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Scripts in Bash and Python that some others might find helpful, or assist when thinking about vulnerability API/pages |
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fleet | ||
Using curl
and jq
to interact with the fleet API.
First, create a env
file with the following contents:
export SERVER_URL=https://localhost:8080 # your fleet server url and port
export CURL_FLAGS='-k -s' # set insecure flag
export TOKEN=eyJhbGciOi... # your api token
Next set the FLEET_ENV_PATH
to point to the env
file. This will let the scripts in the fleet/
folder source the env file.
export FLEET_ENV_PATH=./path/to/env/file/fleet_env
# get my user info
"user": {
"created_at": "2018-04-10T02:07:46Z",
"updated_at": "2018-04-10T02:07:46Z",
"id": 1,
"name": "admin",
"email": "admin@acme.co",
"admin": true,
"enabled": true,
"force_password_reset": false,
"gravatar_url": "",
"sso_enabled": false
# list queries
"queries": []
# use jq to filter a specific query and get the id
./tools/api/fleet/queries/list | jq '.queries[]|select(.name == "osquery_info")|.id'
# create a query
./tools/api/fleet/queries/create 'system_info' 'SELECT * FROM system_info;'
"query": {
"created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"id": 4,
"name": "system_info",
"description": "",
"query": "SELECT * FROM system_info;",
"saved": true,
"author_id": 1,
"author_name": "admin",
"packs": []
# add query with id=4 to pack with id=2
./tools/api/fleet/schedule/add_query_to_pack 2 4
# get scheduled queries in a pack
./tools/api/fleet/packs/scheduled 2 | jq '.scheduled[]|{"name": .name, "schedule_id": .id, "query_id": .query_id}'
# run a live queries on hosts (queries with id=1 and id=2 on hosts with id=3 and id=4)
./tools/api/fleet/queries/run "[1,2]" "[3,4]"
Bash Script - Pulls all hosts based on software name for your Fleet instance, uses jq. Helps if wanting to track down a particular software and see what hosts might be affected.
./name.sh api_token software_title_id base_url
# Check if we have the correct number of arguments
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <api_token> <software_title_id> <base_url>"
exit 1
# Read arguments
# Get the version IDs for the software title
VERSION_IDS=$(curl -s "${BASE_URL}/software/titles/${SOFTWARE_TITLE_ID}" \
-H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H "authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}" \
--compressed | jq '.software_title.versions[].id')
# Define a jq filter for deduplicating hosts by id
jq_filter='[.[] | {id: .id, hostname: .hostname}] | unique_by(.id)'
# Make a temporary file to hold all host entries
# Loop through each version ID and get the hosts
for version_id in $VERSION_IDS; do
# Fetch hosts for the current version ID
curl -s "${BASE_URL}/hosts?software_version_id=${version_id}" \
-H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H "authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}" \
--compressed | jq '.hosts[]' >> "$tmpfile"
# Deduplicate hosts by id and convert to a JSON array
jq -s "$jq_filter" "$tmpfile"
# Remove the temporary file
rm "$tmpfile"
Some quick Python to pull all Vuln software per host
Might be better to do this backwards by host instead of by the software. Attempting to use parallel threading to make it run faster, only helps a little.
can adjust structure
to display what info you want.
import requests
import time
import json
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
# Define the base URL for the API
BASE_URL = "https://dogfood.fleetdm.com/api/latest" #change to your base url
# The headers for the HTTP requests, including the Authorization Bearer token
'Authorization': 'Bearer TOKEN', # Add your API token
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# Initialize counters for API calls and hits
api_calls_counter = 0
hits_counter = 0
# Initialize a cache to store hosts for software versions
version_hosts_cache = {}
# Function to get all the software titles with vulnerabilities
def get_all_vulnerable_software_titles():
global api_calls_counter
endpoint = (f"{BASE_URL}/fleet/software/titles?scope=software-titles&page=0&per_page=1000&order_direction=desc&order_key=hosts_count&vulnerable=true") #note that this is set to 1k to try and capture "all" but might need to adjust
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=HEADERS)
api_calls_counter += 1
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
return data.get('software_titles', [])
raise Exception(f"Error fetching software titles: {response.text}")
# Function to get the hosts for a software version with caching
def get_hosts_for_software_version(version_id):
global api_calls_counter
global hits_counter
# Check the cache first
if version_id in version_hosts_cache:
return version_hosts_cache[version_id]
# If not cached, make the request
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/fleet/hosts?software_version_id={version_id}"
response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=HEADERS)
api_calls_counter += 1
if response.status_code == 200:
hosts = response.json().get('hosts', [])
hits_counter += len(hosts)
# Cache the result
version_hosts_cache[version_id] = hosts
return hosts
raise Exception(f"Error fetching hosts for software version {version_id}: {response.text}")
# Function to fetch hosts for all vulnerable software versions in parallel using threading
def fetch_hosts_in_parallel(software_versions):
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
future_to_version_id = {executor.submit(get_hosts_for_software_version, v['id']): v['id'] for v in
for future in future_to_version_id:
future.result() # We wait for each call to complete here. The results are stored in the cache.
# Main function to build the desired structure
def build_structure():
global api_calls_counter
global hits_counter
api_calls_counter = 0
hits_counter = 0
software_titles = get_all_vulnerable_software_titles()
vulnerable_versions = [version for software in software_titles for version in software.get('versions', []) if
fetch_hosts_in_parallel(vulnerable_versions) # Fetch all hosts in parallel
structure = {}
for software in software_titles:
for version in software.get('versions', []):
if version.get('vulnerabilities'):
version_id = version['id']
hosts = version_hosts_cache.get(version_id, [])
for host in hosts:
host_id = host['id']
if host_id not in structure:
structure[host_id] = {
"hostname": host['hostname'],
"software": []
"version_id": str(version_id),
"software_id": str(software['id']),
"name": software['name']
return structure
# Run the main function and print results
if __name__ == "__main__":
start_time = time.time()
final_structure = build_structure()
print(json.dumps(final_structure, indent=2))
#print(f"Total time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds")
#print(f"API Calls: {api_calls_counter}")
#print(f"total number of software vulns: {hits_counter}")