Juan Fernandez 9d01ba33c6
Feature 6096: Scan RHEL/CentOS hosts using OVAL definitions (#6241)
Extended the OVAL parser/analyzer so that we can scan RHEL based systems.
2022-06-23 16:44:45 -04:00

132 lines
3.7 KiB

{{ define "enroll" -}}
"enroll_secret": "{{ .EnrollSecret }}",
"host_details": {
"os_version": {
"build": "",
"major": "",
"minor": "",
"name": "Ubuntu 22.4.0",
"patch": "",
"platform": "ubuntu",
"platform_like": "ubuntu",
"version": "Ubuntu 22.4.0"
"osquery_info": {
"build_distro": "22.4.0",
"build_platform": "linux",
"config_hash": "",
"config_valid": "0",
"extensions": "inactive",
"instance_id": "{{ .UUID }}",
"pid": "12947",
"platform_mask": "21",
"start_time": "1580931224",
"uuid": "{{ .UUID }}",
"version": "4.6.0",
"watcher": "12946"
"platform_info": {
"address": "0xff990000",
"date": "12/16/2019 ",
"extra": "MBP114;; root@xapp160; Mon Dec 16 15:55:18 PST 2019; 196 (B&I); F000_B00; Official Build, Release; Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.0.68) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)",
"revision": "196 (B&I)",
"size": "8388608",
"vendor": "Apple Inc. ",
"version": " ",
"volume_size": "1507328"
"system_info": {
"computer_name": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}",
"cpu_brand": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000",
"cpu_logical_cores": "8",
"cpu_physical_cores": "4",
"cpu_subtype": "Intel x86-64h Haswell",
"cpu_type": "x86_64h",
"hardware_model": "MacBookPro11,4",
"hardware_serial": "D02R835DG8WK",
"hardware_vendor": "Apple Inc.",
"hardware_version": "1.0",
"hostname": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}",
"local_hostname": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}",
"physical_memory": "17179869184",
"uuid": "{{ .UUID }}"
"host_identifier": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}",
"platform_type": "16"
{{- end }}
{{ define "fleet_detail_query_os_version" -}}
"name":"Ubuntu 22.4.0",
"version":"Ubuntu 22.4.0",
{{- end }}
{{ define "fleet_detail_query_osquery_info" -}}
"uuid":"{{ .UUID }}",
"instance_id":"{{ .UUID }}",
{{- end }}
{{ define "fleet_detail_query_users" -}}
{{ range $index, $item := .HostUsersMacOS }}
{{if $index}},{{end}}
"uid": "{{ .Uid }}",
"username": "{{ .Username }}",
"type": "{{ .Type }}",
"groupname": "{{ .GroupName }}",
"shell": "{{ .Shell }}"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "fleet_detail_query_software_linux" -}}
{{ range $index, $item := .SoftwareUbuntu2204 }}
{{if $index}},{{end}}
"name": "{{ .Name }}",
"version": "{{ .Version }}",
"type": "Application (macOS)",
"bundle_identifier": "{{ .BundleIdentifier }}",
"source": "apps",
{{/* Note that in Go < 1.18, `{{ or (and .LastOpendedAt .LastOpenedAt.Unix) "" }}` won't work as expected because "and" and "or" don't short circuit. This was changed in Go 1.18 */}}
{{if .LastOpenedAt}}
"last_opened_at": "{{ .LastOpenedAt.Unix }}"
"last_opened_at": "-1"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}