
430 lines
14 KiB

package async
import (
redigo "github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis"
func testCollectPolicyQueryExecutions(t *testing.T, ds *mysql.Datastore, pool fleet.RedisPool) {
ctx := context.Background()
type policyMembership struct {
HostID int `db:"host_id"`
PolicyID int `db:"policy_id"`
Passes sql.NullBool `db:"passes"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at"`
hostIDs := createHosts(t, ds, 4, time.Now().Add(-24*time.Hour))
policyIDs := createPolicies(t, ds, 4)
t.Logf("real host IDs: %v", hostIDs)
t.Logf("real policy IDs: %v", policyIDs)
hid := func(id int) int {
return int(hostIDs[id-1])
pid := func(id int) int {
if id < 0 || id >= len(policyIDs) {
return id
return int(policyIDs[id-1])
nbTrue := sql.NullBool{Valid: true, Bool: true}
nbFalse := sql.NullBool{Valid: true, Bool: false}
nbNull := sql.NullBool{Valid: false}
// note that cases cannot be run in isolation, each case builds on the
// previous one's state, so they are not run as distinct sub-tests.
cases := []struct {
name string
// map of host ID to policy IDs to insert with passes set to the bool.
reported map[int]map[int]*bool
want []policyMembership
{"no key", nil, nil},
"report host 1 policy 1",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
"report host 1 policies 1, 2",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
"report host 1 policies 1, 2, 3",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): ptr.Bool(true)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbTrue},
"report host 1 policy -1",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(false)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbTrue},
"report host 1 policies -2, -3",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(2): ptr.Bool(false), pid(3): ptr.Bool(false)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
"report host 1 policies 1, 2, (3), 4",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): nil, pid(4): ptr.Bool(true)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbNull},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbTrue},
"report host 1 policies -2, -3, -4, 1",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(2): ptr.Bool(false), pid(3): ptr.Bool(false), pid(4): ptr.Bool(false), pid(1): ptr.Bool(true)}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbFalse},
"report host 1 policy 2, host 2 policies 2, 3",
map[int]map[int]*bool{hid(1): {pid(2): ptr.Bool(true)}, hid(2): {pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): nil}},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(2), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(2), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbNull},
"report hosts 1, 2, 3, 4 policies 1, 2, -3, (4)",
hid(1): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): ptr.Bool(false), pid(4): nil},
hid(2): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): ptr.Bool(false), pid(4): nil},
hid(3): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): ptr.Bool(false), pid(4): nil},
hid(4): {pid(1): ptr.Bool(true), pid(2): ptr.Bool(true), pid(3): ptr.Bool(false), pid(4): nil},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(1), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbNull},
{HostID: hid(2), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(2), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(2), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(2), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbNull},
{HostID: hid(3), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(3), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(3), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(3), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbNull},
{HostID: hid(4), PolicyID: pid(1), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(4), PolicyID: pid(2), Passes: nbTrue},
{HostID: hid(4), PolicyID: pid(3), Passes: nbFalse},
{HostID: hid(4), PolicyID: pid(4), Passes: nbNull},
const batchSizes = 3
setupTest := func(t *testing.T, data map[int]map[int]*bool) collectorExecStats {
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(pool, pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
// store the host memberships and prepare the expected stats
var wantStats collectorExecStats
for hostID, res := range data {
if len(res) > 0 {
key := fmt.Sprintf(policyPassHostKey, hostID)
args := make(redigo.Args, 0, 1+(len(res)))
args = args.Add(key)
for polID, pass := range res {
score := 0
if pass != nil {
if *pass {
score = 1
} else {
score = -1
args = args.Add(fmt.Sprintf("%d=%d", polID, score))
_, err := conn.Do("LPUSH", args...)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = conn.Do("ZADD", policyPassHostIDsKey, time.Now().Unix(), hostID)
require.NoError(t, err)
cnt, err := redigo.Int(conn.Do("ZCARD", policyPassHostIDsKey))
require.NoError(t, err)
wantStats.Keys = cnt
wantStats.Items += len(res)
return wantStats
selectRows := func(t *testing.T) ([]policyMembership, map[int]time.Time) {
var rows []policyMembership
mysql.ExecAdhocSQL(t, ds, func(tx sqlx.ExtContext) error {
return sqlx.SelectContext(ctx, tx, &rows, `SELECT host_id, policy_id, passes, updated_at
FROM policy_membership
ORDER BY host_id, policy_id`)
var hosts []struct {
ID int `db:"id"`
PolicyUpdatedAt time.Time `db:"policy_updated_at"`
mysql.ExecAdhocSQL(t, ds, func(tx sqlx.ExtContext) error {
return sqlx.SelectContext(ctx, tx, &hosts, `SELECT id, policy_updated_at FROM hosts`)
hostsUpdated := make(map[int]time.Time, len(hosts))
for _, h := range hosts {
hostsUpdated[h.ID] = h.PolicyUpdatedAt
return rows, hostsUpdated
minUpdatedAt := time.Now()
for _, c := range cases {
func() {
t.Log("test name: ", c.name)
wantStats := setupTest(t, c.reported)
// run the collection
var stats collectorExecStats
task := NewTask(nil, nil, clock.C, config.OsqueryConfig{
AsyncHostInsertBatch: batchSizes,
AsyncHostUpdateBatch: batchSizes,
AsyncHostDeleteBatch: batchSizes,
AsyncHostRedisPopCount: batchSizes,
AsyncHostRedisScanKeysCount: 10,
err := task.collectPolicyQueryExecutions(ctx, ds, pool, &stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
// inserts, updates and deletes are a bit tricky to track automatically,
// just ignore them when comparing stats.
stats.Inserts, stats.Updates, stats.Deletes = 0, 0, 0
require.Equal(t, wantStats, stats)
// check that the table contains the expected rows
rows, hostsUpdated := selectRows(t)
require.Equal(t, len(c.want), len(rows))
for i := range c.want {
want, got := c.want[i], rows[i]
require.Equal(t, want.HostID, got.HostID, "[%d] host id", i)
require.Equal(t, want.PolicyID, got.PolicyID, "[%d] policy id", i)
require.Equal(t, want.Passes, got.Passes, "[%d] passes", i)
require.WithinDuration(t, minUpdatedAt, got.UpdatedAt, 10*time.Second, "[%d] membership updated at", i)
ts, ok := hostsUpdated[want.HostID]
require.True(t, ok)
require.WithinDuration(t, minUpdatedAt, ts, 10*time.Second, "[%d] host updated at", i)
// after all cases, run one last upsert (an update) to make sure that the
// updated at column is properly updated. First we need to ensure that this
// runs in a distinct second, because the mysql resolution is not precise.
var h1p1Before policyMembership
beforeRows, _ := selectRows(t)
for _, row := range beforeRows {
if row.HostID == 1 && row.PolicyID == 1 {
h1p1Before = row
// update host 1, policy 1, already existing
setupTest(t, map[int]map[int]*bool{1: {1: nil}})
var stats collectorExecStats
task := NewTask(nil, nil, clock.C, config.OsqueryConfig{
AsyncHostInsertBatch: batchSizes,
AsyncHostUpdateBatch: batchSizes,
AsyncHostDeleteBatch: batchSizes,
AsyncHostRedisPopCount: batchSizes,
AsyncHostRedisScanKeysCount: 10,
err := task.collectPolicyQueryExecutions(ctx, ds, pool, &stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
var h1p1After policyMembership
afterRows, _ := selectRows(t)
for _, row := range afterRows {
if row.HostID == 1 && row.PolicyID == 1 {
h1p1After = row
require.True(t, h1p1Before.UpdatedAt.Before(h1p1After.UpdatedAt))
func testRecordPolicyQueryExecutionsSync(t *testing.T, ds *mock.Store, pool fleet.RedisPool) {
ctx := context.Background()
now := time.Now()
lastYear := now.Add(-365 * 24 * time.Hour)
host := &fleet.Host{
ID: 1,
Platform: "linux",
PolicyUpdatedAt: lastYear,
var yes, no = true, false
results := map[uint]*bool{1: &yes, 2: &yes, 3: &no, 4: nil}
keyList, keyTs := fmt.Sprintf(policyPassHostKey, host.ID), fmt.Sprintf(policyPassReportedKey, host.ID)
task := NewTask(ds, pool, clock.C, config.OsqueryConfig{})
policyReportedAt := task.GetHostPolicyReportedAt(ctx, host)
require.True(t, policyReportedAt.Equal(lastYear))
err := task.RecordPolicyQueryExecutions(ctx, host, results, now, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, ds.RecordPolicyQueryExecutionsFuncInvoked)
ds.RecordPolicyQueryExecutionsFuncInvoked = false
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(pool, pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
defer conn.Do("DEL", keyList, keyTs)
n, err := redigo.Int(conn.Do("EXISTS", keyList))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, n)
n, err = redigo.Int(conn.Do("EXISTS", keyTs))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, n)
n, err = redigo.Int(conn.Do("ZCARD", policyPassHostIDsKey))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, n)
policyReportedAt = task.GetHostPolicyReportedAt(ctx, host)
require.True(t, policyReportedAt.Equal(now))
func testRecordPolicyQueryExecutionsAsync(t *testing.T, ds *mock.Store, pool fleet.RedisPool) {
ctx := context.Background()
now := time.Now()
lastYear := now.Add(-365 * 24 * time.Hour)
host := &fleet.Host{
ID: 1,
Platform: "linux",
PolicyUpdatedAt: lastYear,
var yes, no = true, false
results := map[uint]*bool{1: &yes, 2: &yes, 3: &no, 4: nil}
keyList, keyTs := fmt.Sprintf(policyPassHostKey, host.ID), fmt.Sprintf(policyPassReportedKey, host.ID)
task := NewTask(ds, pool, clock.C, config.OsqueryConfig{
EnableAsyncHostProcessing: "true",
AsyncHostInsertBatch: 3,
AsyncHostUpdateBatch: 3,
AsyncHostDeleteBatch: 3,
AsyncHostRedisPopCount: 3,
AsyncHostRedisScanKeysCount: 10,
policyReportedAt := task.GetHostPolicyReportedAt(ctx, host)
require.True(t, policyReportedAt.Equal(lastYear))
err := task.RecordPolicyQueryExecutions(ctx, host, results, now, false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, ds.RecordPolicyQueryExecutionsFuncInvoked)
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(pool, pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
defer conn.Do("DEL", keyList, keyTs)
res, err := redigo.Strings(conn.Do("LRANGE", keyList, 0, -1))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 4, len(res))
require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{"1=1", "2=1", "3=-1", "4=0"}, res)
ts, err := redigo.Int64(conn.Do("GET", keyTs))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, now.Unix(), ts)
count, err := redigo.Int(conn.Do("ZCARD", policyPassHostIDsKey))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, count)
tsActive, err := redigo.Int64(conn.Do("ZSCORE", policyPassHostIDsKey, host.ID))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tsActive, ts)
policyReportedAt = task.GetHostPolicyReportedAt(ctx, host)
// because we transition via unix epoch (seconds), not exactly equal
require.WithinDuration(t, now, policyReportedAt, time.Second)
// host's PolicyUpdatedAt field hasn't been updated yet, because the label
// results are in redis, not in mysql yet.
require.True(t, host.PolicyUpdatedAt.Equal(lastYear))
// running the collector removes the host from the active set
var stats collectorExecStats
err = task.collectPolicyQueryExecutions(ctx, ds, pool, &stats)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 1, stats.Keys)
require.Equal(t, 4, stats.Items)
require.False(t, stats.Failed)
count, err = redigo.Int(conn.Do("ZCARD", policyPassHostIDsKey))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, count)
func createPolicies(t *testing.T, ds *mysql.Datastore, count int) []uint {
ctx := context.Background()
ids := make([]uint, count)
mysql.ExecAdhocSQL(t, ds, func(tx sqlx.ExtContext) error {
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
res, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, `INSERT INTO policies (name, description, query) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", t.Name(), i), t.Name(), "SELECT 1")
if err != nil {
return err
pid, _ := res.LastInsertId()
ids[i] = uint(pid)
return nil
return ids