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synced 2024-11-06 17:05:18 +00:00
* Tool: Bring back mergefreeze API integration Context: https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/5628#issuecomment-1196175485 Unfortunately, the API doesn't work. * Lay out how this would work in the database - but instead, do it ephemerally for now * Remove model * Maintain state (the easy way for now)
90 lines
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90 lines
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module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Freeze open pull requests',
description: 'Freeze existing pull requests open on https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet, except those that consist exclusively of changes to files where the author is the DRI, according to auto-approval rules.',
extendedDescription: `# Usage
## Dry run
sails_custom__githubAccessToken=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE sails run scripts/freeze-open-pull-requests.js --dry
## The real deal
sails_custom__githubAccessToken=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE sails run scripts/freeze-open-pull-requests.js --limit=100`,
inputs: {
dry: { type: 'boolean', defaultsTo: false, description: 'Whether to do a dry run, and not actually freeze anything.' },
limit: { type: 'number', defaultsTo: 100, description: 'The max number of PRs to examine and potentially freeze. (Useful for testing.)' },
fn: async function () {
// Is this in use?
// > For context on the history of this bit of code, which has gone been
// > implemented a couple of different ways, and gone back and forth, check out:
// > https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/5628#issuecomment-1196175485
throw new Error('Not currently in use. See comments in this script for more information.');
// fn: async function ({dry: isDryRun, limit: maxNumPullRequestsToCheck }) {
// sails.log('Running custom shell script... (`sails run freeze-open-pull-requests`)');
// let owner = 'fleetdm';
// let repo = 'fleet';
// let baseHeaders = {
// 'User-Agent': 'sails run freeze-open-pull-requests',
// 'Authorization': `token ${sails.config.custom.githubAccessToken}`
// };
// // Fetch open pull requests
// // [?] https://docs.github.com/en/rest/pulls/pulls#list-pull-requests
// let openPullRequests = await sails.helpers.http.get(`https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls`, {
// state: 'open',
// per_page: maxNumPullRequestsToCheck,//eslint-disable-line camelcase
// }, baseHeaders);
// if (openPullRequests.length > maxNumPullRequestsToCheck) {
// openPullRequests = openPullRequests.slice(0,maxNumPullRequestsToCheck);
// }
// let SECONDS_TO_WAIT = 5;
// sails.log(`Examining and potentially freezing ${openPullRequests.length} PRs very soon… (To cancel, press CTRL+C quickly within ${SECONDS_TO_WAIT}s!)`);
// await sails.helpers.flow.pause(SECONDS_TO_WAIT*1000);
// // For all open pull requests…
// await sails.helpers.flow.simultaneouslyForEach(openPullRequests, async(pullRequest)=>{
// let prNumber = pullRequest.number;
// let prAuthor = pullRequest.user.login;
// require('assert')(prAuthor !== undefined);
// // Freeze, if appropriate.
// // (Check versus the intersection of DRIs for all changed files to make sure SOMEONE is preapproved for all of them.)
// let isAuthorPreapproved = await sails.helpers.githubAutomations.getIsPrPreapproved.with({
// prNumber: prNumber,
// isGithubUserMaintainerOrDoesntMatter: true// « doesn't matter here because no auto-approval is happening. Worst case, a community PR to an area with a "*" in the DRI mapping remains unfrozen.
// });
// if (isDryRun) {
// sails.log(`#${prNumber} by @${prAuthor}:`, isAuthorPreapproved ? 'Would have skipped freeze…' : 'Would have frozen…');
// } else {
// sails.log(`#${prNumber} by @${prAuthor}:`, isAuthorPreapproved ? 'Skipping freeze…' : 'Freezing…');
// if (!isAuthorPreapproved) {
// // [?] https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/pulls#create-a-review-for-a-pull-request
// await sails.helpers.http.post(`https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls/${prNumber}/reviews`, {
// event: 'REQUEST_CHANGES',
// body: 'The repository has been frozen for an upcoming release. In case of emergency, you can dismiss this review and merge.'
// }, baseHeaders);
// }//fi
// }
// });
// }