Eric 722ec60ed6
Website: Update calls to action (Talk to an expert » Show me/Call us) (#16106)
Closes: https://github.com/fleetdm/confidential/issues/5016

- Updated the text of the "Talk to an expert" buttons across the website
(except the pricing page) to "Show me"
- Updated the "Talk to an expert" button on the pricing page to "Call
2024-01-16 16:33:56 -06:00

320 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Module dependencies
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('@sailshq/lodash');
var generateFile = require('../../node_modules/sails-generate/lib/builtins/file');
* @eashaw/sails-generate-landing-page
* Usage:
* `sails generate landing-page`
* @description Generates a landing-page.
* @docs https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/extending-sails/generators/custom-generators
module.exports = {
templatesDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname,'./templates'),
* Scope:
* ----------------------------------------------------
* @option {Array} args [command-line arguments]
* ----------------------------------------------------
* @property {String} relPath
* @property {String} stem
* @property {String} newActionSlug
* @property {String} newViewRelPath
* @property {String} newActionRelPath
* @property {String} newStylesheetRelPath
* @property {String} newPageScriptRelPath
before: function (scope, exits) {
if (!scope.args[0]) {
return exits.error(
'Please specify the base name or path for the new landing page.\n'+
'(relative from the `views/pages/imagine/` folder;\n'+
' e.g. `osquery-managmenet`)'
// e.g. `dashboard/activity-summary`
scope.relPath = scope.args[0];
// Check if it has a file extension and, if so, reject it.
if (path.extname(scope.relPath)) {
return exits.error('Please specify the path for the new page, excluding the filename suffix (i.e. no ".ejs")');
// Trim any whitespace from both sides.
scope.relPath = _.trim(scope.relPath);
// Replace backslashes with proper slashes.
// (This is crucial for Windows compatibility.)
scope.relPath = scope.relPath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
// Check that it does not have any trailing slashes.
if (scope.relPath.match(/\/$/)) {
return exits.error('Please specify the path for the new page. (No trailing slash please.)');
// Check that it does not begin with a slash or a dot dot slash.
// (a single dot+slash is ok, since you might be using tab-completion in the terminal)
if (scope.relPath.match(/^\.\.+\//) || scope.relPath.match(/^\//)) {
return exits.error('No need for dots and leading slashes and things. Please specify something like: `dashboard/activity-summary`');
// Make sure the relative path is not within "pages/", "views/", "controllers/",
// "assets/", "js/", "styles/", or anything else like that. If it is, it's probably
// an accident. And if it's not an accident, it's still super confusing.
if (scope.relPath.match(/^(pages\/|views\/|controllers\/|api\/|assets\/|js\/|styles\/|imagine\/)/i)) {
return exits.error('Please specify *just* the name of the new page, excluding prefixes like "pages/", "views/", or "controllers/". Those will be attached for you automatically-- you just need to include the last bit; e.g. `security-compliance` or `vulnerability-management`');
// Gracefully ignore double-slashes.
scope.relPath = scope.relPath.replace(/\/\/+/, '/');
// Gracefully ignore leading "./", if present.
scope.relPath = scope.relPath.replace(/^[\.\/]+/, '');
// Make sure all parent sub-folders are kebab-cased and don't contain any
// uppercase or non-alphanumeric characters (except dashes are ok, of course).
var arrayOfParentSubFolders = ['imagine'];
// Tease out the "stem".
// (e.g. `activity-summary`)
var stem = path.basename(scope.relPath);
// Then kebab-case it, if it isn't already.
// (e.g. `activitySummary` becomes `activity-summary`)
stem = _.kebabCase(stem);
// Make sure it doesn't start with `view`.
// (e.g. NOT `view-activity-summary`)
if (stem.match(/^view-/)) {
return exits.error('No need to prefix with "view-" when generating a page. Instead, just leave that part out. (It\'ll be added automatically where needed.)');
// Check that the stem doesn't still contain any uppercase or non-alphanumeric
// characters. (Except dashes are ok, of course.)
if (stem.match(/[^a-z0-9\-]/) || stem !== _.deburr(stem)) {
return exits.error('Please stick to alphanumeric characters and dashes.');
// ◊ (Now then…)
scope.stem = stem;
scope.newActionSlug = path.join(arrayOfParentSubFolders.join('/'), 'view-'+stem);
scope.newActionRelPath = path.join('api/controllers/', scope.newActionSlug+'.js');
scope.newViewRelPath = path.join('views/pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.ejs');
scope.newStylesheetRelPath = path.join('assets/styles/pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.less');
scope.newPageScriptRelPath = path.join('assets/js/pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.page.js');
// Set up underlying "action" generator.
scope.actions2 = true;
scope.args = [ scope.newActionSlug ];
// Disable the "Created a new …!" output so we can use our own instead.
scope.suppressFinalLog = true;
return exits.success();
after: function (scope, done){
console.log('Successfully generated landing page:');
console.log(' •-',scope.newViewRelPath);
console.log(' •-',scope.newActionRelPath);
console.log(' •-',scope.newStylesheetRelPath);
console.log(' •-',scope.newPageScriptRelPath);
console.log('A few reminders:');
console.log(' (1) These files were generated with lorem ipsum and ');
console.log(' placeholder images. You\'ll need to edit the .ejs');
console.log(' file to add the real content to the page.');
console.log(' (2) You\'ll need to manually add this route for the new page\'s');
console.log(' action in the "Imagine" section of the `website/config/routes.js` file.');
console.log(' Be sure to replace the TODOs with the page\'s real meta description and title.');
console.log('\t\'GET /imagine/'+scope.relPath+'\': {\n\t\taction: \''+(scope.newActionSlug.replace(/\\/g,'/'))+'\',\n\t\tlocals: {\n\t\t\tpageTitleForMeta: \'TODO\',\n\t\t\tpageDescriptionForMeta: \'TODO\',\n\t\t}\n\t},');
console.log(' (3) You\'ll need to manually import the new LESS stylesheet');
console.log(' from your `assets/styles/importer.less` file; Add this line');
console.log(' to the same section as the other pages in the imagine folder:');
console.log(' @import \''+(
path.join('pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.less').replace(/\\/g,'/')//« because Windows
console.log(' (4) Last but not least, since some of the above are backend changes,');
console.log(' don\'t forget to re-lift the server before testing!');
return done();
targets: {
'./:newActionRelPath': {
exec: function(scope, done){
return generateFile({
rootPath: scope.rootPath,
force: scope.force,
`module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'View ${scope.stem.replace(/\-/gim, ' ')}',
description: 'Display "${_.capitalize(scope.stem.replace(/\-/gim, ' '))}" page.',
exits: {
success: {
viewTemplatePath: '${scope.newViewRelPath}'
badConfig: { responseType: 'badConfig' },
fn: async function () {
if (!_.isObject(sails.config.builtStaticContent) || !_.isArray(sails.config.builtStaticContent.testimonials) || !sails.config.builtStaticContent.compiledPagePartialsAppPath) {
throw {badConfig: 'builtStaticContent.testimonials'};
// Get testimonials for the <scrolalble-tweets> component.
let testimonialsForScrollableTweets = sails.config.builtStaticContent.testimonials;
// Respond with view.
return {
}, done);
'./:newViewRelPath': {
exec: function(scope, done){
return generateFile({
rootPath: scope.rootPath,
force: scope.force,
`<div id="${scope.stem}" v-cloak>
<div purpose="hero-background" class="container-lg d-flex justify-content-center">
<div purpose="hero-container" class="d-flex flex-column align-items-center">
<div purpose="hero-text">
<h4 class="mb-2">A magni, recusandae qui omnis in quod?</h4>
<h1>${_.capitalize(scope.stem.replace(/\-/gim, ' '))}</h1>
<p>Vitae architecto reiciendis in temporibus consequatur doloremque reprehenderit perferendis? Eaque quod voluptates earum corporis, quo labore reprehenderit libero sint.</p>
<div purpose="button-row" class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center">
<a purpose="cta-button" href="/try-fleet">Try Fleet today</a>
<a @click="clickOpenChatWidget()" purpose="animated-arrow-button-red">Show me</a>
<div purpose="page-container" class="container-lg">
<div purpose="feature" class="d-flex flex-md-row flex-column-reverse justify-content-between mx-auto align-items-center">
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
<h3>Culpa ab maiores alias ut, non.</h3>
<p>Do vero et, voluptatem fugiat consequatur? totam ut dolores ut velit! Sapiente et quasi et voluptas et doloribus quaerat minima saepe enim?</p>
<div purpose="checklist" class="flex-column d-flex">
<p>Necessitatibus qui harum non dolore a quis!</p>
<p>Mollitia ipsum dicta hic quidem aut debitis qui iusto.</p>
<p>Esse dolor animi nostrum quidem expedita.</p>
<div purpose="feature-image" class="ml-md-5">
<img alt="${scope.stem} feature image" src="https://my.feralgoblin.com/cass/300/300?text=${scope.stem.replace(/\-/gim, ' ')}+image+1">
<div purpose="feature" class="d-flex flex-md-row flex-column justify-content-between mx-auto align-items-center">
<div purpose="feature-image" class="mr-md-5">
<img alt="${scope.stem} feature image" src="https://my.feralgoblin.com/cass/300/300?text=${scope.stem.replace(/\-/gim, ' ')}+image+2">
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
<h3>Doloribus natus nihil alias earum, eius ducimus.</h3>
<p>Laboriosam iusto magnam suscipit quasi ut quod, non, exercitationem. Enim aut consectetur repellat nihil pariatur? blanditiis.</p>
<div purpose="checklist" class="flex-column d-flex">
<p>Necessitatibus qui harum non dolore a quis!</p>
<p>Mollitia ipsum dicta hic quidem aut debitis qui iusto.</p>
<p>Esse dolor animi nostrum quidem expedita.</p>
<div purpose="feature" class="d-flex flex-md-row flex-column-reverse justify-content-between mx-auto align-items-center">
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
<h3>Ex, illum voluptates impedit nulla, et sunt cupiditate quas illo mollitia pariatur?? Tempora et delectus ut atque vel eaque optio, inventore.</h3>
<p>Similique ea provident ducimus nulla ea debitis sequi nihil.</p>
<div purpose="checklist" class="flex-column d-flex">
<p>Necessitatibus qui harum non dolore a quis!</p>
<p>Mollitia ipsum dicta hic quidem aut debitis qui iusto.</p>
<p>Esse dolor animi nostrum quidem expedita.</p>
<div purpose="feature-image" class="ml-md-5">
<img alt="${scope.stem} feature image" src="https://my.feralgoblin.com/cass/300/300?text=${scope.stem.replace(/\-/gim, ' ')}+image+3">
<div purpose="button-row" style="margin-top: 60px;" class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center mx-auto">
<a purpose="cta-button" href="/try-fleet">Try Fleet today</a>
<a @click="clickOpenChatWidget()" purpose="animated-arrow-button-red">Show me</a>
<div purpose="bottom-gradient">
<div purpose="tweets-container" class="container-fluid px-md-0 pb-0 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center">
<div purpose="section-heading" style="max-width: 720px" class="mx-auto text-center">
<h4>Dont know osquery?</h4>
<h2>Dedicated support from osquery experts</h2>
<p>Osquery is the open-source agent that powers Fleet. And we have the most osquery experts around. Well help you realize the potential of this tool for your organization.</p>
<scrollable-tweets :testimonials="testimonialsForScrollableTweets"></scrollable-tweets>
<div purpose="page-container" class="pb-0 container">
<div purpose="bottom-cta" class="text-center">
<h4>Open-source device management</h4>
<h1>Lighter than air</h1>
<div purpose="button-row" style="margin-top: 60px;" class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center mx-auto">
<a purpose="cta-button" href="/try-fleet">Try it out</a>
<a @click="clickOpenChatWidget()" purpose="animated-arrow-button-red">Show me</a>
<div class="d-flex flex-column" purpose="bottom-cloud-city-banner">
<img alt="A glass city floating on top of fluffy white clouds" class="d-none d-lg-flex" src="/images/homepage-cloud-city-banner-lg-1600x375@2x.png">
<img alt="A glass city floating on top of fluffy white clouds" class="d-none d-md-flex d-lg-none" src="/images/homepage-cloud-city-banner-md-990x375@2x.png">
<img alt="A glass city floating on top of fluffy white clouds" class="d-flex d-md-none" src="/images/homepage-cloud-city-banner-sm-375x168@2x.png">
<%- /* Expose server-rendered data as window.SAILS_LOCALS :: */ exposeLocalsToBrowser() %>\n`
}, done);
'./:newStylesheetRelPath': { template: 'stylesheet.less.template' },
'./:newPageScriptRelPath': { template: 'page-script.page.js.template' }