err := redigo.Int(script.Do(conn, zsetKey, hid, reportedAt.Unix(), purgeOlder.Unix()))
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("run redis script: %w", err)
return count, nil
type hostIDLastReported struct {
HostID uint
LastReported int64 // timestamp in unix epoch
func loadActiveHostIDs(pool fleet.RedisPool, zsetKey string, scanCount int) ([]hostIDLastReported, error) {
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(pool, pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
// using ZSCAN instead of fetching in one shot, as there may be 100K+ hosts
// and we don't want to block the redis server too long.
var hosts []hostIDLastReported
cursor := 0
for {
res, err := redigo.Values(conn.Do("ZSCAN", zsetKey, cursor, "COUNT", scanCount))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("scan active host ids: %w", err)
var hostVals []uint
if _, err := redigo.Scan(res, &cursor, &hostVals); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("convert scan results: %w", err)
for i := 0; i < len(hostVals); i += 2 {
hosts = append(hosts, hostIDLastReported{HostID: hostVals[i], LastReported: int64(hostVals[i+1])})
if cursor == 0 {
// iteration completed
return hosts, nil
func removeProcessedHostIDs(pool fleet.RedisPool, zsetKey string, batch []hostIDLastReported) (int, error) {
// This script removes from the set of active hosts all those that still have
// the same score as when the batch was read (via loadActiveHostIDs). This is
// so that any host that would've reported new data since the call to
// loadActiveHostIDs would *not* get deleted (as the score would change if
// that was the case).
// Note that this approach is correct - in that it is safe and won't delete
// any host that has unsaved reported data - but it is potentially slow, as
// it needs to check the score of each member before deleting it. Should that
// become too slow, we have some options:
// * split the batch in smaller, capped ones (that would be if the redis
// server gets blocked for too long processing a single batch)
// * use ZREMRANGEBYSCORE to remove in one command all members with a score
// (reported-at timestamp) lower than the maximum timestamp in batch.
// While this would be almost certainly faster, it might be incorrect as
// new data could be reported with timestamps older than the maximum one,
// e.g. if the clocks are not exactly in sync between fleet instances, or
// if hosts report new data while the ZSCAN is going on and don't get picked
// up by the SCAN (this is possible, as part of the guarantees of SCAN).
// KEYS[1]: zsetKey
// ARGV...: the list of host ID-last reported timestamp pairs
// returns the count of hosts removed
script := redigo.NewScript(1, `
local count = 0
for i = 1, #ARGV, 2 do
local member, ts = ARGV[i], ARGV[i+1]
if redis.call('ZSCORE', KEYS[1], member) == ts then
count = count + 1
redis.call('ZREM', KEYS[1], member)
return count
conn := pool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
if err := redis.BindConn(pool, conn, zsetKey); err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("bind redis connection: %w", err)
args := redigo.Args{zsetKey}
for _, host := range batch {
args = args.Add(host.HostID, host.LastReported)
count, err := redigo.Int(script.Do(conn, args...))
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("run redis script: %w", err)
return count, nil