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synced 2024-11-06 08:55:24 +00:00
#13832 For macOS hosts, fleetd now stores and retrieves enroll secret from macOS keychain. - this feature must use the official signed and notarized version of fleetd - for contributors, this feature can disabled with either: - fleetctl package flag: --disable-keystore - fleetd runtime flag: --disable-keystore This feature does not cover the MDM usecase where enroll secret is stored in the MDM profile. This usecase will hopefully be worked on next sprint with the MDM team. For Windows hosts, fleetd now stores and retrieves enroll secret from Windows Credential Manager. # Checklist for submitter If some of the following don't apply, delete the relevant line. <!-- Note that API documentation changes are now addressed by the product design team. --> - [x] Changes file added for user-visible changes in `changes/` or `orbit/changes/`. See [Changes files](https://fleetdm.com/docs/contributing/committing-changes#changes-files) for more information. - [x] Added/updated tests - [x] Manual QA for all new/changed functionality - For Orbit and Fleet Desktop changes: - [x] Manual QA must be performed in the three main OSs, macOS, Windows and Linux. - [x] Auto-update manual QA, from released version of component to new version (see [tools/tuf/test](../tools/tuf/test/README.md)).
411 lines
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411 lines
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package main
import (
eefleetctl "github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/ee/fleetctl"
zlog "github.com/rs/zerolog/log"
var (
opt packaging.Options
disableOpenFolder bool
func packageCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "package",
Aliases: nil,
Usage: "Create an Orbit installer package",
Description: "An easy way to create fully boot-strapped installer packages for Windows, macOS, or Linux",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "type",
Usage: "Type of package to build",
Required: true,
Name: "enroll-secret",
Usage: "Enroll secret for authenticating to Fleet server",
Destination: &opt.EnrollSecret,
Name: "fleet-url",
Usage: "URL (host:port) of Fleet server",
Destination: &opt.FleetURL,
Name: "fleet-certificate",
Usage: "Path to the Fleet server certificate chain",
Destination: &opt.FleetCertificate,
Name: "fleet-tls-client-certificate",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client certificate to use when connecting to the Fleet server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.FleetTLSClientCertificate,
Name: "fleet-tls-client-key",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client private key to use when connecting to the Fleet server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.FleetTLSClientKey,
Name: "fleet-desktop-alternative-browser-host",
Usage: "Alternative host:port to use for Fleet Desktop in the browser (this may be required when using TLS client authentication in the Fleet server)",
Destination: &opt.FleetDesktopAlternativeBrowserHost,
Name: "identifier",
Usage: "Identifier for package product",
Value: "com.fleetdm.orbit",
Destination: &opt.Identifier,
Name: "version",
Usage: "Version for package product",
Destination: &opt.Version,
Name: "insecure",
Usage: "Disable TLS certificate verification",
Destination: &opt.Insecure,
Name: "service",
Usage: "Install orbit/osquery with a persistence service (launchd, systemd, etc.)",
Value: true,
Destination: &opt.StartService,
Name: "sign-identity",
Usage: "Identity to use for macOS codesigning",
Destination: &opt.SignIdentity,
Name: "notarize",
Usage: "Whether to notarize macOS packages",
Destination: &opt.Notarize,
Name: "osqueryd-channel",
Usage: "Update channel of osqueryd to use",
Value: "stable",
Destination: &opt.OsquerydChannel,
Name: "desktop-channel",
Usage: "Update channel of desktop to use",
Value: "stable",
Destination: &opt.DesktopChannel,
Name: "orbit-channel",
Usage: "Update channel of Orbit to use",
Value: "stable",
Destination: &opt.OrbitChannel,
Name: "disable-updates",
Usage: "Disable auto updates on the generated package",
Destination: &opt.DisableUpdates,
Name: "update-url",
Usage: "URL for update server",
Value: "https://tuf.fleetctl.com",
Destination: &opt.UpdateURL,
Name: "update-roots",
Usage: "Root key JSON metadata for update server (from fleetctl updates roots)",
Destination: &opt.UpdateRoots,
Name: "update-tls-certificate",
Usage: "Path to the update server TLS certificate chain",
Destination: &opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate,
Name: "update-tls-client-certificate",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client certificate to use when connecting to the update server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.UpdateTLSClientCertificate,
Name: "update-tls-client-key",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client private key to use when connecting to the update server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.UpdateTLSClientKey,
Name: "osquery-flagfile",
Usage: "Flagfile to package and provide to osquery",
Destination: &opt.OsqueryFlagfile,
Name: "debug",
Usage: "Enable debug logging in orbit",
Destination: &opt.Debug,
Name: "verbose",
Usage: "Log detailed information when building the package",
Name: "fleet-desktop",
Usage: "Include the Fleet Desktop Application in the package",
Destination: &opt.Desktop,
Name: "update-interval",
Usage: "Interval that Orbit will use to check for new updates (10s, 1h, etc.)",
Value: 15 * time.Minute,
Destination: &opt.OrbitUpdateInterval,
Name: "disable-open-folder",
Usage: "Disable opening the folder at the end",
Destination: &disableOpenFolder,
Name: "native-tooling",
Usage: "Build the package using native tooling (only available in Linux)",
Destination: &opt.NativeTooling,
Name: "macos-devid-pem-content",
Usage: "Dev ID certificate keypair content in PEM format",
Destination: &opt.MacOSDevIDCertificateContent,
Name: "app-store-connect-api-key-id",
Usage: "App Store Connect API key used for notarization",
Destination: &opt.AppStoreConnectAPIKeyID,
Name: "app-store-connect-api-key-issuer",
Usage: "Issuer of the App Store Connect API key",
Destination: &opt.AppStoreConnectAPIKeyIssuer,
Name: "app-store-connect-api-key-content",
Usage: "Contents of the .p8 App Store Connect API key",
Destination: &opt.AppStoreConnectAPIKeyContent,
Name: "use-system-configuration",
Usage: "Try to read --fleet-url and --enroll-secret using configuration in the host (currently only macOS profiles are supported)",
Destination: &opt.UseSystemConfiguration,
Name: "enable-scripts",
Usage: "Enable script execution",
Destination: &opt.EnableScripts,
Name: "host-identifier",
Usage: "Sets the host identifier that orbit and osquery will use when enrolling to Fleet. Options: 'uuid' and 'instance' (requires Fleet >= v4.42.0)",
Value: "uuid",
Destination: &opt.HostIdentifier,
Name: "end-user-email",
Hidden: true, // experimental feature, we don't want to show it for now
Usage: "Sets the email address of the user associated with the host when enrolling to Fleet. (requires Fleet >= v4.43.0)",
EnvVars: []string{"FLEETCTL_END_USER_EMAIL"},
Destination: &opt.EndUserEmail,
Name: "disable-keystore",
Usage: "Disables the use of the keychain on macOS and Credentials Manager on Windows",
Destination: &opt.DisableKeystore,
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if opt.FleetURL != "" || opt.EnrollSecret != "" {
if opt.FleetURL == "" || opt.EnrollSecret == "" {
return errors.New("--enroll-secret and --fleet-url must be provided together")
if opt.Insecure && opt.FleetCertificate != "" {
return errors.New("--insecure and --fleet-certificate may not be provided together")
if opt.Insecure && opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate != "" {
return errors.New("--insecure and --update-tls-certificate may not be provided together")
if opt.HostIdentifier != "uuid" && opt.HostIdentifier != "instance" {
return fmt.Errorf("--host-identifier=%s is not supported, currently supported values are 'uuid' and 'instance'", opt.HostIdentifier)
// Perform checks on the provided fleet client certificate and key.
if (opt.FleetTLSClientCertificate != "") != (opt.FleetTLSClientKey != "") {
return errors.New("must specify both fleet-tls-client-certificate and fleet-tls-client-key")
if opt.FleetTLSClientKey != "" {
if _, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(opt.FleetTLSClientCertificate, opt.FleetTLSClientKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading fleet client certificate and key: %w", err)
// Perform checks on the provided update client certificate and key.
if (opt.UpdateTLSClientCertificate != "") != (opt.UpdateTLSClientKey != "") {
return errors.New("must specify both update-tls-client-certificate and update-tls-client-key")
if opt.UpdateTLSClientKey != "" {
if _, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(opt.UpdateTLSClientCertificate, opt.UpdateTLSClientKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading update client certificate and key: %w", err)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && c.String("type") != "msi" {
return errors.New("Windows can only build MSI packages.")
if opt.NativeTooling && runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
return errors.New("native tooling is only available in Linux")
if opt.LocalWixDir != "" && runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
return errors.New(`Could not use local WiX to generate an osquery installer. This option is only available on Windows.
Visit https://wixtoolset.org/ for more information about how to use WiX.`)
if opt.EndUserEmail != "" && c.String("type") != "msi" {
return errors.New("Can only set --end-user-email when building an MSI package.")
if opt.EndUserEmail != "" {
if !fleet.IsLooseEmail(opt.EndUserEmail) {
return errors.New("Invalid email address specified for --end-user-email.")
if opt.FleetCertificate != "" {
err := checkPEMCertificate(opt.FleetCertificate)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read fleet server certificate %q: %w", opt.FleetCertificate, err)
if opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate != "" {
err := checkPEMCertificate(opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read update server certificate %q: %w", opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate, err)
if opt.UseSystemConfiguration && c.String("type") != "pkg" {
return errors.New("--use-system-configuration is only available for pkg installers")
var buildFunc func(packaging.Options) (string, error)
switch c.String("type") {
case "pkg":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildPkg
case "deb":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildDeb
case "rpm":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildRPM
case "msi":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildMSI
return errors.New("type must be one of ('pkg', 'deb', 'rpm', 'msi')")
// disable detailed logging unless verbose is set
if !c.Bool("verbose") {
zlog.Logger = zerolog.Nop()
const maxAttempts = 9 // see #5732
var (
attempts int
path string
err error
for attempts < maxAttempts {
if attempts > 1 {
fmt.Printf("Generating your osquery installer [attempt %d/%d]...\n\n", attempts, maxAttempts)
} else {
fmt.Println("Generating your osquery installer...")
path, err = buildFunc(opt)
if err == nil || !shouldRetry(c.String("type"), opt, err) {
if err != nil {
return err
path, _ = filepath.Abs(path)
Success! You generated an osquery installer at %s
To add this device to Fleet, double-click to open your installer.
To add other devices to Fleet, distribute this installer using Chef, Ansible, Jamf, or Puppet. Learn how: https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/adding-hosts
`, path)
if !disableOpenFolder {
open.Start(filepath.Dir(path)) //nolint:errcheck
return nil
func shouldRetry(pkgType string, opt packaging.Options, err error) bool {
if pkgType != "msi" || runtime.GOOS != "darwin" || runtime.GOARCH != "arm64" {
return false
// building an MSI on macos M1, check if the error is one that should be retried
errStr := err.Error()
switch {
case strings.Contains(errStr, "package root files: heat failed"):
return true
case strings.Contains(errStr, "build package: candle failed"):
return true
case strings.Contains(errStr, "build package: light failed"):
return true
return false
func checkPEMCertificate(path string) error {
cert, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if p, _ := pem.Decode(cert); p == nil {
return errors.New("invalid PEM file")
return nil