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"purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Mike Thomas", "handle": "mike-j-thomas", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/78363703?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/mike-j-thomas" }, { "name": null, "handle": "noahtalerman", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/47070608?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/noahtalerman" }, { "name": "Mike McNeil", "handle": "mikermcneil", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/618009?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/mikermcneil" } ], "slug": "count-apple-applications-installed", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get OpenSSL versions", "platforms": "Linux", "description": "Retrieves the OpenSSL version.", "query": "SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'deb_packages' AS source FROM deb_packages WHERE name LIKE 'openssl%' UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'apt_sources' AS source FROM apt_sources WHERE name LIKE 'openssl%' UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'rpm_packages' AS source FROM rpm_packages WHERE name LIKE 'openssl%';", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-open-ssl-versions", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get whether Gatekeeper is disabled", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Gatekeeper tries to ensure only trusted software is run on a mac machine.", "query": "SELECT * FROM gatekeeper WHERE assessments_enabled = 0;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-whether-gatekeeper-is-disabled", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get authorized SSH keys", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Presence of authorized SSH keys may be unusual on laptops. Could be completely normal on servers, but may be worth auditing for unusual keys and/or changes.", "query": "SELECT username, authorized_keys. * FROM users CROSS JOIN authorized_keys USING (uid);", "purpose": "Informational", "remediation": "N/A", "contributors": [ { "name": "Mike Thomas", "handle": "mike-j-thomas", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/78363703?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/mike-j-thomas" } ], "slug": "get-authorized-ssh-keys" }, { "name": "Get authorized keys for Local Accounts", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "List authorized_keys for each user on the system.", "query": "SELECT * FROM users CROSS JOIN authorized_keys USING (uid);", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-authorized-keys-for-local-accounts", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get authorized keys for Domain Joined Accounts", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "List authorized_keys for each user on the system.", "query": "SELECT * FROM users CROSS JOIN authorized_keys USING(uid) WHERE username IN (SELECT distinct(username) FROM last);", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-authorized-keys-for-domain-joined-accounts", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get crashes", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Retrieve application, system, and mobile app crash logs.", "query": "SELECT uid, datetime, responsible, exception_type, identifier, version, crash_path FROM users CROSS JOIN crashes USING (uid);", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-crashes", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get installed Chrome Extensions", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "List installed Chrome Extensions for all users.", "query": "SELECT * FROM users CROSS JOIN chrome_extensions USING (uid);", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-installed-chrome-extensions", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get installed FreeBSD software", "platforms": "FreeBSD", "description": "Get all software installed on a FreeBSD computer, including browser plugins and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.", "query": "SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Atom)' AS type, 'atom_packages' AS source FROM atom_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (pkg)' AS type, 'pkg_packages' AS source FROM pkg_packages;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-installed-free-bsd-software", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get Homebrew Packages", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Get the installed homebrew package database.", "query": "SELECT * FROM homebrew_packages;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-homebrew-packages", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get installed Linux software", "platforms": "Linux", "description": "Get all software installed on a Linux computer, including browser plugins and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.", "query": "SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (APT)' AS type, 'apt_sources' AS source FROM apt_sources UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (deb)' AS type, 'deb_packages' AS source FROM deb_packages UNION SELECT package AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Portage)' AS type, 'portage_packages' AS source FROM portage_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (RPM)' AS type, 'rpm_packages' AS source FROM rpm_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, '' AS version, 'Package (YUM)' AS type, 'yum_sources' AS source FROM yum_sources UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (NPM)' AS type, 'npm_packages' AS source FROM npm_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Atom)' AS type, 'atom_packages' AS source FROM atom_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-installed-linux-software", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get installed macOS software", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Get all software installed on a macOS computer, including apps, browser plugins, and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.", "query": "SELECT name AS name, bundle_short_version AS version, 'Application (macOS)' AS type, 'apps' AS source FROM apps UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name As name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Safari)' AS type, 'safari_extensions' AS source FROM safari_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Homebrew)' AS type, 'homebrew_packages' AS source FROM homebrew_packages;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-installed-mac-os-software", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get installed Safari extensions", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Retrieves the list of installed Safari Extensions for all users in the target system.", "query": "SELECT safari_extensions.* FROM users join safari_extensions USING (uid);", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-installed-safari-extensions", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get installed Windows software", "platforms": "Windows", "description": "Get all software installed on a Windows computer, including programs, browser plugins, and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.", "query": "SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Program (Windows)' AS type, 'programs' AS source FROM programs UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (IE)' AS type, 'ie_extensions' AS source FROM ie_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Chocolatey)' AS type, 'chocolatey_packages' AS source FROM chocolatey_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Atom)' AS type, 'atom_packages' AS source FROM atom_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-installed-windows-software", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get laptops with failing batteries", "platforms": "macOS", "description": null, "query": "SELECT * FROM battery WHERE health != 'Good' AND condition NOT IN ('', 'Normal');", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-laptops-with-failing-batteries", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get macOS disk free space percentage", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Displays the percentage of free space available on the primary disk partition.", "query": "SELECT (blocks_available * 100 / blocks) AS pct, * FROM mounts WHERE path = '/';", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-mac-os-disk-free-space-percentage", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get mounts", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Shows system mounted devices and filesystems (not process specific).", "query": "SELECT device, device_alias, path, type, blocks_size FROM mounts;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-mounts", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get the version of the resident operating system", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Shows system mounted devices and filesystems (not process specific).", "query": "SELECT * FROM os_version;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-the-version-of-the-resident-operating-system", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get platform info", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Shows information about the host platform", "query": "SELECT vendor, version, date, revision from platform_info;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-platform-info", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get startup items", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Shows applications and binaries set as user/login startup items.", "query": "SELECT * FROM startup_items;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-startup-items", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get system logins and logouts", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Get a list of system logins and logouts.", "query": "SELECT * FROM last;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-system-logins-and-logouts", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get current users with active shell/console on the system", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Get current users with active shell/console on the system and associated process", "query": "SELECT user,host,time, p.name, p.cmdline, p.cwd, p.root FROM logged_in_users liu, processes p WHERE liu.pid = p.pid and liu.type='user' and liu.user <> '' ORDER BY time;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-current-users-with-active-shell-console-on-the-system", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get system uptime", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Shows the system uptime.", "query": "SELECT * FROM uptime;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-system-uptime", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get USB devices", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Shows all USB devices that are actively plugged into the host system.", "query": "SELECT * FROM usb_devices;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-usb-devices", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get wifi status", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Shows information about the wifi network that a host is currently connected to.", "query": "SELECT * FROM wifi_status;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-wifi-status", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get Windows machines with unencrypted hard disks", "platforms": "Windows", "description": null, "query": "SELECT * FROM bitlocker_info WHERE protection_status = 0;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-windows-machines-with-unencrypted-hard-disks", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get disk encryption status", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Disk encryption status and information.", "query": "SELECT * FROM disk_encryption;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-disk-encryption-status", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get unencrypted SSH keys for local accounts", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Identify SSH keys created without a passphrase which can be used in Lateral Movement (MITRE. TA0008)", "query": "SELECT uid, username, description, path, encrypted FROM users CROSS JOIN user_ssh_keys using (uid) WHERE encrypted=0;", "purpose": "Informational", "remediation": "N/A", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-unencrypted-ssh-keys-for-local-accounts" }, { "name": "Get unencrypted SSH keys for domain joined accounts", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Identify SSH keys created without a passphrase which can be used in Lateral Movement (MITRE. TA0008)", "query": "SELECT uid, username, description, path, encrypted FROM users CROSS JOIN user_ssh_keys using (uid) WHERE encrypted=0 and username in (SELECT distinct(username) FROM last);", "purpose": "Informational", "remediation": "N/A", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-unencrypted-ssh-keys-for-domain-joined-accounts" }, { "name": "Get crontab jobs", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Line parsed values from system and user cron/tab.", "query": "SELECT * FROM crontab;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-crontab-jobs", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get suid binaries", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "suid binaries in common locations.", "query": "SELECT * FROM suid_bin;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Zach Wasserman", "handle": "zwass", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/575602?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/zwass" } ], "slug": "get-suid-binaries", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get dynamic linker hijacking on Linux (MITRE. T1574.006)", "platforms": "Linux", "description": "Detect any processes that run with LD_PRELOAD environment variable", "query": "SELECT env.pid, env.key, env.value, p.name,p.path, p.cmdline, p.cwd FROM process_envs env join processes p USING (pid) WHERE key='LD_PRELOAD';", "purpose": "Informational", "remediation": "N/A", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-dynamic-linker-hijacking-on-linux-mitre-t-1574-006" }, { "name": "Get dynamic linker hijacking on macOS (MITRE. T1574.006)", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "Detect any processes that run with DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable", "query": "SELECT env.pid, env.key, env.value, p.name,p.path, p.cmdline, p.cwd FROM process_envs env join processes p USING (pid) WHERE key='DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES';", "purpose": "Informational", "remediation": "N/A", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-dynamic-linker-hijacking-on-mac-os-mitre-t-1574-006" }, { "name": "Get etc hosts entries", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Line-parsed /etc/hosts", "query": "SELECT * FROM etc_hosts WHERE address not in ('', '::1');", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-etc-hosts-entries", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get network interfaces", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Network interfaces MAC address", "query": "SELECT a.interface, a.address, d.mac FROM interface_addresses a JOIN interface_details d USING (interface) WHERE address not in ('', '::1');", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-network-interfaces", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get local user accounts", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Local user accounts (including domain accounts that have logged on locally (Windows)).", "query": "SELECT uid, gid, username, description,directory, shell FROM users;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-local-user-accounts", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get active user accounts on servers", "platforms": "Linux", "description": "Domain Joined environment normally have root or other service account only and users are SSH-ing using their Domain Accounts.", "query": "SELECT * FROM shadow WHERE password_status='active' and username!='root';", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-active-user-accounts-on-servers", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get Nmap scanner", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD", "description": "Get Nmap scanner process, as well as its user, parent, and process details.", "query": "SELECT p.pid, name, p.path, cmdline, cwd, start_time, parent, (SELECT name FROM processes WHERE pid=p.parent) AS parent_name, (SELECT username FROM users WHERE uid=p.uid) AS username FROM processes as p WHERE cmdline like 'nmap%';", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-nmap-scanner", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get docker images on a system", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Docker images information, can be used on normal system or a kubenode.", "query": "SELECT * FROM docker_images;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-docker-images-on-a-system", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get docker running containers on a system", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Docker containers information, can be used on normal system or a kubenode.", "query": "SELECT * FROM docker_containers;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-docker-running-containers-on-a-system", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get docker running process on a system", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Docker containers Processes, can be used on normal system or a kubenode.", "query": "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.image, c.image_id, c.command, c.created, c.state, c.status, p.cmdline FROM docker_containers c CROSS JOIN docker_container_processes p using(id);", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "Ahmed Elshaer", "handle": "anelshaer", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4087461?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/anelshaer" } ], "slug": "get-docker-running-process-on-a-system", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get Windows print spooler remote code execution vulnerability", "platforms": "Windows", "description": "Detects devices that are potentially vulnerable to CVE-2021-1675 because the print spooler service is not disabled.", "query": "SELECT CASE cnt WHEN 2 THEN \"TRUE\" ELSE \"FALSE\" END \"Vulnerable\" FROM (SELECT name start_type, COUNT(name) AS cnt FROM services WHERE name = 'NTDS' or (name = 'Spooler' and start_type <> 'DISABLED')) WHERE cnt = 2;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": null, "handle": "maravedi", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9169890?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/maravedi" } ], "slug": "get-windows-print-spooler-remote-code-execution-vulnerability", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get local users and their privileges", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows", "description": "Collects the local user accounts and their respective user group.", "query": "SELECT uid, username, type, groupname FROM users u JOIN groups g ON g.gid = u.gid;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": null, "handle": "noahtalerman", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/47070608?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/noahtalerman" } ], "slug": "get-local-users-and-their-privileges", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get processes that no longer exist on disk", "platforms": "Linux, macOS, Windows", "description": "Lists all processes of which the binary which launched them no longer exists on disk. Attackers often delete files from disk after launching process to mask presence.", "query": "SELECT name, path, pid FROM processes WHERE on_disk = 0;", "purpose": "Incident response", "contributors": [ { "name": "AndrewB", "handle": "alphabrevity", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3847973?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/alphabrevity" } ], "slug": "get-processes-that-no-longer-exist-on-disk", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get user files matching a specific hash", "platforms": "macOS, Linux", "description": "Looks for specific hash in the Users/ directories for files that are less than 50MB (osquery file size limitation.)", "query": "SELECT path,sha256 FROM hash WHERE path in (SELECT path FROM file WHERE size < 50000000 AND path LIKE \"\"/Users/%/Documents/%%\"\") AND sha256 = \"\"16d28cd1d78b823c4f961a6da78d67a8975d66cde68581798778ed1f98a56d75\"\";", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "AndrewB", "handle": "alphabrevity", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3847973?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/alphabrevity" } ], "slug": "get-user-files-matching-a-specific-hash", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get local administrator accounts on macOS", "platforms": "macOS", "description": "The query allows you to check macOS systems for local administrator accounts.", "query": "SELECT uid, username, type, groupname FROM users u JOIN groups g ON g.gid = u.gid;", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "AndrewB", "handle": "alphabrevity", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3847973?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/alphabrevity" } ], "slug": "get-local-administrator-accounts-on-mac-os", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get all listening ports, by process", "platforms": "Linux, macOS, Windows", "description": "List ports that are listening on all interfaces, along with the process to which they are attached.", "query": "SELECT lp.address, lp.pid, lp.port, lp.protocol, p.name, p.path, p.cmdline FROM listening_ports lp JOIN processes p ON lp.pid = p.pid WHERE lp.address = \"\";", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "AndrewB", "handle": "alphabrevity", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3847973?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/alphabrevity" } ], "slug": "get-all-listening-ports-by-process", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get whether TeamViewer is installed/running", "platforms": "Windows", "description": "Looks for the TeamViewer service running on machines. This is used often when attackers gain access to a machine, running TeamViewer to allow them to access a machine.", "query": "SELECT display_name,status,s.pid,p.path FROM services AS s JOIN processes AS p USING(pid) WHERE s.name LIKE \"%teamviewer%\";", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "AndrewB", "handle": "alphabrevity", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3847973?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/alphabrevity" } ], "slug": "get-whether-team-viewer-is-installed-running", "remediation": "N/A" }, { "name": "Get malicious Python backdoors", "platforms": "macOS, Linux, Windows", "description": "Watches for the backdoored Python packages installed on system. See (http://www.nbu.gov.sk/skcsirt-sa-20170909-pypi/index.html)", "query": "select case cnt when 0 then \"NONE_INSTALLED\" else \"INSTALLED\" end as \"Malicious Python Packages\",package_name,package_version from (select count(name) as cnt,nameas package_name,version as package_version,path as package_pathfrom python_packages where package_name in ('acqusition','apidev-coop','bzip','crypt','django-server','pwd','setup-tools','telnet','urlib3','urllib'));", "purpose": "Informational", "contributors": [ { "name": "AndrewB", "handle": "alphabrevity", "avatarUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3847973?v=4", "htmlUrl": "https://github.com/alphabrevity" } ], "slug": "get-malicious-python-backdoors", "remediation": "N/A" } ], "queryLibraryYmlRepoPath": "docs/01-Using-Fleet/standard-query-library/standard-query-library.yml", "compiledPagePartialsAppPath": "views/partials/built-from-markdown" } }