
770 lines
26 KiB

package mysql
import (
func TestTargets(t *testing.T) {
ds := CreateMySQLDS(t)
cases := []struct {
name string
fn func(t *testing.T, ds *Datastore)
{"CountHosts", testTargetsCountHosts},
{"HostStatus", testTargetsHostStatus},
{"HostIDsInTargets", testTargetsHostIDsInTargets},
{"HostIDsInTargetsTeam", testTargetsHostIDsInTargetsTeam},
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
defer TruncateTables(t, ds)
c.fn(t, ds)
func testTargetsCountHosts(t *testing.T, ds *Datastore) {
user := &fleet.User{GlobalRole: ptr.String(fleet.RoleAdmin)}
filter := fleet.TeamFilter{User: user}
mockClock := clock.NewMockClock()
hostCount := 0
initHost := func(seenTime time.Time, distributedInterval uint, configTLSRefresh uint, teamID *uint) *fleet.Host {
hostCount += 1
h, err := ds.NewHost(context.Background(), &fleet.Host{
OsqueryHostID: ptr.String(strconv.Itoa(hostCount)),
DetailUpdatedAt: mockClock.Now(),
LabelUpdatedAt: mockClock.Now(),
PolicyUpdatedAt: mockClock.Now(),
SeenTime: mockClock.Now(),
NodeKey: ptr.String(strconv.Itoa(hostCount)),
DistributedInterval: distributedInterval,
ConfigTLSRefresh: configTLSRefresh,
TeamID: teamID,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, ds.MarkHostsSeen(context.Background(), []uint{h.ID}, seenTime))
return h
team1, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: "team1"})
require.NoError(t, err)
team2, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: "team2"})
require.NoError(t, err)
team3, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: "team3"})
require.NoError(t, err)
h1 := initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(-1*time.Second), 10, 60, &team1.ID)
h2 := initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(-1*time.Hour), 30, 7200, &team2.ID)
h3 := initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(-5*time.Second), 20, 20, &team2.ID)
h4 := initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(-127*time.Second), 10, 10, &team2.ID)
h5 := initHost(mockClock.Now(), 5, 5, nil)
const thirtyDaysAndAMinuteAgo = -1 * (30*24*60 + 1)
h6 := initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(thirtyDaysAndAMinuteAgo*time.Minute), 3600, 3600, nil)
l1 := fleet.LabelSpec{
ID: 1,
Name: "label foo",
Query: "query foo",
l2 := fleet.LabelSpec{
ID: 2,
Name: "label bar",
Query: "query bar",
require.NoError(t, ds.ApplyLabelSpecs(context.Background(), []*fleet.LabelSpec{&l1, &l2}))
for _, h := range []*fleet.Host{h1, h2, h3, h6} {
err = ds.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(context.Background(), h, map[uint]*bool{l1.ID: ptr.Bool(true)}, mockClock.Now(), false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
for _, h := range []*fleet.Host{h3, h4, h5} {
err = ds.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(context.Background(), h, map[uint]*bool{l2.ID: ptr.Bool(true)}, mockClock.Now(), false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
metrics, err := ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(6), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.OfflineHosts) // metrics.MissingInActionHosts are also included in offline hosts as of Fleet 4.15
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID}, LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(6), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.OfflineHosts) // metrics.MissingInActionHosts are also included in offline hosts as of Fleet 4.15
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID}, LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team1.ID, team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(4), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OfflineHosts) // metrics.MissingInActionHosts are also included in offline hosts as of Fleet 4.15
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(4), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h1.ID}, LabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(4), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{}, LabelIDs: []uint{}, TeamIDs: []uint{}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{TeamIDs: []uint{team1.ID, team3.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{TeamIDs: []uint{team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{TeamIDs: []uint{team3.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team3.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team1.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h1.ID}, LabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID}, TeamIDs: []uint{team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{TeamIDs: []uint{team1.ID, team2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(4), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(2), metrics.OfflineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
// Advance clock so all hosts are offline
mockClock.AddTime(2 * time.Minute)
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(6), metrics.TotalHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.OnlineHosts)
assert.Equal(t, uint(6), metrics.OfflineHosts) // metrics.MissingInActionHosts are also included in offline hosts as of Fleet 4.15
assert.Equal(t, uint(1), metrics.MissingInActionHosts)
userObs := &fleet.User{GlobalRole: ptr.String(fleet.RoleObserver)}
filter = fleet.TeamFilter{User: userObs}
// observer not included
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.TotalHosts)
// observer included
filter.IncludeObserver = true
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(6), metrics.TotalHosts)
userTeam2 := &fleet.User{Teams: []fleet.UserTeam{{Team: *team2, Role: fleet.RoleAdmin}}}
filter = fleet.TeamFilter{User: userTeam2}
// user can see team 2 which is associated with 3 hosts
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.TotalHosts)
// request team1, user cannot see it
filter.TeamID = &team1.ID
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), metrics.TotalHosts)
// request team2, ok
filter.TeamID = &team2.ID
metrics, err = ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{LabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint(3), metrics.TotalHosts)
func testTargetsHostStatus(t *testing.T, ds *Datastore) {
test.AddAllHostsLabel(t, ds)
mockClock := clock.NewMockClock()
h, err := ds.EnrollHost(context.Background(), false, "1", "", "", "key1", nil, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
user := &fleet.User{GlobalRole: ptr.String(fleet.RoleAdmin)}
filter := fleet.TeamFilter{User: user}
// Make host no longer appear new
mockClock.AddTime(36 * time.Hour)
expectOnline := fleet.TargetMetrics{TotalHosts: 1, OnlineHosts: 1}
expectOffline := fleet.TargetMetrics{TotalHosts: 1, OfflineHosts: 1}
expectMIA := fleet.TargetMetrics{
TotalHosts: 1,
OfflineHosts: 1, // MissingInActionHosts are also included in offline hosts as of Fleet 4.15
MissingInActionHosts: 1,
testCases := []struct {
seenTime time.Time
distributedInterval uint
configTLSRefresh uint
metrics fleet.TargetMetrics
{mockClock.Now().Add(-30 * time.Second), 10, 3600, expectOnline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-125 * time.Second), 10, 3600, expectOffline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-30 * time.Second), 3600, 10, expectOnline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-125 * time.Second), 3600, 10, expectOffline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-70 * time.Second), 60, 60, expectOnline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-121 * time.Second), 60, 60, expectOffline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second), 10, 10, expectOnline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute), 10, 10, expectOffline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-31 * 24 * time.Hour), 10, 10, expectMIA},
// Ensure behavior is reasonable if we don't have the values
{mockClock.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second), 0, 0, expectOnline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute), 0, 0, expectOffline},
{mockClock.Now().Add(-31 * 24 * time.Hour), 0, 0, expectMIA},
for _, tt := range testCases {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
// Save interval values
h.DistributedInterval = tt.distributedInterval
h.ConfigTLSRefresh = tt.configTLSRefresh
require.NoError(t, ds.UpdateHost(context.Background(), h))
// Mark seen
require.NoError(t, ds.MarkHostsSeen(context.Background(), []uint{h.ID}, tt.seenTime))
// Verify status
metrics, err := ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{h.ID}}, mockClock.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.metrics, metrics)
func testTargetsHostIDsInTargets(t *testing.T, ds *Datastore) {
user := &fleet.User{GlobalRole: ptr.String(fleet.RoleAdmin)}
filter := fleet.TeamFilter{User: user}
hostCount := 0
initHost := func(teamID *uint, platform string) *fleet.Host {
hostCount += 1
h, err := ds.NewHost(context.Background(), &fleet.Host{
OsqueryHostID: ptr.String(strconv.Itoa(hostCount)),
NodeKey: ptr.String(strconv.Itoa(hostCount)),
DetailUpdatedAt: time.Now(),
LabelUpdatedAt: time.Now(),
PolicyUpdatedAt: time.Now(),
SeenTime: time.Now(),
TeamID: teamID,
Platform: platform,
require.Nil(t, err)
return h
// Run MigrateData to populate built-in labels.
err := ds.MigrateData(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
t1, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: "team1"})
require.NoError(t, err)
t2, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: "team2"})
require.NoError(t, err)
t3, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: "team3"})
require.NoError(t, err)
h1 := initHost(&t1.ID, "darwin")
h2 := initHost(&t2.ID, "centos")
h3 := initHost(&t2.ID, "ubuntu")
h4 := initHost(&t2.ID, "windows")
h5 := initHost(nil, "windows")
h6 := initHost(nil, "darwin")
// Load and record results for builtin labels.
allHosts, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 6)
require.NoError(t, err)
macOS, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 7)
require.NoError(t, err)
ubuntuLinux, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 8)
require.NoError(t, err)
centOSLinux, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 9)
require.NoError(t, err)
msWindows, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 10)
require.NoError(t, err)
redHatLinux, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 11)
require.NoError(t, err)
allLinux, err := ds.Label(context.Background(), 12)
require.NoError(t, err)
allBuiltIn := []*fleet.Label{
allHosts, macOS, ubuntuLinux, centOSLinux, msWindows, redHatLinux, allLinux,
for _, item := range []struct {
host *fleet.Host
labels map[*fleet.Label]struct{}
host: h1,
labels: map[*fleet.Label]struct{}{
allHosts: {},
macOS: {},
host: h2,
labels: map[*fleet.Label]struct{}{
allHosts: {},
centOSLinux: {},
allLinux: {},
host: h3,
labels: map[*fleet.Label]struct{}{
allHosts: {},
ubuntuLinux: {},
allLinux: {},
host: h4,
labels: map[*fleet.Label]struct{}{
allHosts: {},
msWindows: {},
host: h5,
labels: map[*fleet.Label]struct{}{
allHosts: {},
msWindows: {},
host: h6,
labels: map[*fleet.Label]struct{}{
allHosts: {},
macOS: {},
} {
for _, label := range allBuiltIn {
value := false
if _, ok := item.labels[label]; ok {
value = true
err := ds.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(context.Background(), item.host, map[uint]*bool{label.ID: ptr.Bool(value)}, time.Now(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create and record results for custom labels.
l1, err := ds.NewLabel(context.Background(), &fleet.Label{
Name: "label foo",
Query: "query foo",
LabelType: fleet.LabelTypeRegular,
require.NoError(t, err)
l2, err := ds.NewLabel(context.Background(), &fleet.Label{
Name: "label bar",
Query: "query bar",
LabelType: fleet.LabelTypeRegular,
require.NoError(t, err)
l3, err := ds.NewLabel(context.Background(), &fleet.Label{
Name: "label zoo",
Query: "query zoo",
LabelType: fleet.LabelTypeRegular,
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, h := range []*fleet.Host{h1, h2, h3, h6} {
err = ds.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(context.Background(), h, map[uint]*bool{l1.ID: ptr.Bool(true)}, time.Now(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, h := range []*fleet.Host{h3, h4, h5} {
err = ds.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(context.Background(), h, map[uint]*bool{l2.ID: ptr.Bool(true)}, time.Now(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, h := range []*fleet.Host{h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6} {
err = ds.RecordLabelQueryExecutions(context.Background(), h, map[uint]*bool{l3.ID: ptr.Bool(false)}, time.Now(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Scenario:
// Expected behavior:
// Any target selected within one of the two categories "labels" and "teams" is understood as a union.
// But the combination of the categories is understood as an intersection.
// Builtin labels (aka Platforms):
// - allHosts: { h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 }
// - macOS: { h1, h6 }
// - ubuntuLinux: { h3 }
// - centOSLinux: { h2 }
// - msWindows: { h4, h5 }
// - redHatLinux: { }
// - allLinux: { h2, h3 }
// Custom labels (non-builtin labels):
// - Label l1: { h1, h2, h3, h6 }
// - Label l2: { h3, h4, h5 }
// - Label l3: { }
// Teams:
// - Team t1: { h1 }
// - Team t2: { h2, h3, h4 }
// - Team t3: { }
// - Hosts h5, h6 are global.
for i, tc := range []struct {
name string
targetHostIDs []uint
targetLabelIDs []uint
targetTeamIDs []uint
expectedHostIDs []uint
name: "All hosts only",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{allHosts.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h5.ID, h6.ID},
name: "The two labels should return all hosts",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h5.ID, h6.ID},
name: "All hosts should always return all hosts",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, allHosts.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h5.ID, h6.ID},
name: "All hosts should always return all hosts (with empty label)",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l3.ID, allHosts.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h5.ID, h6.ID},
name: "One host only",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
name: "One host and a label the host is member of",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h6.ID},
name: "One host and a label the host is not member of",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h4.ID},
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h6.ID},
name: "One host, a label the host is member of and a platform the host is member of",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h4.ID},
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID, msWindows.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h4.ID, h5.ID},
name: "Label 2 and a platform none of the label 2 hosts is",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID, macOS.ID},
expectedHostIDs: nil,
name: "Host selection + custom label selection + platform selection",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, macOS.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h6.ID},
name: "Host selection + custom label selection + platform selection + team selection",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, allLinux.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t1.ID, t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID},
name: "Host selection + team selection",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t1.ID, t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID},
name: "No selection",
expectedHostIDs: []uint{},
name: "One team and an empty team selection",
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t1.ID, t3.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
name: "One team selection",
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID},
name: "One non-builtin label and team selection",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h2.ID, h3.ID},
name: "Empty team selection",
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t3.ID},
expectedHostIDs: nil,
name: "Two labels and an empty team",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID, l2.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t3.ID},
expectedHostIDs: nil,
name: "Empty label selection",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l3.ID},
expectedHostIDs: nil,
name: "Empty label and two teams should select no hosts",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l3.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t1.ID, t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: nil,
name: "Label and team intersection",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l1.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t1.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
name: "Another label and team intersection",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h3.ID, h4.ID},
name: "Host selection + non-builtin label selection + team selection",
targetHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID},
targetLabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID},
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID},
name: "Two teams selection",
targetTeamIDs: []uint{t1.ID, t2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID},
name: "Two platform labels",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{centOSLinux.ID, ubuntuLinux.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h2.ID, h3.ID},
name: "Two platform labels and a custom label",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{centOSLinux.ID, ubuntuLinux.ID, l2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h3.ID},
name: "All platforms and all labels should return all hosts",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{macOS.ID, ubuntuLinux.ID, centOSLinux.ID, msWindows.ID, redHatLinux.ID, l1.ID, l2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h2.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h5.ID, h6.ID},
name: "All platforms but one and all labels should return all hosts but one",
targetLabelIDs: []uint{macOS.ID, ubuntuLinux.ID, msWindows.ID, redHatLinux.ID, l1.ID, l2.ID},
expectedHostIDs: []uint{h1.ID, h3.ID, h4.ID, h5.ID, h6.ID},
} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d.%s", i, tc.name), func(t *testing.T) {
targets := fleet.HostTargets{
HostIDs: tc.targetHostIDs,
LabelIDs: tc.targetLabelIDs,
TeamIDs: tc.targetTeamIDs,
ids, err := ds.HostIDsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, targets)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHostIDs, ids)
metrics, err := ds.CountHostsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, targets, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, tc.expectedHostIDs, int(metrics.TotalHosts))
userObs := &fleet.User{GlobalRole: ptr.String(fleet.RoleObserver)}
filter = fleet.TeamFilter{User: userObs}
// observer not included
ids, err := ds.HostIDsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{1, 6}, LabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID}})
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Len(t, ids, 0)
// observer included
filter.IncludeObserver = true
ids, err = ds.HostIDsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{HostIDs: []uint{1, 6}, LabelIDs: []uint{l2.ID}})
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Len(t, ids, 5)
func testTargetsHostIDsInTargetsTeam(t *testing.T, ds *Datastore) {
user := &fleet.User{GlobalRole: ptr.String(fleet.RoleAdmin)}
filter := fleet.TeamFilter{User: user}
mockClock := clock.NewMockClock()
hostCount := 0
initHost := func(seenTime time.Time, distributedInterval uint, configTLSRefresh uint, teamID *uint) *fleet.Host {
hostCount += 1
h, err := ds.NewHost(context.Background(), &fleet.Host{
OsqueryHostID: ptr.String(strconv.Itoa(hostCount)),
DetailUpdatedAt: mockClock.Now(),
LabelUpdatedAt: mockClock.Now(),
PolicyUpdatedAt: mockClock.Now(),
SeenTime: mockClock.Now(),
NodeKey: ptr.String(strconv.Itoa(hostCount)),
DistributedInterval: distributedInterval,
ConfigTLSRefresh: configTLSRefresh,
TeamID: teamID,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, ds.MarkHostsSeen(context.Background(), []uint{h.ID}, seenTime))
return h
team1, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: t.Name() + "team1"})
require.NoError(t, err)
team2, err := ds.NewTeam(context.Background(), &fleet.Team{Name: t.Name() + "team2"})
require.NoError(t, err)
h1 := initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(-1*time.Second), 10, 60, &team1.ID)
initHost(mockClock.Now().Add(-1*time.Second), 10, 60, &team2.ID)
targets, err := ds.HostIDsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{TeamIDs: []uint{team1.ID}})
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []uint{h1.ID}, targets)
userTeam1 := &fleet.User{Teams: []fleet.UserTeam{{Team: *team1, Role: fleet.RoleAdmin}}}
filter = fleet.TeamFilter{User: userTeam1}
// user can only see team1
targets, err = ds.HostIDsInTargets(context.Background(), filter, fleet.HostTargets{TeamIDs: []uint{team1.ID, team2.ID}})
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []uint{h1.ID}, targets)