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synced 2024-11-06 08:55:24 +00:00
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384 lines
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package main
import (
func TestRunScriptCommand(t *testing.T) {
_, ds := runServerWithMockedDS(t,
License: &fleet.LicenseInfo{
Tier: fleet.TierPremium,
HTTPServerConfig: &http.Server{WriteTimeout: 90 * time.Second}, // nolint:gosec
ds.LoadHostSoftwareFunc = func(ctx context.Context, host *fleet.Host, includeCVEScores bool) error {
return nil
ds.ListLabelsForHostFunc = func(ctx context.Context, hid uint) ([]*fleet.Label, error) {
return nil, nil
ds.ListPacksForHostFunc = func(ctx context.Context, hid uint) ([]*fleet.Pack, error) {
return nil, nil
ds.ListPoliciesForHostFunc = func(ctx context.Context, host *fleet.Host) ([]*fleet.HostPolicy, error) {
return nil, nil
ds.ListHostBatteriesFunc = func(ctx context.Context, hid uint) ([]*fleet.HostBattery, error) {
return nil, nil
ds.AppConfigFunc = func(ctx context.Context) (*fleet.AppConfig, error) {
return &fleet.AppConfig{ServerSettings: fleet.ServerSettings{ScriptsDisabled: false}}, nil
ds.GetScriptIDByNameFunc = func(ctx context.Context, name string, teamID *uint) (uint, error) {
return 1, nil
ds.IsExecutionPendingForHostFunc = func(ctx context.Context, hid uint, scriptID uint) ([]*uint, error) {
return []*uint{}, nil
generateValidPath := func() string {
return writeTmpScriptContents(t, "echo hello world", ".sh")
exceedsMaxCharsUnsaved := strings.Repeat("a", fleet.UnsavedScriptMaxRuneLen+1)
exceedsMaxCharsSaved := strings.Repeat("a", fleet.SavedScriptMaxRuneLen+1)
expectedOutputSuccess := `
Exit code: 0 (Script ran successfully.)
hello world
type testCase struct {
name string
scriptPath func() string
scriptName string
teamID *uint
savedScriptContents func() ([]byte, error)
scriptResult *fleet.HostScriptResult
expectOutput string
expectErrMsg string
expectNotFound bool
expectOffline bool
expectPending bool
cases := []testCase{
name: "host offline",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
expectErrMsg: fleet.RunScriptHostOfflineErrMsg,
expectOffline: true,
name: "host not found",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
expectErrMsg: fleet.RunScriptHostNotFoundErrMsg,
expectNotFound: true,
name: "invalid file type",
scriptPath: func() string { return writeTmpScriptContents(t, "echo hello world", ".txt") },
expectErrMsg: fleet.RunScriptInvalidTypeErrMsg,
name: "invalid hashbang",
scriptPath: func() string { return writeTmpScriptContents(t, "#! /foo/bar", ".sh") },
expectErrMsg: `Interpreter not supported. Bash scripts must run in "#!/bin/sh”.`,
name: "script too long (unsaved)",
scriptPath: func() string {
return writeTmpScriptContents(t, exceedsMaxCharsUnsaved, ".sh")
expectErrMsg: "Script is too large. Script referenced by '--script-path' is limited to 10,000 characters. To run larger script save it to Fleet and use '--script-name'.",
name: "script not too long (unsaved)",
scriptPath: func() string {
return writeTmpScriptContents(t, exceedsMaxCharsUnsaved[:fleet.UnsavedScriptMaxRuneLen], ".sh")
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(0),
Output: "hello world",
expectOutput: expectedOutputSuccess,
name: "script too long (saved)",
scriptName: "foo",
savedScriptContents: func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(exceedsMaxCharsSaved), nil
expectErrMsg: "Script is too large. It's limited to 500,000 characters (approximately 10,000 lines).",
name: "script not too long (saved)",
scriptName: "foo",
savedScriptContents: func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(exceedsMaxCharsUnsaved), nil
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(0),
Output: "hello world",
expectOutput: expectedOutputSuccess,
name: "script-path and script-name disallowed",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
scriptName: "foo",
expectErrMsg: `Only one of '--script-path' or '--script-name' is allowed.`,
name: "missing one of script-path and script-nqme",
expectErrMsg: `One of '--script-path' or '--script-name' must be specified.`,
name: "script-path and team disallowed",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
teamID: ptr.Uint(1),
expectErrMsg: `Only one of '--script-path' or '--team' is allowed.`,
name: "script empty",
scriptPath: func() string { return writeTmpScriptContents(t, "", ".sh") },
expectErrMsg: `Script contents must not be empty.`,
name: "invalid utf8",
scriptPath: func() string { return writeTmpScriptContents(t, "\xff\xfa", ".sh") },
expectErrMsg: `Wrong data format. Only plain text allowed.`,
name: "script already running",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
expectErrMsg: fleet.RunScriptAlreadyRunningErrMsg,
expectPending: true,
name: "script successful",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(0),
Output: "hello world",
expectOutput: expectedOutputSuccess,
name: "script failed",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(1),
Output: "",
expectOutput: `
Exit code: 1 (Script failed.)
name: "script killed",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(-1),
Output: "Oh no!",
Message: fleet.RunScriptScriptTimeoutErrMsg,
expectOutput: `
Error: Timeout. Fleet stopped the script after 5 minutes to protect host performance.
Output before timeout:
Oh no!
name: "scripts disabled",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(-2),
Output: "",
Message: fleet.RunScriptDisabledErrMsg,
expectOutput: `
Error: Scripts are disabled for this host. To run scripts, deploy the fleetd agent with scripts enabled.
name: "output truncated",
scriptPath: generateValidPath,
scriptResult: &fleet.HostScriptResult{
ExitCode: ptr.Int64(0),
Output: exceedsMaxCharsUnsaved,
expectOutput: fmt.Sprintf(`
Exit code: 0 (Script ran successfully.)
Fleet records the last 10,000 characters to prevent downtime.
`, exceedsMaxCharsUnsaved),
// TODO: this would take 5 minutes to run, we don't want that kind of slowdown in our test suite
// but can be useful to have around for manual testing.
// name: "host timeout",
// scriptPath: generateValidPath,
// expectErrMsg: fleet.RunScriptHostTimeoutErrMsg,
{name: "disabled scripts globally", scriptPath: generateValidPath, expectErrMsg: fleet.RunScriptScriptsDisabledGloballyErrMsg},
setupDS := func(t *testing.T, c testCase) {
ds.HostByIdentifierFunc = func(ctx context.Context, ident string) (*fleet.Host, error) {
if ident != "host1" || c.expectNotFound {
return nil, ¬FoundError{}
return &fleet.Host{ID: 42, SeenTime: time.Now(), OrbitNodeKey: ptr.String("abc")}, nil
ds.HostFunc = func(ctx context.Context, hid uint) (*fleet.Host, error) {
if hid != 42 || c.expectNotFound {
return nil, ¬FoundError{}
h := fleet.Host{ID: hid, SeenTime: time.Now(), OrbitNodeKey: ptr.String("abc")}
if c.expectOffline {
h.SeenTime = time.Now().Add(-time.Hour)
return &h, nil
ds.ListPendingHostScriptExecutionsFunc = func(ctx context.Context, hid uint) ([]*fleet.HostScriptResult, error) {
require.Equal(t, uint(42), hid)
if c.expectPending {
return []*fleet.HostScriptResult{{HostID: uint(42)}}, nil
return nil, nil
ds.GetHostScriptExecutionResultFunc = func(ctx context.Context, execID string) (*fleet.HostScriptResult, error) {
if c.scriptResult != nil {
return c.scriptResult, nil
return &fleet.HostScriptResult{}, nil
ds.GetHostLockWipeStatusFunc = func(ctx context.Context, host *fleet.Host) (*fleet.HostLockWipeStatus, error) {
return &fleet.HostLockWipeStatus{}, nil
ds.NewHostScriptExecutionRequestFunc = func(ctx context.Context, req *fleet.HostScriptRequestPayload) (*fleet.HostScriptResult, error) {
require.Equal(t, uint(42), req.HostID)
return &fleet.HostScriptResult{
Hostname: "host1",
HostID: req.HostID,
ScriptContents: req.ScriptContents,
}, nil
if c.name == "disabled scripts globally" {
ds.AppConfigFunc = func(ctx context.Context) (*fleet.AppConfig, error) {
return &fleet.AppConfig{ServerSettings: fleet.ServerSettings{ScriptsDisabled: true}}, nil
} else {
ds.AppConfigFunc = func(ctx context.Context) (*fleet.AppConfig, error) {
return &fleet.AppConfig{ServerSettings: fleet.ServerSettings{ScriptsDisabled: false}}, nil
if c.savedScriptContents != nil {
ds.GetScriptContentsFunc = func(ctx context.Context, id uint) ([]byte, error) {
return c.savedScriptContents()
ds.ScriptFunc = func(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*fleet.Script, error) {
return &fleet.Script{ID: id, Name: "foo"}, nil
} else {
ds.GetScriptContentsFunc = func(ctx context.Context, id uint) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("echo hello world"), nil
ds.ScriptFunc = func(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*fleet.Script, error) {
return &fleet.Script{ID: id, Name: "foo"}, nil
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
setupDS(t, c)
args := []string{"run-script", "--host", "host1"}
if c.scriptPath != nil {
scriptPath := c.scriptPath()
defer os.Remove(scriptPath)
args = append(args, "--script-path", scriptPath)
if c.scriptName != "" {
args = append(args, "--script-name", c.scriptName)
if c.teamID != nil {
args = append(args, "--team", fmt.Sprintf("%d", *c.teamID))
b, err := runAppNoChecks(args)
if c.expectErrMsg != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), c.expectErrMsg)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
if c.scriptResult != nil {
out := b.String()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, out)
require.Equal(t, c.expectOutput, out)
} else {
require.Empty(t, b.String())
func writeTmpScriptContents(t *testing.T, scriptContents string, extension string) string {
tmpFile, err := os.CreateTemp(t.TempDir(), "*"+extension)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = tmpFile.WriteString(scriptContents)
require.NoError(t, err)
return tmpFile.Name()