Jahziel Villasana-Espinoza e1dbbda706
feat: update fleetctl output to reference fleetd (#16612)
> Related issue: #16382

# Checklist for submitter

If some of the following don't apply, delete the relevant line.

<!-- Note that API documentation changes are now addressed by the
product design team. -->

- [x] Changes file added for user-visible changes in `changes/` or
See [Changes
for more information.
- [x] Manual QA for all new/changed functionality
2024-02-06 09:30:00 -05:00

397 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
eefleetctl "github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/ee/fleetctl"
zlog "github.com/rs/zerolog/log"
var (
opt packaging.Options
disableOpenFolder bool
func packageCommand() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "package",
Aliases: nil,
Usage: "Create an Orbit installer package",
Description: "An easy way to create fully boot-strapped installer packages for Windows, macOS, or Linux",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "type",
Usage: "Type of package to build",
Required: true,
Name: "enroll-secret",
Usage: "Enroll secret for authenticating to Fleet server",
Destination: &opt.EnrollSecret,
Name: "fleet-url",
Usage: "URL (host:port) of Fleet server",
Destination: &opt.FleetURL,
Name: "fleet-certificate",
Usage: "Path to the Fleet server certificate chain",
Destination: &opt.FleetCertificate,
Name: "fleet-tls-client-certificate",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client certificate to use when connecting to the Fleet server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.FleetTLSClientCertificate,
Name: "fleet-tls-client-key",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client private key to use when connecting to the Fleet server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.FleetTLSClientKey,
Name: "fleet-desktop-alternative-browser-host",
Usage: "Alternative host:port to use for Fleet Desktop in the browser (this may be required when using TLS client authentication in the Fleet server)",
Destination: &opt.FleetDesktopAlternativeBrowserHost,
Name: "identifier",
Usage: "Identifier for package product",
Value: "com.fleetdm.orbit",
Destination: &opt.Identifier,
Name: "version",
Usage: "Version for package product",
Destination: &opt.Version,
Name: "insecure",
Usage: "Disable TLS certificate verification",
Destination: &opt.Insecure,
Name: "service",
Usage: "Install orbit/osquery with a persistence service (launchd, systemd, etc.)",
Value: true,
Destination: &opt.StartService,
Name: "sign-identity",
Usage: "Identity to use for macOS codesigning",
Destination: &opt.SignIdentity,
Name: "notarize",
Usage: "Whether to notarize macOS packages",
Destination: &opt.Notarize,
Name: "osqueryd-channel",
Usage: "Update channel of osqueryd to use",
Value: "stable",
Destination: &opt.OsquerydChannel,
Name: "desktop-channel",
Usage: "Update channel of desktop to use",
Value: "stable",
Destination: &opt.DesktopChannel,
Name: "orbit-channel",
Usage: "Update channel of Orbit to use",
Value: "stable",
Destination: &opt.OrbitChannel,
Name: "disable-updates",
Usage: "Disable auto updates on the generated package",
Destination: &opt.DisableUpdates,
Name: "update-url",
Usage: "URL for update server",
Value: "https://tuf.fleetctl.com",
Destination: &opt.UpdateURL,
Name: "update-roots",
Usage: "Root key JSON metadata for update server (from fleetctl updates roots)",
Destination: &opt.UpdateRoots,
Name: "update-tls-certificate",
Usage: "Path to the update server TLS certificate chain",
Destination: &opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate,
Name: "update-tls-client-certificate",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client certificate to use when connecting to the update server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.UpdateTLSClientCertificate,
Name: "update-tls-client-key",
Usage: "Path to a TLS client private key to use when connecting to the update server. This functionality is licensed under the Fleet EE License. Usage requires a current Fleet EE subscription.",
Destination: &opt.UpdateTLSClientKey,
Name: "osquery-flagfile",
Usage: "Flagfile to package and provide to osquery",
Destination: &opt.OsqueryFlagfile,
Name: "debug",
Usage: "Enable debug logging in orbit",
Destination: &opt.Debug,
Name: "verbose",
Usage: "Log detailed information when building the package",
Name: "fleet-desktop",
Usage: "Include the Fleet Desktop Application in the package",
Destination: &opt.Desktop,
Name: "update-interval",
Usage: "Interval that Orbit will use to check for new updates (10s, 1h, etc.)",
Value: 15 * time.Minute,
Destination: &opt.OrbitUpdateInterval,
Name: "disable-open-folder",
Usage: "Disable opening the folder at the end",
Destination: &disableOpenFolder,
Name: "native-tooling",
Usage: "Build the package using native tooling (only available in Linux)",
Destination: &opt.NativeTooling,
Name: "macos-devid-pem-content",
Usage: "Dev ID certificate keypair content in PEM format",
Destination: &opt.MacOSDevIDCertificateContent,
Name: "app-store-connect-api-key-id",
Usage: "App Store Connect API key used for notarization",
Destination: &opt.AppStoreConnectAPIKeyID,
Name: "app-store-connect-api-key-issuer",
Usage: "Issuer of the App Store Connect API key",
Destination: &opt.AppStoreConnectAPIKeyIssuer,
Name: "app-store-connect-api-key-content",
Usage: "Contents of the .p8 App Store Connect API key",
Destination: &opt.AppStoreConnectAPIKeyContent,
Name: "use-system-configuration",
Usage: "Try to read --fleet-url and --enroll-secret using configuration in the host (currently only macOS profiles are supported)",
Destination: &opt.UseSystemConfiguration,
Name: "enable-scripts",
Usage: "Enable script execution",
Destination: &opt.EnableScripts,
Name: "host-identifier",
Usage: "Sets the host identifier that orbit and osquery will use when enrolling to Fleet. Options: 'uuid' and 'instance' (requires Fleet >= v4.42.0)",
Value: "uuid",
Destination: &opt.HostIdentifier,
Name: "end-user-email",
Hidden: true, // experimental feature, we don't want to show it for now
Usage: "Sets the email address of the user associated with the host when enrolling to Fleet. (requires Fleet >= v4.43.0)",
EnvVars: []string{"FLEETCTL_END_USER_EMAIL"},
Destination: &opt.EndUserEmail,
Name: "disable-keystore",
Usage: "Disables the use of the keychain on macOS and Credentials Manager on Windows",
Destination: &opt.DisableKeystore,
Name: "osquery-db",
Usage: "Sets a custom osquery database directory, it must be an absolute path (requires orbit >= v1.22.0)",
EnvVars: []string{"FLEETCTL_OSQUERY_DB"},
Destination: &opt.OsqueryDB,
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if opt.FleetURL != "" || opt.EnrollSecret != "" {
if opt.FleetURL == "" || opt.EnrollSecret == "" {
return errors.New("--enroll-secret and --fleet-url must be provided together")
if opt.Insecure && opt.FleetCertificate != "" {
return errors.New("--insecure and --fleet-certificate may not be provided together")
if opt.Insecure && opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate != "" {
return errors.New("--insecure and --update-tls-certificate may not be provided together")
if opt.HostIdentifier != "uuid" && opt.HostIdentifier != "instance" {
return fmt.Errorf("--host-identifier=%s is not supported, currently supported values are 'uuid' and 'instance'", opt.HostIdentifier)
// Perform checks on the provided fleet client certificate and key.
if (opt.FleetTLSClientCertificate != "") != (opt.FleetTLSClientKey != "") {
return errors.New("must specify both fleet-tls-client-certificate and fleet-tls-client-key")
if opt.FleetTLSClientKey != "" {
if _, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(opt.FleetTLSClientCertificate, opt.FleetTLSClientKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading fleet client certificate and key: %w", err)
// Perform checks on the provided update client certificate and key.
if (opt.UpdateTLSClientCertificate != "") != (opt.UpdateTLSClientKey != "") {
return errors.New("must specify both update-tls-client-certificate and update-tls-client-key")
if opt.UpdateTLSClientKey != "" {
if _, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(opt.UpdateTLSClientCertificate, opt.UpdateTLSClientKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading update client certificate and key: %w", err)
if opt.OsqueryDB != "" && !isAbsolutePath(opt.OsqueryDB, c.String("type")) {
return fmt.Errorf("--osquery-db must be an absolute path: %q", opt.OsqueryDB)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && c.String("type") != "msi" {
return errors.New("Windows can only build MSI packages.")
if opt.NativeTooling && runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
return errors.New("native tooling is only available in Linux")
if opt.LocalWixDir != "" && runtime.GOOS != "windows" && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return errors.New(
`Could not use local WiX to generate an osquery installer. This option is only available on Windows and macOS.
Visit https://wixtoolset.org/ for more information about how to use WiX.`)
if opt.EndUserEmail != "" && c.String("type") != "msi" {
return errors.New("Can only set --end-user-email when building an MSI package.")
if opt.EndUserEmail != "" {
if !fleet.IsLooseEmail(opt.EndUserEmail) {
return errors.New("Invalid email address specified for --end-user-email.")
if opt.FleetCertificate != "" {
err := checkPEMCertificate(opt.FleetCertificate)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read fleet server certificate %q: %w", opt.FleetCertificate, err)
if opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate != "" {
err := checkPEMCertificate(opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read update server certificate %q: %w", opt.UpdateTLSServerCertificate, err)
if opt.UseSystemConfiguration && c.String("type") != "pkg" {
return errors.New("--use-system-configuration is only available for pkg installers")
var buildFunc func(packaging.Options) (string, error)
switch c.String("type") {
case "pkg":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildPkg
case "deb":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildDeb
case "rpm":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildRPM
case "msi":
buildFunc = packaging.BuildMSI
return errors.New("type must be one of ('pkg', 'deb', 'rpm', 'msi')")
// disable detailed logging unless verbose is set
if !c.Bool("verbose") {
zlog.Logger = zerolog.Nop()
fmt.Println("Generating your fleetd agent...")
path, err := buildFunc(opt)
if err != nil {
return err
path, _ = filepath.Abs(path)
Success! You generated fleetd at %s
To add this device to Fleet, double-click to install fleetd.
To add other devices to Fleet, distribute fleetd using Chef, Ansible, Jamf, or Puppet. Learn how: https://fleetdm.com/learn-more-about/enrolling-hosts
`, path)
if !disableOpenFolder {
open.Start(filepath.Dir(path)) //nolint:errcheck
return nil
func checkPEMCertificate(path string) error {
cert, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if p, _ := pem.Decode(cert); p == nil {
return errors.New("invalid PEM file")
return nil
// isAbsolutePath returns whether a path is absolute.
// It does not make use of filepath.IsAbs to support
// checking Windows paths from Go code running in unix.
func isAbsolutePath(path, pkgType string) bool {
if pkgType == "msi" {
return filepath_windows.IsAbs(path)
return strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") // this is the unix implementation of filepath.IsAbs