
249 lines
7.8 KiB

package async
import (
redigo "github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis"
const (
labelMembershipActiveHostIDsKey = "label_membership:active_host_ids"
labelMembershipHostKey = "label_membership:{%d}"
labelMembershipReportedKey = "label_membership_reported:{%d}"
labelMembershipKeysMinTTL = 7 * 24 * time.Hour // 1 week
func (t *Task) RecordLabelQueryExecutions(ctx context.Context, host *fleet.Host, results map[uint]*bool, ts time.Time, deferred bool) error {
cfg := t.taskConfigs[config.AsyncTaskLabelMembership]
if !cfg.Enabled {
host.LabelUpdatedAt = ts
return t.datastore.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(ctx, host, results, ts, deferred)
keySet := fmt.Sprintf(labelMembershipHostKey, host.ID)
keyTs := fmt.Sprintf(labelMembershipReportedKey, host.ID)
// set an expiration on both keys (set and ts), ensuring that a deleted host
// (eventually) does not use any redis space. Ensure that TTL is reasonably
// big to avoid deleting information that hasn't been collected yet - 1 week
// or 10 * the collector interval, whichever is biggest.
// This means that it will only expire if that host hasn't reported labels
// during that (TTL) time (each time it does report, the TTL is reset), and
// the collector will have plenty of time to run (multiple times) to try to
// persist all the data in mysql.
ttl := labelMembershipKeysMinTTL
if maxTTL := 10 * cfg.CollectInterval; maxTTL > ttl {
ttl = maxTTL
// keys and arguments passed to the script are:
// KEYS[1]: keySet (labelMembershipHostKey)
// KEYS[2]: keyTs (labelMembershipReportedKey)
// ARGV[1]: timestamp for "reported at"
// ARGV[2]: ttl for both keys
// ARGV[3..]: the arguments to ZADD to keySet
script := redigo.NewScript(2, `
redis.call('ZADD', KEYS[1], unpack(ARGV, 3))
redis.call('EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
redis.call('SET', KEYS[2], ARGV[1])
return redis.call('EXPIRE', KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
// convert results to ZADD arguments, store as -1 for delete, +1 for insert
args := make(redigo.Args, 0, 4+(len(results)*2))
args = args.Add(keySet, keyTs, ts.Unix(), int(ttl.Seconds()))
for k, v := range results {
score := -1
if v != nil && *v {
score = 1
args = args.Add(score, k)
conn := t.pool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
if err := redis.BindConn(t.pool, conn, keySet, keyTs); err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "bind redis connection")
if _, err := script.Do(conn, args...); err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "run redis script")
// Storing the host id in the set of active host IDs for label membership
// outside of the redis script because in Redis Cluster mode the key may not
// live on the same node as the host's keys. At the same time, purge any
// entry in the set that is older than now - TTL.
if _, err := storePurgeActiveHostID(t.pool, labelMembershipActiveHostIDsKey, host.ID, ts, ts.Add(-ttl)); err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "store active host id")
return nil
func (t *Task) collectLabelQueryExecutions(ctx context.Context, ds fleet.Datastore, pool fleet.RedisPool, stats *collectorExecStats) error {
cfg := t.taskConfigs[config.AsyncTaskLabelMembership]
hosts, err := loadActiveHostIDs(pool, labelMembershipActiveHostIDsKey, cfg.RedisScanKeysCount)
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "load active host ids")
stats.Keys = len(hosts)
getKeyTuples := func(hostID uint) (inserts, deletes [][2]uint, err error) {
keySet := fmt.Sprintf(labelMembershipHostKey, hostID)
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(pool, pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
for {
vals, err := redigo.Ints(conn.Do("ZPOPMIN", keySet, cfg.RedisPopCount))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "redis ZPOPMIN")
items := len(vals) / 2 // each item has the label id and the score (-1=delete, +1=insert)
stats.Items += items
for i := 0; i < len(vals); i += 2 {
labelID := vals[i]
var score int
if i+1 < len(vals) { // just to be safe we received all pairs
score = vals[i+1]
switch score {
case 1:
inserts = append(inserts, [2]uint{uint(labelID), hostID})
case -1:
deletes = append(deletes, [2]uint{uint(labelID), hostID})
if items < cfg.RedisPopCount {
return inserts, deletes, nil
// Based on those pages, the best approach appears to be INSERT with multiple
// rows in the VALUES section (short of doing LOAD FILE, which we can't):
// https://www.databasejournal.com/features/mysql/optimize-mysql-inserts-using-batch-processing.html
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-optimization.html
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/optimizing-innodb-bulk-data-loading.html
// Given that there are no UNIQUE constraints in label_membership (well,
// apart from the primary key columns), no AUTO_INC column and no FOREIGN
// KEY, there is no obvious setting to tweak (based on the recommendations of
// the third link above).
// However, in label_membership, updated_at defaults to the current timestamp
// both on INSERT and when UPDATEd, so it does not need to be provided.
runInsertBatch := func(batch [][2]uint) error {
return ds.AsyncBatchInsertLabelMembership(ctx, batch)
runDeleteBatch := func(batch [][2]uint) error {
return ds.AsyncBatchDeleteLabelMembership(ctx, batch)
runUpdateBatch := func(ids []uint, ts time.Time) error {
return ds.AsyncBatchUpdateLabelTimestamp(ctx, ids, ts)
insertBatch := make([][2]uint, 0, cfg.InsertBatch)
deleteBatch := make([][2]uint, 0, cfg.DeleteBatch)
for _, host := range hosts {
hid := host.HostID
ins, del, err := getKeyTuples(hid)
if err != nil {
return err
insertBatch = append(insertBatch, ins...)
deleteBatch = append(deleteBatch, del...)
if len(insertBatch) >= cfg.InsertBatch {
if err := runInsertBatch(insertBatch); err != nil {
return err
insertBatch = insertBatch[:0]
if len(deleteBatch) >= cfg.DeleteBatch {
if err := runDeleteBatch(deleteBatch); err != nil {
return err
deleteBatch = deleteBatch[:0]
// process any remaining batch that did not reach the batchSize limit in the
// loop.
if len(insertBatch) > 0 {
if err := runInsertBatch(insertBatch); err != nil {
return err
if len(deleteBatch) > 0 {
if err := runDeleteBatch(deleteBatch); err != nil {
return err
if len(hosts) > 0 {
hostIDs := make([]uint, len(hosts))
for i, host := range hosts {
hostIDs[i] = host.HostID
ts := t.clock.Now()
updateBatch := make([]uint, cfg.UpdateBatch)
for {
n := copy(updateBatch, hostIDs)
if n == 0 {
if err := runUpdateBatch(updateBatch[:n], ts); err != nil {
return err
hostIDs = hostIDs[n:]
// batch-remove any host ID from the active set that still has its score to
// the initial value, so that the active set does not keep all (potentially
// 100K+) host IDs to process at all times - only those with reported
// results to process.
if _, err := removeProcessedHostIDs(pool, labelMembershipActiveHostIDsKey, hosts); err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "remove processed host ids")
return nil
func (t *Task) GetHostLabelReportedAt(ctx context.Context, host *fleet.Host) time.Time {
cfg := t.taskConfigs[config.AsyncTaskLabelMembership]
if cfg.Enabled {
conn := redis.ConfigureDoer(t.pool, t.pool.Get())
defer conn.Close()
key := fmt.Sprintf(labelMembershipReportedKey, host.ID)
epoch, err := redigo.Int64(conn.Do("GET", key))
if err == nil {
if reported := time.Unix(epoch, 0); reported.After(host.LabelUpdatedAt) {
return reported
return host.LabelUpdatedAt