import { appendTargetTypeToTargets } from 'redux/nodes/entities/targets/helpers'; import Base from 'kolide/base'; import endpoints from 'kolide/endpoints'; import helpers from 'kolide/helpers'; import local from 'utilities/local'; class Kolide extends Base { addLabelToPack = (packID, labelID) => { const path = `/v1/kolide/packs/${packID}/labels/${labelID}`; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(path)); } addQueryToPack = ({ packID, queryID }) => { const endpoint = `/v1/kolide/packs/${packID}/queries/${queryID}`; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(endpoint)); } createLabel = ({ description, name, query }) => { const { LABELS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(LABELS), JSON.stringify({ description, name, query })) .then((response) => { const { label } = response; return { ...label, slug: helpers.labelSlug(label), type: 'custom', }; }); } createPack = ({ name, description, targets }) => { const { PACKS } = endpoints; const packTargets = helpers.formatSelectedTargetsForApi(targets, true); return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(PACKS), JSON.stringify({ description, name, ...packTargets })) .then((response) => { return response.pack; }); } createQuery = ({ description, name, query }) => { const { QUERIES } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(QUERIES), JSON.stringify({ description, name, query })) .then((response) => { return response.query; }); } createScheduledQuery = ({ interval, logging_type: loggingType, pack_id: packID, platform, query_id: queryID, version }) => { const removed = loggingType === 'differential'; const snapshot = loggingType === 'snapshot'; const formData = { interval: Number(interval), pack_id: Number(packID), platform, query_id: Number(queryID), removed, snapshot, version, }; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint('/v1/kolide/schedule'), JSON.stringify(formData)) .then(response => response.scheduled); } destroyQuery = ({ id }) => { const { QUERIES } = endpoints; const endpoint = `${this.endpoint(QUERIES)}/${id}`; return this.authenticatedDelete(endpoint); } destroyPack = ({ id }) => { const { PACKS } = endpoints; const endpoint = `${this.endpoint(PACKS)}/${id}`; return this.authenticatedDelete(endpoint); } destroyScheduledQuery = ({ id }) => { const endpoint = `${this.endpoint('/v1/kolide/schedule')}/${id}`; return this.authenticatedDelete(endpoint); } createUser = (formData) => { const { USERS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(USERS), JSON.stringify(formData)) .then((response) => { return response.user; }); } forgotPassword ({ email }) { const { FORGOT_PASSWORD } = endpoints; const forgotPasswordEndpoint = this.baseURL + FORGOT_PASSWORD; return, JSON.stringify({ email })); } getConfig = () => { const { CONFIG } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(CONFIG)); } getInvites = () => { const { INVITES } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(INVITES)) .then((response) => { const { invites } = response; return => { return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(invite); }); }); } getHosts = () => { const { HOSTS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(HOSTS)) .then(response => response.hosts); } getLabelHosts = (labelID) => { const { LABEL_HOSTS } = endpoints; console.log(LABEL_HOSTS(labelID)); const stubbedResponse = { hosts: [ { detail_updated_at: '2016-10-25T16:24:27.679472917-04:00', hostname: 'jmeller-mbp.local', id: 1, ip: '', mac: '10:11:12:13:14:15', memory: 4145483776, os_version: 'Mac OS X 10.11.6', osquery_version: '2.0.0', platform: 'darwin', status: 'online', updated_at: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', uptime: 3600000000000, uuid: '1234-5678-9101', }, { detail_updated_at: '2016-10-25T16:24:27.679472917-04:00', hostname: 'Jason Meller\'s Windows Note', id: 2, ip: '', mac: '0C-BA-8D-45-FD-B9', memory: 4145483776, os_version: 'Windows Vista 0.0.1', osquery_version: '2.0.0', platform: 'windows', status: 'offline', updated_at: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', uptime: 3600000000000, uuid: '1234-5678-9101', }, ], }; return Promise.resolve(stubbedResponse) .then((response) => { return response.hosts; }); } getPack = (packID) => { const { PACKS } = endpoints; const getPackEndpoint = `${this.baseURL}${PACKS}/${packID}`; return this.authenticatedGet(getPackEndpoint) .then((response) => { return response.pack; }); } getQuery = (queryID) => { const { QUERIES } = endpoints; const getQueryEndpoint = `${this.baseURL}${QUERIES}/${queryID}`; return this.authenticatedGet(getQueryEndpoint) .then((response) => { return response.query; }); } getQueries = () => { const { QUERIES } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(QUERIES)) .then((response) => { return response.queries; }); } getTargets = (query, selected = { hosts: [], labels: [] }) => { const { TARGETS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(TARGETS), JSON.stringify({ query, selected })) .then((response) => { const { targets } = response; return { ...response, targets: [ ...appendTargetTypeToTargets(targets.hosts, 'hosts'), ...appendTargetTypeToTargets(targets.labels, 'labels'), ], }; }); } getLabels = () => { const { LABELS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(LABELS)) .then((response) => { const labelTypeForDisplayText = { 'All Hosts': 'all', 'MS Windows': 'platform', 'CentOS Linux': 'platform', 'Mac OS X': 'platform', 'Ubuntu Linux': 'platform', }; const labels = => { return { ...label, slug: helpers.labelSlug(label), type: labelTypeForDisplayText[label.display_text] || 'custom', }; }); const stubbedLabels = [ { id: 40, display_text: 'ONLINE', type: 'status', count: 20 }, { id: 50, display_text: 'OFFLINE', type: 'status', count: 2 }, { id: 55, display_text: 'MIA', description: '(offline > 30 days)', type: 'status', count: 3 }, ]; return labels.concat(stubbedLabels); }); } getPacks = () => { const { PACKS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(PACKS)) .then((response) => { return response.packs; }); } getScheduledQueries = (pack) => { const { SCHEDULED_QUERIES } = endpoints; const scheduledQueryPath = SCHEDULED_QUERIES(pack); return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(scheduledQueryPath)) .then(response => response.scheduled); } getUsers = () => { const { USERS } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedGet(this.endpoint(USERS)) .then((response) => { const { users } = response; return => { return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(user); }); }); } inviteUser = (formData) => { const { INVITES } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(INVITES), JSON.stringify(formData)) .then((response) => { const { invite } = response; return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(invite); }); } loginUser ({ username, password }) { const { LOGIN } = endpoints; const loginEndpoint = this.baseURL + LOGIN; return, JSON.stringify({ username, password })) .then((response) => { const { user } = response; const userWithGravatarUrl = helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(user); return { ...response, user: userWithGravatarUrl, }; }); } logout () { const { LOGOUT } = endpoints; const logoutEndpoint = this.baseURL + LOGOUT; return this.authenticatedPost(logoutEndpoint); } me () { const { ME } = endpoints; const meEndpoint = this.baseURL + ME; return this.authenticatedGet(meEndpoint) .then((response) => { const { user } = response; return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(user); }); } resetPassword (formData) { const { RESET_PASSWORD } = endpoints; const resetPasswordEndpoint = this.baseURL + RESET_PASSWORD; return, JSON.stringify(formData)); } revokeInvite = ({ id }) => { const { INVITES } = endpoints; const endpoint = `${this.endpoint(INVITES)}/${id}`; return this.authenticatedDelete(endpoint); } runQuery = ({ query, selected }) => { const { RUN_QUERY } = endpoints; return this.authenticatedPost(this.endpoint(RUN_QUERY), JSON.stringify({ query, selected })) .then(response => response.campaign); } runQueryWebsocket = (campaignID) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const socket = new global.WebSocket(`${this.websocketBaseURL}/v1/kolide/results/${campaignID}`); socket.onopen = () => { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'auth', data: { token: local.getItem('auth_token') } })); }; return resolve(socket); }); } setup = (formData) => { const { SETUP } = endpoints; const setupData = helpers.setupData(formData); return, JSON.stringify(setupData)); } updateConfig = (formData) => { const { CONFIG } = endpoints; const configData = helpers.formatConfigDataForServer(formData); configData.smtp_settings.port = parseInt(configData.smtp_settings.port, 10); return this.authenticatedPatch(this.endpoint(CONFIG), JSON.stringify(configData)); } updatePack = (pack, { description, name, targets }) => { const { PACKS } = endpoints; const updatePackEndpoint = `${this.baseURL}${PACKS}/${}`; const packTargets = helpers.formatSelectedTargetsForApi(targets, true); return this.authenticatedPatch(updatePackEndpoint, JSON.stringify({ description, name, ...packTargets })) .then((response) => { return response.pack; }); } updateQuery = ({ id: queryID }, updateParams) => { const { QUERIES } = endpoints; const updateQueryEndpoint = `${this.baseURL}${QUERIES}/${queryID}`; return this.authenticatedPatch(updateQueryEndpoint, JSON.stringify(updateParams)) .then((response) => { return response.query; }); } updateUser = (user, formData) => { const { USERS } = endpoints; const updateUserEndpoint = `${this.baseURL}${USERS}/${}`; return this.authenticatedPatch(updateUserEndpoint, JSON.stringify(formData)) .then((response) => { const { user: updatedUser } = response; return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(updatedUser); }); } requirePasswordReset = (user, { require }) => { const { USERS } = endpoints; const requirePasswordResetEndpoint = this.endpoint(`${USERS}/${}/require_password_reset`); return this.authenticatedPost(requirePasswordResetEndpoint, JSON.stringify({ require })) .then((response) => { const { user: updatedUser } = response; return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(updatedUser); }); } // Perform a password reset for the currently logged in user that has had a // reset required performRequiredPasswordReset = ({ password }) => { const { PERFORM_REQUIRED_PASSWORD_RESET } = endpoints; const performRequiredPasswordResetEndpoint = this.baseURL + PERFORM_REQUIRED_PASSWORD_RESET; return this.authenticatedPost(performRequiredPasswordResetEndpoint, JSON.stringify({ new_password: password })) .then((response) => { const { user: updatedUser } = response; return helpers.addGravatarUrlToResource(updatedUser); }); } } export default new Kolide();