# Fleet 4.16.0 | more customization, beefed up vuln management, Jira added to integrations. ![Fleet 4.16.0](../website/assets/images/articles/4.16.0-cover-1600x900@2x.jpg) Fleet 4.16.0 is up and running. Check out the full [changelog](https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/releases/tag/fleet-v4.16.0) or continue reading to get the highlights. For update instructions, see our [upgrade guide](https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/upgrading-fleet) in the Fleet docs. ## Highlights - Customize your organization's "Transparency" landing page. - Prioritize your vulnerability management efforts. - Automatically create Jira issues or Zendesk tickets for failing policies. - More accurate vulnerability detection for Ubuntu hosts. ## Customize your organization's "Transparency" landing page **Available in Fleet Premium** ![Customize your "Transparency" landing page.](../website/assets/images/articles/fleet-4.16.0-1-1600x900@2x.jpg) Fleet Desktop gives end-users a **Transparency** landing page to see what information Fleet is able to access. Fleet 4.16.0 adds settings for a custom **Transparency** URL. This allows you to use custom branding, as well as giving you control over what information you want to share with your end-users. ## Prioritize your vulnerability management efforts **Available in Fleet Premium** ![Prioritize your vulnerability management efforts](<../website/assets/images/articles/fleet-4.16.0-2-1600x900@2x.jpg>) We've added [EPSS probability scores](https://www.first.org/epss/), [CVSS base scores](https://nvd.nist.gov/), and [CISA's](https://www.cisa.gov/) known exploits to Fleet's vulnerability detection. This allows you to quickly categorize which threats need attention today, next week, next month, or "someday." ## Automatically create Jira issues or Zendesk tickets for failing policies. **Available in Fleet Free & Fleet Premium** ![Automatically create Jira issues or Zendesk tickets for failing policies](../website/assets/images/articles/fleet-4.16.0-3-1600x900@2x.jpg) We've expanded our integration efforts to include Policies. You can configure Fleet to automatically create a Jira issue or Zendesk ticket when one or more hosts fails a specific policy. To add policies to your integrations in the Fleet UI, go to **Policies >> Manage Automations** and select the policies you'd like to monitor and the integration to use. > Zendesk integration is currently in beta. ## More accurate vulnerability detection for Ubuntu hosts. **Available in Fleet Free & Fleet Premium** Fleet now utilizes [Open Vulnerability and Assement Language](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/4161) (OVAL) processing for Ubuntu hosts. Adding additional data sources increases the accuracy of detected vulnerabilities. > There are ongoing efforts to include OVAL datasources in CentOS and other Linux distributions as well. ## More new features, improvements, and bug fixes In 4.16.0, we also: * Added software details page to the Fleet UI. * Improved live query experience by saving the state of selected targets and adding count of visible results when filtering columns. * Fixed an issue where the **Device user** page redirected to login if an expired session token was present. * Fixed an issue that caused a delay in availability of **My device** in Fleet Desktop. * Added support for custom headers for requests made to `fleet` instances by the `fleetctl` command. * Updated to an improved `users` query in every query we send to osquery. * Fixed `no such table` errors for `mdm` and `munki_info` for vanilla osquery MacOS hosts. * Fixed data inconsistencies in policy counts caused when a host was re-enrolled without a team or in a different one. * Fixed a bug affecting `fleetctl debug` `archive` and `errors` commands on Windows. * Added `/api/_version_/fleet/device/{token}/policies` to retrieve policies for a specific device. This endpoint can only be accessed with a premium license. * Added `POST /targets/search` and `POST /targets/count` API endpoints. * Updated `GET /software`, `GET /software/{:id}`, and `GET /software/count` endpoints to no include software that has been removed from hosts, but not cleaned up yet (orphaned). --- ### Ready to update? Visit our [Update guide](https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/upgrading-fleet) in the Fleet docs for instructions on updating to Fleet 4.16.0.